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Head of Middle School Learning
Purpose of Position
The Head of Middle School Learning is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in learning and teaching and overseeing the learning programs of students studying the Victorian Curriculum and Catholic Education Melbourne Religious Education Curriculum. The Head of Middle School Learning is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee. The Head of Middle School Learning reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.
The Head of Middle School Learning is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Middle School Learning will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.
Specific Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of the Head of Middle School Learning are:
• Leadership
• Curriculum Development and Innovation
• Wellbeing for Learning
• Progression of Learning
• Student Learning Programs
• Other responsibilities as required
Specific Tasks
• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.
• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.
• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.
Curriculum Development and Innovation
The Head of Middle School Learning works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and Learning Area Leaders to:
• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.
• Ensure the College curriculum and assessment is compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).
• Ensure the Victorian Curriculum capabilities are taught explicitly in and through the learning areas.
• Embed the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability in the learning and teaching program.
• Embed the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in the curriculum and extend this learning with the provision extra-curricular opportunities.
• Provide a high-level summary of the coverage of all the curriculum areas delivered in the College learning and teaching program.
• Initiate and implement innovation within the curriculum.
• Encourage and Implement initiatives to improve student literacy and numeracy.
• Model and initiate strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
• Model and initiate strategies for assessment for learning and assessment of learning.
• Initiate and implement innovation in the provision of extra-curricular activities to meet the specific learning needs and interests of students across the full range of abilities.
Wellbeing for Learning
The Head of Middle School Learning works with the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9), Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) and Head of Middle School Wellbeing team to:
• Analyse transition information with the key focus of providing a quality education which caters for the individual needs of students.
• Analyse external and local data (ACER PAT, NAPLAN, local data and knowledge) to identify students at risk and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning adjustments to individual learning programs in consultation with other staff as required e.g. Deputy Principals, Head of Learning Diversity, Head of Wellbeing, Learning Area Leaders.
• Analyse external and local data to identify high-achieving students and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning and the Teaching and Learning Committee adjustments to individual learning programs and provision of further opportunities.
• Analyse external and local data to track student’ learning progression to inform future discussions and actions.
• Make whole school recommendations based on the collection of external and internal data to improve the progression of students’ wellbeing for learning.
• Share findings and outcomes of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee with the Teaching and Learning Committee and other key staff as appropriate e.g. subject teachers, College leadership.
Progression of Learning
• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff to analyse diagnostic test data e.g. ACER PAT, NAPLAN with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and areas for improvement.
• Work with the Learning Area Leaders, Head of Senior School Learning and the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching to identify students who are approved to accelerate.
• Analyses data with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee to identify students at risk and actions required.
Student Learning Programs
• Works with the Teaching and Learning Committee and Director of College Organisation to develop the Year 7 to 9 examination program.
• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching, the Wellbeing for Learning Committee and the Head of Learning Diversity to approve subject changes.
• Supervises the administration of the NAPLAN and PAT testing program.
Other responsibilities as required
• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.
Key Selection Critieria
The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.
• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.
• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.
• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.
• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.
• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.
• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.
• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.
• Demonstrated leadership capacity.
Conditions and Remuneration
• Level of responsibility: POL4.
• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).
• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.
• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.