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Trackers: Christian Bootcamp

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Our TackleBox Youth share their TRACKERS experience with Faithlink.

By Rachel Tham


Cheryn (front row, extreme right) leading village children in songs during a mission trip to Cebu, Philippines

Diamonds in the rough - that’s what struck me about Cheryn, Douglas and Lois, three of our tackleBox (ttB) youths who attended the traCKErs programme hosted at Faith from January to march 2018. With that was also a fresh perspective of how each youth is unique and loved by God, as he journeys with and delicately works in each of their hearts through their different backgrounds and personalities. Each of them – and us – is truly “fearfully and wonderfully made” (psalm 139:14), and a testament to his wonder and goodness!

A New Intimacy

Cheryn, 19, joined ttB and one of its small Groups at 14. she recounts how, a few days into traCKErs, she was unsure if it was something she wanted to continue with. at the same time, she faced resistance to her being on such a high-intensity Christian programme. Unexpectedly, it was this resistance that cemented her decision to stay on with traCKErs, during which God then brought her on a journey of growing in and making a personal connection with him. Cheryn describes

Lois Tai teaching primary school children during her mission trip to East Timor Douglas Ong doing community outreach while on mission trip to Laguna, Philippines

her traCKErs experience as where she got to know for herself who God is and how he works, and how it helped her realize that “through her struggles in the past, God had been there for her and working through her situations all along”. she now sees God as “the one who she relies on for strength”, and hopes to continue strengthening her walk with God and deepening her relationship with him.

A Renewed Calling

Douglas, 19, from aGUppY small Group has been with ttB since he was 13. he shares how his walk with God had reached an all-time low by the time he had finished Junior College, and how, knowing that his upcoming years serving national service would be exceptionally draining on his relationship with God, he decided to spend his three months of transition in spiritual reboot. Douglas’ traCKErs journey not only reconnected him with God, but also renewed and gave clarity to his calling: “When i first received the call to missions, my only thought was for people from similar backgrounds as me”, he explains. “But during my traCKErs mission trip to Laguna, philippines, my eyes were opened to the plight of the less fortunate, and how they are not so different from us in their need for love and salvation.” Douglas shares his desire to continue his studies at a missions training school after completing his national service, and hopes to eventually work in the missions field with the less fortunate.

A Starting Point Lois, 19, also in aGUppY small Group joined ttB last year when she and her younger brother felt their spiritual growth plateauing, prompting their family’s search for a new church. a similar desire to strengthen the foundations of her faith and make a personal connection with God led Lois to join traCKErs. she shares how the topics discussed in the daily lectures challenged her knowledge of Christianity, deepening her understanding of and internalizing her Christian faith. Lois is currently still on her faith journey as she continues to reinforce her beliefs and grow in intimacy with God. another highlight for Lois during her traCKErs experience was community – the authentic friendships formed and “willingness to be vulnerable” among the traCKErs, as they came together despite their different backgrounds and home churches. through their testimonies and conversations, Lois realized that she was not alone in her questioning

and uncertainties, and experienced the power and comfort that comes from real Christian fellowship. she also found a mentor in one of the traCKErs leaders, and the pair has been meeting regularly to guide and keep Lois accountable as she works to deepen her understanding and faith.

Precious Seeds Sown

through my conversations with Cheryn, Douglas and Lois, i was given a glimpse

traCKErs is a three-month discipleship programme by truthmin, the youth ministry arm of the trinity annual Conference (traC). it targets youth between 17 to 25, in transition from ‘o’ and ‘a’ Levels, polytechnic Diplomas and national service, or those taking a gap year. the discipleship programme has three components: daily lectures by speakers including methodist pastors and traC president rev Dr Gordon Wong, a 10 to 12-day overseas mission trip to a field in East timor, myanmar, nepal, philippines or siem reap, and local outreach where the youth partner with social service agencies to serve over a period of two to three weeks. traCKErs gives youths a safe, set space to learn about and seek God, through the authentic community of leaders, mentors such as youth leaders from various methodist churches, and peers. participants are given an allowance to cover their daily expenses over the three-month period.

into the intensity and depth of the spirituality that exists among our youths. at the same time, i realized how crucial it is that they receive the guidance they need as they seek answers to their questions about life, God and meaning, and the traCKErs programme goes a long way in providing a safe environment where they can unabashedly grow their faith. praise God for making our youth a period of fertile soil for his Word! may we remember that children, are a blessing from the Lord, and it is our privilege to train them up in his ways.

Rachel is the Communications Executive at Faith.

Cheryn with the village children while on her mission trip to Cebu, Philippines

The next run of TRACKERS will be held from January to March 2019. Programme updates and registration details will be available on the Truthmin website at truthmin.com/trackers.

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