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Pastor’s Letter

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alpha night

alpha night

A most blessed 52nd ChurCh



I am truly amazed by and thankful for the faithfulness of God in seeing Faith through another year.

As we move in the direction of being one Family, it is apt for us to take stock of our spiritual journey in 2018, having crossed the half-way point of the year.

I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1-3 which exhorts us to run the race ahead of us with perseverance.

Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV) “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.”

Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we are to lay aside every sin and weight in this race.

It is interesting to note that the writer of Hebrews makes a distinction between sin and weights. Weights or encumbrances are things which by themselves may not be sin but yet may weigh us down and tire us more readily so our run gets more difficult.

As you and I take stock of our spiritual journey, are there weights and encumbrances in our spiritual lives? Are there certain habits which make us more likely to sin? Are there temptations which we unconsciously find ourselves battling with just because we are not careful of our boundaries? do we find ourselves so fatigued by certain interests (e.g. World Cup) that we find ourselves having less spiritual energy to pray? Are we so busy with work and even ministry that we have actually neglected our families?

Recently, I sought the lord for wisdom for the journey ahead through a time of rest and retreat. God revealed to me that my need to hear His voice every time I seek to hear Him has become a distraction. God convicted me that He doesn’t have to speak every time I draw near to Him. He doesn’t owe it to me to speak to me.

He is God and He speaks whenever He wants to. I am simply to rest in His presence because that is good enough - yes, indeed. the amazing thing is that when I learnt to lay aside this weight, I found myself deeply rested in God’s love. When I am secured in that love, whether God speaks or not is immaterial, because His love is sufficient for me to press on.

let’s ask God to help us take stock of how we are really running the race ahead of us.

let’s pray for a fresh revelation of the weights we need to lay aside, our vulnerabilities and tendencies – these aren’t always obvious but require spiritual insight.

Pray for courage to lay aside these weights and any sin that entangles. be practical in your plans to get rid of them. be accountable to someone who can pray with and for you.

let’s look to Jesus, whose persevering example is ours to follow. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. so let’s return to an absolute need for Jesus on this run. let’s pursue God passionately and in the fear of His name.

let’s run our race well.

may God be glorified as we continue this journey of being His one Family.

Running with you,

rev raymond Fong Pastor-in-charge

Mark your calendars and pray with us!

JULY 2018

14 Jul 52nd Anniversary Family Conference & Service 22 Jul Stewardship Sunday 25 Jul Corporate House of Prayer 29 Jul Pledge Sunday


09 Aug Church Offi ce Closed (Nati onal Day) 18 Aug Small Group Leaders’ Training 22 Aug Church Offi ce Closed (Hari Raya Haji) 25 Aug Joint Memorial Service 29 Aug TRAC Healing Service


02 Sep Family Services (No SUN JAM in view of Teachers’ Day) 15 Sep Prayer Walk 16 Sep Mandarin Mid-Autumn Evangelisti c Event

October 2018

07 Oct LCEC Dedicati on 14 Oct Laity Sunday 21 Oct Start of Membership Class 31 Oct Corporate House of Prayer

November 2018

6 Nov Church Offi ce Closed (Deepavali) 11 Nov TRAC Conference Sunday / Seniors’ Sunday 19–22 Nov TRAC 43rd Session 22 Nov TRAC Ordinati on Service 24 Nov Small Group Leaders’ Training 25 Nov TTC Sunday 28 Nov Night of Worship

December 2018

08 Dec Start of Adopt-A-Block Christmas Distributi on 21–23 Dec Faith Community Carnival & Outreach 31 Dec Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Holy Communion Service

(Note: There will be no Christmas Day Service this year on 25 December 2018)

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