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Learning Area Leader
Purpose of Position
The Learning Area Leader is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in learning and teaching. The Learning Area Leader is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. The Learning Area Leader reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.
The Learning Area Leader is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Learning Area Leader will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.
See the appendix at the end of this Position Description for individual Learning Area descriptions.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Performance and Development
• Leading and Building Team Capacity
• Curriculum Development and Innovation
• Progression of Learning
• Student Learning Programs
• Management of the Learning Area
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
Performance and Development
• Assists with the induction and mentoring of new staff.
• Assists staff in reflection and goal setting.
• Supports staff in working towards their goals with evidence gained from multiple sources including student outcome data, classroom observations and surveys.
• Provides regular formal and informal feedback to staff regarding progress towards meeting their goals.
• Promotes and organises external professional learning for staff in line with College goals and individual goals.
• Conducts EMS 360 Reviews with staff and ensures that the process is a positive experience for colleagues, being developmental, yet none the less challenging.
• Ensuring that appropriate strategies are in place to support teacher progress against the AITSL teaching standards and initiating intervention strategies as necessary.
Leading and Building Team Capacity
• Participates in interview panels as requested and contributes to the panel’s recommendations to the Principal regarding the appointment of new staff.
• Liaises with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and Learning Area Leaders to make staff allotment recommendations.
• Leads regular learning area team meetings; driving school improvement by seeking innovative and creative strategies and solutions, initiating dialogue and debate around key issues, and raising agenda items which address school improvement and student attainment.
• Regularly liaises with, supervises and supports the development of technical support staff.
• Builds practice excellence by providing opportunities for collaboration, reflection and feedback with staff they lead.
• Builds practice excellence by providing opportunities for professional learning, professional reading, reflection and action.
• Enthusiastically leads colleagues within a positive and supportive working atmosphere, with a common vision for success.
• Promotes practice excellence and recognises success.
• Is aware of strengths and challenges within the team, and is supportive of development, whilst challenging any underperformance.
• Supports and mentors staff who experience challenging situations in the classroom.
• Supports the wellbeing of staff.
• Leads, encourages and supports participation and membership of regional, state and national networks, seminars, conferences and other professional learning activities.
Curriculum Development and Innovation
The Learning Area Leader, works with the Teaching and Learning Committee to:
• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.
• Ensure the curriculum, assessment and reporting procedures within the learning area are compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).
• Ensure the Victorian Curriculum capabilities are taught explicitly in and through the learning areas.
• Embed the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability in the learning and teaching program
• Embed the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in the curriculum and extend this learning with the provision extra-curricular opportunities.
• Provide a high-level summary of the coverage of the curriculum delivered in the College learning and teaching program.
• Initiate and implement innovation within the curriculum.
• Encourage and Implement initiatives to improve student literacy and numeracy.
• Model and initiate strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
• Model and initiate strategies for assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
• Initiate and implement innovation in the provision of extra-curricular activities to meet the specific learning needs and interests of students across the full range of abilities.
Progression of Learning
• Works with staff to analyse diagnostic test data eg. ACER PAT, NAPLAN with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and improvement.
• Works with staff in using data to evaluate the on-going progress and quality of achievement of individual students, groups of learners and subject areas within the learning area.
• Works with staff to analyse VCE results with the purpose of identifying areas of growth, areas for improvement and future goals.
Student Learning Programs
• Makes recommendations to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching the Head of Senior/Middle School Learning regarding subject choices for individual students.
• Liaises with students, parents/carers and staff to address any concerns raised regarding a student’s learning program and progression of learning within their learning area.
• Supports and liaises with staff, students and parents/carers regarding areas of concerns raised that relate to a student’s learning in the respective learning area.
Management of the Learning Area
• Works with staff to maintain the learning management system.
• Ensures that the appropriate planning, legislative compliance and risk assessments are undertaken for any learning area camp or excursion.
• Recommends and oversees the learning area budget in accordance with Finance Office guidelines.
• Recommends capital resources for their learning area.
• Prepares the booklist for their learning area.
• Supports teachers in the completion of VCE Audits scheduled by VCAA.
