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Professional Learning Coordinator

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Daily Organiser

Daily Organiser

Purpose of Position

The Professional Learning Coordinator is responsible for leading, promoting, supporting, and sustaining a dynamic learning culture that models and promotes the effective use of evidence-based research for learning. As a member of the College Learning and Teaching Team, the Professional Learning Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all teaching and learning policies, processes and procedures adhere to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and Catholic Education Melbourne requirements. The Professional Learning is responsible for implementing the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework with a focus on improved student learning outcomes. Reporting directly to the Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching, the Professional Learning Coordinator will work closely with the Human Resources Manager, Learning Area Leaders, Head of Senior School Learning, Head of Middle School Learning, Daily Organiser and other positions as appropriate.


The Professional Learning Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Professional Learning Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:

• Leadership

• Performance and Development

• Early Career Teacher Mentor

• Staff Induction

• Student Teacher Administration

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Model and provide information about contemporary pedagogy and positive classroom strategies for all teaching staff.

• Research, model and provide information about contemporary pedagogy relating to assessment as, of and for learning.

• Supports Learning Area leaders and individual teachers to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

• Coordinates with the Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching Professional Learning Committee the College’s professional learning program.

• Oversee the Professional Learning Budget.

Performance and Development

The Professional Learning Coordinator develops and implements a systematic, regular performance and development program which includes:

• Reflection and Goal Setting – all teachers have a set of agreed documented and regularly reviewed goals derived from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and ways of measuring them. Goals are in line with the School Improvement Plan and College priorities.

• Professional Practice and Learning– all teachers are supported in working towards their goals with evidence gained from multiple sources including student outcome data, classroom observations, class survey data.

• Feedback and Review – all teachers have access to regular formal and informal feedback on their performance.

• Provides coaching for teaching staff to reach their individual goals.

• Supports teachers in their application for HALT Certification or Assessor Certification.

Early Career Teacher Mentor

• Implements and coordinates a mentoring program to support early career teachers both individually and collectively.

• Provides a forum for early career teachers to express their achievement and challenges in a safe environment.

• Provides regular observation and feedback for early career teachers to support their goal setting, action plans and professional development.

• Develops and coordinates a systematic support process to encourage and enable provisionally registered teachers to move to full teacher registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

Staff Induction

• The Professional Learning Coordinator works with the Human Resource Manager to support the induction of new teaching staff. This includes conducting professional learning session for staff new to the college

Student Teacher Administration

• Coordinates student teacher supervision within the College.

• Liaises with teacher training institutions.

• Liaises with Learning Area Leaders to allocate student teachers to appropriate staff.

• Manages induction of student teachers

• Ensures the wellbeing of student teachers whilst they are working in the College.

• Holds regular meetings with student teachers to discuss progress.

• Collects student teacher reports and forward to the teacher training institution as appropriate.

• Arranges for payment of student teacher allowance to staff.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated capacity and leadership experience in teaching excellence.

• Expert knowledge of programs, practices, and protocols for Staff Professional Learning.

• The capacity to provide leadership characterised by lateral thinking, innovation and a willingness for ongoing improvement.

• The ability to dialogue with staff in a collegial manner to achieve improved learning outcomes for students.

• The capacity to create and maintain an environment that supports continuous improvement in teacher practice and leading to the achievement of high-quality outcomes for all students.

• Well-developed interpersonal skills including a demonstrated ability to work and communicate within a team environment.

• Proven organisational skills and capacity to show initiative in working independently

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL4

• Time allowance: 0.3409 FTE (15 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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