8 minute read
Positions of Leadership
*JPC has a 6 period, 50 minute lesson length day timetable.
Director of Faith and Mission
Purpose of Position
The Director of Faith and Mission is a key leadership role within the College. The Director of Faith and Mission, along with the Principal, encourages and advances the Catholic character and ethos of the school. The Director of Faith and Mission acts in unison with the Principal and in collaboration with the college chaplains to enable, enrich and bring to fruition the integration of life and faith within the College community. The Director of Faith and Mission is a member of the Pastoral Care Team and the Leadership Team and reports to the Principal.
The Director of Faith and Mission has specific responsibilities in relation to the development and implementation of programmes related to the faith development of students and members of the wider school community. These specific responsibilities include the Social Justice/Outreach Program and the College’s retreat programme. The Director of Faith and Mission will lead the Faith Development Team which includes the Catholic Identity Coordinator, Faith Programs Coordinator, the Learning Area Leader - Religious Education and other key staff.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Develop and implement student faith development activities.
• Promote issues to do with faith and spirituality throughout the wider school community.
• Develop and coordinate the College Retreat Program.
• Develop and implement the Social Justice/Outreach Program.
• Manage Faith Development programs.
• Coordinate the Faith Development Team.
• Develop and coordinate opportunities for staff to achieve accreditation.
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
Develop and implement student faith development activities
• Liaises with the Principal and Faith Development Team regarding programs related to student faith development.
• Provides opportunities for student prayer, meditation, and reflection.
• Develops and implements a range of faith development activities - for individuals, groups, whole school.
• Implements and coordinates a sacramental preparation program for students.
• Liaises with local parishes regarding programs as required.
• Raises student awareness of wider Church activities and ministries, particularly related to the local parishes.
• Supports student leaders with spiritual direction.
• Will be available to students regarding matters of faith and spirituality.
Promote issues to do with faith and spirituality throughout the wider school community
• Encourages understanding within the school community of the tradition of John Paul College whilst reflecting and respecting the charisms of the Sisters – Faithful Companions of Jesus and the Society of Mary (Marianists).
• Encourages and supports the reflection on matters of faith and spirituality in school publications, including website and on special school occasions.
• Promotes and reports on significant faith development activities to others within the school community.
• Will be available to parents and others in the wider school community as a reference point for matters concerning faith and spirituality.
Develop and coordinate the College Retreat Program
• Plans and oversees the Retreat program including the budget.
• Develops and implements the program for Year 12 retreats.
• Support staff regarding the running of the Retreat Program.
• Liaises with the appropriate staff to organise the Year 12 Retreat.
• Plans and implements Retreat activities for other year levels and members of the College community.
Develop and implement the Social Justice/Outreach Program
• Encourages a range of opportunities for social justice/student outreach activities.
• Oversees outreach activities throughout the school, including staff.
• Develops and implements the Social Justice/Outreach Policy, particularly through the Faith Development Team and the Pastoral Care Team.
• Liaises with the Learning Area Leader - RE to ensure that the RE program and social justice/outreach activities complement each other.
• Ensures that the school community is kept informed regarding opportunities for social justice/outreach activities within and outside the school.
• Works with the Principal and Catholic Identity Coordinator and Faith Programs Coordinator and others to ensure that the College fundraising program fits within the College Mission and Vision.
• Develops and communicates an awareness of the work and needs of organisations supported under the Social Justice/Outreach Policy.
Manage Faith Development Programs
• Ensures the provision of adequate and appropriate resources for the Faith Development Program.
• Prepares an annual budget and supervises the expenditure of these funds.
• Oversees the purchase, storage and auditing of resources.
Coordinate the Faith Development Team
• Liaises with members of the Faith Development Team in the implementation of specific activities.
• Chairs regular meetings of the Faith Development Team and maintains an overview of faith development activities resulting from these meetings.
Develop and coordinate opportunities for staff to achieve accreditation
• Provides information, guidance, and learning opportunities for new staff with regards to accreditation.
• Provides opportunities and direction to all teaching staff to increase the number of staff who fulfil the requirements of “Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School”, and “Accreditation to Teach Religious Education in a Catholic School” in line with CECV and MACS policies.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.
• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.
• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.
• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.
• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL6
• Time allowance: 0.545 FTE (24 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.
Director of College Organisation
Purpose of Position
The Director of College Organisation is a key leadership role and is responsible for the management of staff absences, publication of the College calendar, organisation of the College timetable and ensures the smooth running of the College. The Director of College Organisation is a member of the Leadership Team, the Building and Maintenance Group and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The Director of College Organisation reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and oversees and works in conjunction with the Daily Organiser.
The Director of College Organisation is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Director of College Organisation will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:
• Leadership
• Daily management of the College
• Administration of staff absences
• The College timetable
• Other duties as directed.
Specific Tasks
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
Daily management of the College
• Arranges schedules for yard duty, bus duty, gate duty, litter sweep, room changes and specialist room bookings.
• Manages the daily operations of Yard Duties including; ICOM’s, high-vis vests, first aid kits, opens and closes duties for extreme weather days and oversees and acts upon all ICOM calls for each duty.
• Manages (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager) interstate and overseas excursions (paying particular attention to the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) compliance guidelines, and risk management procedures).
• Manages and approves (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager all school activities (onsite and offsite) in relation to appropriate dates, staffing, MACS compliance guidelines, student attendance, resources needed and parent notification.
• Organises and meets (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager with the organising staff of all major activities, excursions or incursions to seek feedback and review the activity. Seeking constant improvement in organisation and effectiveness of each program.
• Liases with members of the Leadership Team, the Sustainability Risk and Compliance Manager and relevant staff regarding organisational aspects of all school activities
• Oversees whole school activities such as Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews, Senior School Expo and Awards Evening.
• Liases regularly with the Sustainability Risk and Compliance Manager to review and publish the Emergency Management Plan procedures and implements practice of same.
• Liaises with the College Leadership Team to create the annual college calendar.
• Liases with the Deputy Principals and Senior Student Learning Coordinator to construct and publish examination timetables.
• Ensures that data for the organisational aspects of the Learning Management System are accurate and current.
Administration of staff absences
• Publishes, at the beginning of each year, a policy regarding the allocation of extras, replacements, and classes in lieu.
• Manages and publishes daily changes via Bulletin, timetable email and uploads replacements and absences to SIMON and allocates extras, replacements and classes in lieu.
• Engages and monitors emergency teachers ensuring Employment of Staff procedures are followed. Including interviewing and referee checking all potential applicants.
• Implements approved leave requests from staff.
• Provides information to allow the Receptionist to maintain an accurate record of staff absence on the CEVN site.
• Informs Finance Staff of absences regarding leave, student teacher supervision payment, emergency teacher hours and learning support officer hours.
• Collaborates with Daily Organiser to organise and publish the weekly bulletin one week in advance to improve communication and college organisation. Including upcoming school activities, excursions, professional development, staff meeting release and absences.
The College Timetable
• Liaises with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching to organise the process of student subject selection.
• Liaises with staff and students, regarding issues to do with student subject selection and the timetable.
• Liaises with the Deputy Principals and the Principal regarding timetabling priorities and allocations of classes and rooms.
• Implements ongoing adjustments to the timetable throughout the year eg. room changes, staffing changes, student subject changes.
• Works alongside the Deputy Principals in timetabling matters and construction.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission
• The ability to work collaboratively, flexibly, independently, and creatively in a demanding environment.
• A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably, and effectively in ways that engage staff.
• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.
• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.
• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.
• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.
• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety
• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL6.
• Time allowance: 0.545 FTE (24 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.