• Ensures the maintenance and organisation of specialist rooms, technology rooms, workshops and laboratories (science, performing arts, visual arts, technology etc) to create a conductive and safe learning environment for students to engage in hands on experiences and practical projects in an optimal learning and safe environment.
Other responsibilities as required
• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.
• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.
• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.
• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.
• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL3.
• Time allowance: 0.227 FTE (10 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.
Head of Resource Centre
Purpose of Position
The Head of the Resource Centre is a key leadership role and ensures the efficient and effective running of the Resource Centre responsible for supporting teachers and students within the College Community. The Head of Resource Centre is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) and leader of the Resource Centre team. The Head of Resource Centre reports to the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching.
The Head of Resource Centre is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Resource Centre will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Resource Centre Management
• Learning and Teaching
• Staff Support
• Reading and Literacy Support and Development
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
Resource Centre Management
• Provides advice and recommendations to the College Leadership Team on matters related to Information Services.
• Prepares and administers an annual budget.
• Develops and reviews policies and procedures for use in the Resource Centre.
• Articulates a vision for the direction of the Resource Centre in light of the current curriculum and future needs.
• Ensures that the Resource Centre environment is welcoming, service-based and meets the needs of learners.
• Develops and implements improvements in the efficient and effective use of resources within the Resource Centre.
Learning and Teaching
• Participates in planning, implementing and evaluating school policies relating to curriculum.
• Is inclusive of the diverse needs of learners in providing spaces and resources for learning.
• Develops and implements programs, procedures and technologies which will enhance student learning.
• Develops and actively promotes, in cooperation with teachers and Resource Centre staff, a school wide information skills continuum across the curriculum.
• Designs and provides effective training for staff, students and the College community in relevant areas via workshops, presentations, tutorials, or documentation at point of need.
Staff Support
• Promotes team building to achieve the vision for the Resource Centre.
• Is responsible for the pastoral care and professional learning of Resource Centre staff.
• Holds regular meetings of the team to develop goals and strategies.
Reading and Literacy Support and Development
• Provides a range of literacy opportunities and formats.
• Implements strategies to develop and sustain a culture of reading and learning.
• Promotes best quality literature and authors reflecting a variety of cultures and themes.
• Develops programs, in conjunction, with Learning Area Leaders to develop literature-based reading programs.
• Provides opportunities and activities that promote the love of reading.
• Coordinates special events and activities to support a culture of reading.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.
• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.
• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.
• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.
• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL3
• Time allowance: 1.0 FTE (44 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.
Head of Careers
Purpose of Position
The Head of Careers is a key leadership role responsible for providing guidance and support to students in their career development journey. This position plays a vital role in assisting students in making informed decisions regarding their future pathways, including further education, training, and employment opportunities. The Head of Careers reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.
The Head of Careers is required to be familiar with and comply with the College's Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. They will provide students with a child-safe environment, proactively monitoring and supporting student wellbeing, and exercising pastoral care in a manner that reflects the school's values.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Career guidance and development
• Partnership and networking
• Program development and implementation
• Student support and advocacy
• Collaboration with staff and parents
• Management of resources
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Provide guidance and support to the Careers Practitioner, overseeing their work and ensuring the delivery of high-quality career guidance services to students.
• Model, inspire, and support staff and students with a clear focus on career development and wellbeing outcomes.
• Foster and promote reflective practice, professional dialogue, and a collaborative approach with staff.
• Support teams and individuals in embracing continual improvement and innovation in career guidance.
• Support College Leadership by implementing College strategic and annual goals related to career development.
Career Guidance and Development
• Provide expert career guidance to students, assisting them in exploring and identifying their strengths, interests, and career aspirations.
• Develop and implement career education programs that enhance students' understanding of career pathways, employability skills, and work readiness.
• Collaborate with teaching staff to embed career development activities within the curriculum, ensuring alignment with relevant learning outcomes and subject areas.
• Along with the Careers Practitioner, facilitate individual career counselling sessions with students to address their specific needs and concerns.
• Coordinate and administer career assessment tools and resources to support students' selfawareness and career exploration.
Partnership and Networking
• Establish and maintain partnerships with external stakeholders, such as industry professionals, employers, universities, vocational training providers, and community organisations.
• Organise and coordinate work experience placements, internships, and industry visits to expose students to real-world work environments and develop their industry networks when required.
