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Wishes from LCEC, Mandarin Ministry TackleBox Youth, SUN JAM Children, Filipino Ministry, Indonesian Ministry

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alpha night

alpha night

SALt & LiGht

As we celebrate our 52nd birthday as a Church, we reflect on the countless blessings that God has showered on Faith in these past years. From our humble beginnings in a shed, to our current building where we can worship in air-conditioned comfort, with great audio-visual systems, comfortable seats and meeting facilities, and have a weekly worship attendance of approximately 2,300 – we do have lots to give thanks to God for His blessings and providence.


I grew up in the Tanglin Halt area and used to hear the rumbling of trains passing by a few times a day. Now the railway has gone silent and some 10-storey flats have also been demolished. In their place, new 40-storey flats have been built. In yet another few years, more 10-storey flats will be gone, only to be replaced by more new 40-storey flats.

Unlike the railway track that has gone silent, these new 40-storey flats will bring a bustling new community of people to the Tanglin Halt-Commonwealth area. God has again provided for Faith by “restocking our pool with new fishes”.

It is our prayer as pastors and leaders, that as we pursue holiness, we remember to stay relevant and be effective in our efforts to be the salt and light to this new community. It is exciting! We, as a community of God’s people, must press on and be ready to embark on this adventure.

So are you ready to go fishing?

Lee Gee Aik Chairperson (Local Conference Executive Committee)


mandarin ministry 回顾神的恩典!

回想起34年前,我从马国移民来到新加坡, 神引领我到思珍堂,这是我来到新加坡后参 加的第一间教会。当我第一次踏进这个教会 时就感受到神的同在,因此决定在这里做礼 拜,一直到今天。 在这34年里,我看见神的大能、恩典与慈爱 彰显在这个教会,神一路带领着我们,一年 复一年,来到现今的阶段。在这期间,教堂 建筑曾经历过重建和做了大规模的装修,感 谢神一路来的供应与看顾。 7年前,神感动了当时的主理牧师,高时敏 牧师在我们的教会中兴起了华语崇拜。在这 过程中,虽然屡次遇到拦阻与挑战,神无止 境的恩典与大能带领我们渡过了难关。至 今,崇拜人数大约有150 人。感谢赞美主。 愿主的荣光继续彰显在我们的教会里,禁止 跟高峰!荣耀归于主。阿门! 傅子勝 副会友领袖(华语事工)

RemembeRinG GoD’S GRAce

Thirty-four years ago when I first came to Singapore, God brought me to Faith Methodist Church. It was the first church I attended in Singapore. When I stepped into the 5pm service at the old Sanctuary, I felt the presence of God and decided to stay. In the last 34 years, I have seen the grace and mighty work of God working in and through this church. I have also seen the hand of God leading and guiding us all the way, year by year, to where we are today. During this period, the church has gone through rebuilding, including a recent major renovation, adding an extra floor and new lifts. Praise the Lord for His abundant provision and divine guidance!

Seven years ago, God impressed upon our former Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming, to start a Mandarin service. Although we faced several obstacles and challenges along the way, we experienced the unending supply of God’s grace and glory which brought us through. Today we have about 150 worshippers at the Mandarin service. May the glory of the Lord continue to manifest in our midst, bringing our church to greater heights for His honour and glory. Amen!

Allan Poh Associate Lay Leader (Mandarin Ministry)

As we celebrate God’s faithfulness for the past 52 years, my prayer for Faith Methodist Church is that we will never be old wineskins. May we be open to the move of God, however it comes. Let us not rely on the wisdom of men, but on the spirit of wisdom and revelation. My vision for the young people in particular is to see a generation rise up that is dissatisfied with a comfortable but powerless Christianity. I hope that our hearts will burn with the desire for the Lamb to receive the reward of His suffering, and that we will be willing to pay the price for that to happen. We have experienced much in the past half a century, but I know that God has more. He is the God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). The question is, will we believe Him for more, and act on that faith?

Wishes from churchmemBers

Happy Anniversary and many more to come!


Happy, blessed and joyous 52nd birthday! Joshua

Long live Faith Methodist Church! May we continue to shine for Christ!

