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The DISCIPLE 1 & 2 classes at Faith reap positive results.

By Rev John Foo


Kymn Yee: “The DISCIPLE 1 (D1) class gave me greater insight into the Bible and who God is. And now, DISCIPLE 2 classes push me to reflect on what being a Christian really means and how to be one in the complicated world we are in. I thoroughly enjoyed D1 and am enjoying D2. No regrets!”

Kymn is a returning student of the Disciple class, and she is not alone. Many have returned for subsequent classes (D2, D3 and D4) in the 19 years I’ve been involved in this Bible programme that doesn’t just inform but transforms.

Designed to develop strong Christians through disciplined Bible study, the programme is the work of several Bible scholars. It draws participants into the Word through personal Bible reading and study, in tandem with dynamic group discussions. Their decision to make the time commitment is well rewarded by the relevance of God’s Word for their daily living and spiritual vision.

staying connected To god

DISCIPLE is a programme of The Methodist Church in Singapore, brought in 1991. I have seen how DISCIPLE impacts the spiritual growth of each participating church: The result is deeper connection to God and a greater vibrancy in their communities.

As Bishop Richard Wilke (main author of DISCIPLE) says, “We are a busy, mobile society using email and computers. But that hasn’t changed our need for connection to God. We still desperately need knowledge of God through Scripture, and Christian fellowship through communication.”

Sharon Yeo, a working young adult, testifies, “The DISCIPLE classes have continuously pushed me out of my Bible knowledge comfort zone with simple questions that have forced me to examine familiar Bible passages with a fresh pair of eyes. We have a platform not only for the intellectual study of God’s Word but for collaborative class dialogues. All these mould my new knowledge into practical applications and disciplines in my daily life.

“The class discussion approach is accommodative to Christians at every stage of their Bible study; from inquisitive Christians seeking to build Bible study and discipleship foundations, to mature Christians looking for reinvigoration in God’s Word. As a working young adult, I’ve learnt so much from both DISCIPLE 1 and 2 classes. Committing at least 32 Fridays a year for this was not easy but has been absolutely worth it!”

Finding life in god’s Word

Catherine Ong, one of the programme facilitators and participants, added, “Not all Bible study is familiar territory. Because different folks respond to different strokes, ensuring that biblical text is interpreted in terms of their original meanings can sometimes become so strictly adhered to as to kill the move of the Holy Spirit in our search for God, through the study of His Word.

“Having been involved in this programme for the past few years, I can personally vouch that if there’s a method that embraces diversity while empowering God’s Word to pierce and penetrate our personal worlds, I have found it in the DISCIPLE method of Bible study.

“As its title suggests, it isn’t strictly a study method but more a habit-changing, world view-altering discipline engendered through proactive weekly exercises which include creating our own biblical time charts, settings and language, after we’ve been led to make vital connections between what we’re studying to other parts of Scripture, our own life situations and most importantly, to fellow participants of the course.

“Even the raising of difficult theological questions has bonded rather than divided us in our class, which included a gamut from old-time pastoral staff, to newly-baptised young Christians. These are just some of the reasons why I highly recommend DISCIPLE!”

Join The next Disciple class

DISCIPLE is indeed a bonding factor for the participants from all walks of life. In this season of our church’s focus on One Family, the DISCIPLE programme strongly serves to draw members unknown to one another into a discipleship journey together where they share not only in the study of God’s Word but also their lives as well.

Rev John Foo oversees the Discipleship & Nurture pillar at Faith. He is married to Grace and has 5 children.

The DISCIPLE Bible study programme is endorsed by the Disciple Agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. The full programme consists of 4 levels, themed 1) Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study, 2) Into The Word Into The World, 3) Remember Who You Are, and 4) Under The Tree Of Life, with each level being held over 32 – 34 weekly sessions. DISCIPLE at Faith is spearheaded by Rev John Foo under the Discipleship & Nurture pillar. To find out more about DISCIPLE, visit methodist.org.sg, or contact Tenny Pang, Faith’s Pastoral Team Member for Discipleship & Nurture at tennypang@faithmc.sg.

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