Curious About Guns?
Has the subject of firearms been creeping into your mind lately? Is this something that you want to learn more about but are intimidated by? Presently, firearm ownership has become a partisan issue, and it should not be that way! In the United States, firearm ownership and use belongs to us all!
Consider looking into the book Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use by John Petrolino.
Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use is a comprehensive book designed to get a beginner up to speed in the world of guns. The book’s focus is firearm safety. Decoding Firearms is not discipline specific. The different parts, function, operation, handling, and firing of rifles, shotguns, and pistols are all covered. The intent of the text is that a person uninitiated in firearm use can get the knowledge needed to get started safely and confidently.
Beyond stressing the importance of following the safety rules of gun use, Decoding Firearms also puts a big emphasis on hands on training. After review and reading of the material within, readers should have more confidence going forward with any training opportunities they may embark on. Entering the world of firearm ownership or use should not be overwhelming‌the concepts are easy to follow to those seeking more information.
Quick Facts on Decoding Firearms • The book is available as a Kindle ebook or in paperback form on Amazon. • The work has over 115 original illustrations, comprised from high quality photographs. • The e-book has full color illustrations. • The paperback boasts 266 pages and illustrations are in crisp black & white. • Fifteen chapters are laid out in an easy to follow order with chapters 1-8 to get a reader ready to take their first shots, chapters 9-14 expands on information in chapter 1, and chapter 15 discusses The 2nd Amendment. • Full Appendixes offer up further resources & information to readers.
Some illustrations from the book‌
From the reviews… “…a gem of a book that more than lives up to the promise of its subtitle – it’s also pretty comprehensive.” – David Codrea of AmmoLand “Whether you are an entry level gun owner…or an octogenarian with 60 years of shooting experience, this book has something to offer you…” – Michael Zubick of Stop Gun Bans. “Add this book to your library, it will be your go-to resource as a new shooter, as an instructor, or anyone looking to simply decode the world of firearms.” – Theresa Inacker Communications Director of CNJFO
Complete descriptions of what equipment one may or may not need when going to the range is covered. The WHY certain items are recommended is also discussed, leaving the reader with lists of things they may need versus what they may want. Thought is encouraged throughout the text, urging readers to think about the concepts and precepts presented. The book presents “a way” not “the way,” noting different instructors and philosophies are out there.
Want More Information on
Decoding Firearms? Visit: There you will find reviews of the book and interviews with the author. Be sure to check out the listing page on Amazon to order!