Jessie Png

blessed birthday Faith!

John Wan

happy birthday Faith!

Faith is wonderful! Keep going!

Kelvin Happy birthday Faith! May our church family continue to abound in love and grow in unity, giving back to the community and serving wholeheartedly! Hannah & Melanie Trinita

May Faith continue in her ministry until Jesus comes again!


Happy birthday Faith! Continue to shine and spread God’s glory to all the Earth!

Joleena Happy birthday Faith! I have been super blessed by our church family - thank you for always being welcoming!


All the best in christ!


Happy birthday and best wishes for a blessed year ahead - may we continue to stay united in serving Christ and the community around us! Celest & Lorraine Praise God for all the wonderful blessings bestowed on our church through these years. may our Lord continue to use our pastors to lead our church to serving and shining for him. may we as a family of God heed God’s call to love him and serve him as a family! Angeline Wee

I’m so blessed to be part of this awesome community! Keep growing from strength to strength!

Eugene 15God bless Faith methodist church on her 52nd Anniversary! may we as members grow in grace and love for one another and be conduits of God’s love, the salt and light for him in tanglin halt and the regions beyond!


Wishes from our SUn JAm chiildren

“God, i thank You that i am part of this church family. i enjoy the lessons on Sunday. i also get along well with friends and teachers. bless the church with many God-loving uncles and aunties who step forward to help in different ministries and children will enjoy coming to church with their parents or caregiver. in Jesus’ name i pray, Amen. happy birthday Faith methodist church.”

Hannah Chin, 10 years old

“i thank God for protecting this church for 52 years. i was baptised here. Since i was a baby until now that i am 10 years old, i have been in the SUn JAm service. his Spirit has protected this church from any danger. Fmc has always been my second home so i wish Fmc a happy Anniversary!”

Isabelle Chow Kae Jyan, 10 years old

“i hope that this church remains forever! thank You God for letting this church be at least 52 years old.”

Goh Shueh En, 10 years old

“Dear Faith Methodist Church, happy birthday. I pray that God will be with you wherever you go.”

Natalie Su, 8 years old

“Dear FMC, happy birthday! Thank you for helping me learn more about God through SUN JAM. Thank you for the Acts 1:8 initiative that I can serve as Jesus’ hands and feet in the field. May God bless Faith Methodist Church abundantly in the many years to come.”

Nathaniel Tang, 12 years old



Mabuhay Faith! Happy 52nd Anniversary. Thank you for having a Filipino Ministry where other Filipinos and I can gather together to worship. It’s been a decade coming to this church. Here, I have come to know Jesus personally and accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I’m really thankful to be part of the Faith Family. May our Lord God continue to pour out His love, peace, joy and faithfulness on us. God bless Faith! - Elvira Rivad

It’s such a joy to witness how Faith has become part of God’s Almighty plan for the spiritual growth of my fellow Filipinos here. I commend the pastors and staff for their hard work, excellence and perseverance. All for the Glory of our God! May our good Lord keep on using the church in a mighty way so that many can get the message of salvation. Happy 52 years of service, Faith Methodist Church! - Cynthia Lucban

Bapa kami berdoa, biar diulang tahun yang ke-52 ini, Tuhan selalu memberkati pemimpin gereja maupun jemaat supaya kami saling menunjukan cinta kasihMu lewat pelayanan digereja Faith. Didalam Nama Tuhan Yesus kami berdoa, Amin.

Our Heavenly Father, on our 52nd Church Anniversary, bless the leaders and congregation always so that we will continue to demonstrate Your love through our ministry at Faith Methodist Church. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. - Oranci Kesnai

May God bless all the Church leaders, Pastoral Team Members, and congregation with His peace and protection. Happy 52nd birthday to Faith Methodist Church! - Juliana Punusingon

Gracious God, we give thanks as we celebrate the 52nd Anniversary of Faith Methodist Church. May You continue to bless our leaders, as well as all members, so that both will work together to be the Light for others, and enlighten others to come to know God as their only Saviour, Amen. - Lisa Benu



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