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Head of Senior School Learning

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Daily Organiser

Daily Organiser

Purpose of Position

The Head of Senior School Learning holds a crucial leadership position, sharing responsibility for promoting excellence in learning and teaching while overseeing the educational programs of students enrolled in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Major (VM), and Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC). This role encompasses membership in both the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee. Reporting directly to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching, the Head of Senior School Learning assumes a senior role within the curriculum domain.


The Head of Senior School Learning is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Senior School Learning Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Senior School Learning are:

• Leadership

• Curriculum Development and Innovation

• Wellbeing for Learning

• Progression of Learning

• Student Learning Programs

• Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

• Vocational Education and Training (VET)

• Victorian Certificate of Education External Assessments

• Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS)

• Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) and the Victorian School of Languages (VSL)

• Other responsibilities as required

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Curriculum Development and Innovation

The Head of Senior School Learning, works with the Teaching and Learning Committee to:

• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.

• Ensure the College curriculum and assessment practices are compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Victorian

Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).

• Review College curriculum offerings for students studying the VCE, VM, VPC and VET and make recommendations for change.

• Liaise with the relevant Learning Area Leader in the completion of VCE Audits scheduled by VCAA.

Wellbeing for Learning

The Head of Senior School Learning works with the Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and Head of Senior School Wellbeing to:

• Analyse transition to senior school information with the key focus of providing a quality education which caters for the individual needs of students.

• Analyse external and local data to identify students at risk and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning adjustments to individual learning programs in consultation with other staff as required e.g. Deputy Principals, Head of Learning Diversity, Head of Senior School Wellbeing, Learning Area Leaders.

• Analyse external and local data to identify high-achieving students and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning and the Teaching and Learning Committee adjustments to individual learning programs and provision of further opportunities.

• Analyse external and local data to track student’ learning progression to inform future discussions and actions.

• Make whole school recommendations based on the collection of external and internal data to improve the progression of students’ wellbeing for learning.

• Make recommendations regarding external award nominations e.g. Kwong Lee Dow, Monash Scholars Program.

• Share findings and outcomes of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee with the Teaching and Learning Committee and other key staff as appropriate e.g. subject teachers, College leadership.

Progression of Learning

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff, Careers Staff, Learning Area Leaders, VM and VET, Head of Learning Diversity and Senior Wellbeing Coordinators to discuss each student’s learning program as they enter Year 11 and follow-up with students and parents/carers as required.

• Convenes and chairs meetings in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding a student’s progression in their learning program.

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Learning Area Leaders to analyse VCE Results with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and areas for improvement.

• Work with the Learning Area Leaders, Head of Middle School Learning and the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching to identify students who are approved to accelerate.

Student Learning Programs

• Initiates, plans, organises and implements program initiatives to complement the study of VCE and VM.

• Contribute to College documentation outlining Student Learning Program Offerings.

• Supports and contributes to the Senior School Subject Selection and Careers Expo.

• Provides information to families regarding student learning programs, procedures and processes.

• Convenes and chairs meetings in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding a student’s learning program.

• Liaise with students, parents/carers and staff to collect evidence and complete applications for students who meet the criteria for Special Provision in the VCE. Communicate with staff as appropriate.

• Communicates change of subject information to the Director of College Organisation.

• Is the school’s contact person for the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars program and the Monash Scholars Program.

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

• Prepares and publishes the College Senior School Administrative Handbook in consultation with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.

• Develops and publishes Senior School Policies and Procedures in consultation with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.

• In conjunction with the Learning Area Leaders, disseminates VCAA information to staff.

• Convenes and chairs panels in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding breaches of VCAA rules.

• Liaises with the Teaching and Learning Committee to establish the trial examination schedule.

• Disseminates the trial examination schedule to staff and students.

• Ensures staff and students are aware of the code of conduct in the trial examination room.

• Coordinates and oversees the daily conduct of the trial examinations.

Victorian Certificate of Education External Assessments

• Ensures external assessments including the General Achievement Test (GAT) and examinations are run in accordance with VCAA Rules and Regulations.

• Disseminates external examination materials to students.

• Ensures students are aware of the code of conduct in the examination room.

• Works with the Principal to appoint the VCE Chief Supervisor.

• Oversees the work of the VCE Chief Supervisor.

• Works with the Principal to appoint the Assistant Supervisors.

• Works with the Principal and VCE Chief Supervisor to oversee the work of the Assistant Supervisors.

• Oversees the payment of all supervisors.

• Coordinates and oversees the daily conduct of the examinations. Publishes and displays the seating plan outside the examination centre for each examination.

• Coordinates and oversees special examination applications and arrangements.

• Meets with students and parents/carers to initiate and complete the Derived Examination Score Application.

Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS)

The Head of Senior School Learning works with the VASS Administrative Services Officer to:

• Ensure accurate enrolment of students studying the VCE and VCAL.

• Ensure VASS data is consistent with SIMON data.

• Liaise with teachers to ensure timeliness and accuracy of VASS entry of results.

Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) and the Victorian School of Languages (VSL)

• Ensures accurate enrolment of students in VSV and the VSL.

• Ensures dissemination of material from VSV and the VSL.

• Arranges supervision of assessments required in VSV and the VSL.

• Provides support to VSV and the VSL students and their parent and carers.

Other responsibilities as required

• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL4.

• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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