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The question is not can money be made on the Internet. You know the answer to that, do you not? The answer is yes but that is not your real question. Your real question is Can I make money on the Internet? That is the question, is it not? Ninety five percent of those who try one form or another do not make their money back. WHY? In this article I want to address part of the answer and suggest a solution to you. The main reason many people do not make money is they are following the wrong path. They get caught up in the hype of a deal and without really understanding that deal, they spend their hard earned dollars and help someone else make money. There are so many ways to fail, one answer will not cover them. So let me just take one type of business and in doing so I believe I can shed some light as to why you and many of us never made a dime on any of our many attempts to start an Internet Business. Affiliates: Gosh! This must be the major path used today, for you see or hear their ads everywhere. But, that can be a problem. Here is why. You receive this great email advertising this super duper poop poop scupper. Good ole Jack, Jill, Nancy, Sam, or Super Man person is going to teach you how to make $242.00 or $450.00 or $1000.00 or what ever dollars a day using their system. You can get this package, ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED, for a measly $9.97. There is your first clue, you are about to be duped. So you purchase that package, go to download it and Wham! They now want you to buy a $47.00 package that is an enhancement of the first, remember the first was all you will ever need. BUT, they convince you that you also need the $47.00 package. You go to download that one, yep! Now they want you to buy the next level, and after that the next level and the next. How many levels vary, all depending on how each marketer thinks he/she can push it. Okay! You are now in. You became their affiliate. You have your own web-site provided by them, maybe free, maybe not. They tell you all these other things to get involved with: Clickbank (free), Adwords, Adsense, etc. You go to Clickbank, for instance, and they advise you to pick one item offered by Clickbank. You are shown how to use your web-site to market that item as an affiliate. You pick brand A, who will pay you $$ if you sell their item. Clickbank will collect the money when someone clicks on your ad, purchases the item you are selling and all this is routed through your free web-site. You get a check from Clickbank, first and the sixteenth. Hey, you have made money. Go back just a bit and let us see if you made money. To do this advertising for this wonderful product, Clickbank requires a minimum budget of $10.00. Each time someone clicks on your ad, they may get $0.01 or $5.00 or what ever you and Clickbank decides. This is click pay. How many clicks before someone actually goes to your website? No one knows, but if you have followed all the instructions, you increase your odds of getting traffic to your site. Now how many visitors do you need to your site before one of them purchases
the item you have to sell? No one knows but you have cut the odds by following the instructions. So you made money, maybe, if you have a good item to sell. What is wrong with all this? That free web-site supplied by the affiliate you signed up with is free for a purpose. Can you guess the purpose? All those people who visit your site give their name and email address. Do you have them, NO? Why? You do not have control of that path, the affiliate you signed up with gets them so he/she can accumulate a targeted group of people interested in a specific kind of product. Just so you understand what I am saying, let me use potatoes as our item to sell. Most likely, the only people going to my site will be those interested in potatoes. So if I have another product I wish to show them, and I have all their names and addresses, I can target that group of potato people with my new potato product. The odds are now in my favor to increase sell of the new product. Do you see where you were left out of the loop? You had no way of capturing the names and addresses. All you can do in this environment is do click pay and hope enough people drop by. Originally, the affiliate relationship was between someone who had a web-site they owned and perhaps designed themselves and a company like Amazon who was willing to share commissions with you if you sold a book or two. It was you and the actual vendor. So you put a banner up on your web site, someone came by saw your Amazon ad, gave you their name and address and you routed them to the Amazon site. Since the customer came from your site, if they purchased something from Amazon, you got your commission. See the difference, you now have the name and address. You contact another book firm, Barnes and Noble perhaps. You sign an affiliate agreement with them. They will pay you a commission for any book you sell. So you put one of their banners up on your web-site, someone comes and sees it, goes to the online site of Barnes and Noble. They purchase a book, you get paid but you also have their name and address. I keep talking about the names and addresses. You might ask why they are so important, other than being a target group of people who like books. Let us take a small side step and see what else could be on your web-site. You have a banner selling Idaho potatoes. Just for illustration. Someone come to your site, see your ad and goes to the potato site, purchases potatoes and you get paid a commission. You also got their name and address BUT you do not want to mix these names of potato buyers with your list of book buyers. Each becomes a target product group. So now you need a way to separate each group, a way to do special mailings to when sales are going on at perhaps Amazon that you want the book people to see. You begin to build traffic and of course if you do not have traffic, you do not make money. Your business grows and you keep adding additional packages to your system to handle the traffic, the advertising, the mass mailings, the responses and questions and so forth. You are in the affiliate business but not a subordinate affiliate business. You have your own site, you have to do all the managing, but you also make all the money and the list of customers. How to do this? This is why most people who get into the sub-ordinate affiliate business fail. They spend their money getting people to come to their site by paying for clicks. This is just a small part of the overall sub-ordinate affiliate business approach but does illustrate our point. Since you do not get the names and addresses, you have to continue to pay for the clicks. Sure there are ways to beat this game too, which brings us to our next point. The best affiliate business is when you work directly with those companies offering the product and the affiliate relationship. In the first type, if you sell ten items, technically the group you are subordinate to also sold ten items. If they have ten people like you, then they get credit for one hundred sells. That is how they make money, using your nickel and many other peoples nickel. When you are not subordinate as an affiliate, you
have to drive traffic to your site, you have to collect the names and addresses within product categories, you have to manage the mass mailings, you have to respond to inquiries and so forth. You also have to have all these special software packages to aid you in doing this massive amount of work and YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW. There is our second reason for so many failures. When this all started, only the nerd types knew enough to put the pieces together. They managed to put the pieces together, but kept them secret from the rest of us not so technically inclined. They made fortunes but their numbers were few. Even with the subordinate affiliations the numbers making real money are few. So the second reason for failure is because YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW. The how is knowing the basics. That is easier to come by now, but you still need them. Why? Either be subordinate and help someone else make all the money off your nickel or learn the basics, own your own web site with all the bells and whistles and you then make the money promised by the big boys. How? How do you learn the basics? I found someone who had made it big time. They made it because they were technical enough to learn the basics, apply them and develop a system much like the subordinate affiliation scenario. Then they began consulting and while doing this consulting they discovered that most of their clientele were still failing because, dear me, they did not know the basics. Their hands had to be held all the way. One person is then limited as to how many they can hold hands with, so he developed a system of teaching the basics. This is done like a one step at a time approach. He offers all the fancy gadgets, or automation tools as the others but by the time you get to these, you are truly making money. I took this approach, one step at a time, and as I learned one basic thing, another became useful. Doing this without great expense, without a web-site, using all the Internet freebies for advertising, traffic handling, and so on. It paid its way, and as I needed the next sophistication I found I understood it better and how it fit into my plans. Best of all, I was making enough money to pay for it without hurting my budget and it always helped me make more money. I do like the domino effect this has, and the reality of it all, we all learn in the same way one step at a time. If I miss a step, I go back and repeat it until it becomes mine. You too can do this. Learn the basics.
Internet marketing failure for five years. I paid my dues, but now it is success. Moved into the money making league six months ago because I finally STOPPED-IT. I stopped long enough to find a package to teach me the basics and if I did not want a fortune, I could be free using things that were free--with just the basics. Now I want to shout it out loud, learn from a professional, but he must teach the basics. One day you will not want to be lead by the hand, you will find you can stand up on your own, YOU HAVE THE BASICS. Jay W. Black [http://Kid-In-College-GetsRich.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Black
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