• Stay updated on industry trends, labour market demands, and post-secondary education pathways to provide accurate and current information to students.
Program Development and Implementation
• Develop and implement comprehensive career development programs that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of students.
• Design and deliver workshops, seminars, and guest speaker sessions on various career-related topics, including resume writing, job interview skills, and career planning.
• Coordinate and promote career-related events and activities, such as career expos, industry forums, and mock interview sessions.
• Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of career development initiatives, making data-informed decisions to enhance program outcomes.
Student Support and Advocacy
• Provide personalised support and guidance to students facing challenges or barriers to their career aspirations.
• Advocate for students' career interests and needs within the school community and liaise with relevant support services or agencies when necessary.
• Collaborate with the Wellbeing team to integrate career development with student wellbeing programs, ensuring a holistic approach to supporting student growth and success.
Collaboration with Staff and Parents
• Collaborate with teaching staff to integrate career education into the curriculum and facilitate cross-disciplinary learning experiences.
• Work closely with the Head of Senior School Learning and Learning Area Leaders to provide career-related information and resources for subject selection and course planning.
• Engage and communicate with parents, providing them with resources, workshops, and individual consultations to support their involvement in their child's career development.
Management of Resources
• Manage career-related resources, including online platforms, career libraries, and industryspecific materials.
• Liaise with external organisations and service providers to ensure access to relevant career information, resources, and professional development opportunities.
• Manage the career development budget, ensuring effective utilisation of resources to maximise student support and program outcomes.
Other responsibilities as required
• Fulfill other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A proven record as an exemplary educator with experience in career guidance and development.
• A sound knowledge of career-related resources, industry trends, and post-secondary education pathways.
• An understanding of the challenges and opportunities in supporting students' career aspirations in a rapidly changing world.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.
• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse/ongoing needs.
• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches in career development.
• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety
• Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity in guiding and supporting staff in career development initiatives.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL 2.
• Time allowance: 0.136 FTE (6 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.
Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Purpose of Position
The Gifted and Talented Coordinator is responsible to ensure that the learning experience for our gifted and talented students is enriched through the curriculum, programs, and extra curricular actives. This will involve the identification, tracking and support of our high potential learners, along with working in conjunction with the Professional Learning Coordinator to provide professional learning for teaching staff in best practice pedagogies for high ability students.
The Gifted & Talented Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Gifted & Talented Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Lead learning and ensure achievement growth with gifted and talented students
• Lead the gifted and talented curriculum, assessment and extracurricular activities
• Engage gifted and talented students and familieis to enrich their learning experience at John Paul College
• Collaborate with the Stewart Centre on meeting the needs of gifted and talented students
• Oversee extracurricular activities
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Leads the learning and engagement of gifted and talented students to ensure achievement for growth through the design, development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum.
• Liaises with students and families to create a sense of belonging to enrich student learning.
• Coordinates and manage a variety of evidence-based programming options that challenge the performance of gifted and talented students.
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
• Establish and implement a transparent, consistent, and systematic process of assessment/identification of gifted and talented students.
• Apply and analyse appropriate assessment identification evidence to determine services and program options to meet the needs of high ability students.
• Advise of modifications and adjusted assessments for learning that allow students to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge and their learning.
• Collate and document evidence based practice, school based and national assessment data to evaluate and track progress against the support and services provided.
• Organise, train and coordinate students in a range of academic competitions and external opportunities that allow for challenge, extension and development of skills with link minded peers.
Teaching & Learning
In collaboration with the Head of Middle School Learning, Head of Senior School Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning and teachers:
• Plan for differentiated, meaningful and appropriately challenging learning experiences, which enable demonstration of critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills along with deep learning, growth and development.
• Ensure there is a variety of approaches to learning, extending and challenging diverse needs of learners.
• Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge and model high standards of teaching practice based upon an understanding of varied teaching and learning approaches.
• Remain up to date of State, National and International initiatives in supporting high achieving students through ongoing professional development.
Extracurricular activities
• Identifies, promotes and coordinates student involvement in competitions, clubs and other extracurricular activities pertinent to the gifted and talented students.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.
• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.
• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.
• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL 1
• Time allowance: 0.068 FTE (3 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.