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Let me start by briefly telling you my story. Back in 2008 I had to make some hard decisions due to economy and surrounding circumstances. It forced me to leave what I had been doing for the last 13 years. This change brought with it some changes that I could have never foreseen. It brought a loss of identity, purpose, and mission in my life. You could say it was the toughest transition I have ever gone through. But because of that transition I was forced to do some things a little bit different. The best way to know when you are in a situation that you have to make money, is by asking the question, am I willing to do anything right now to put food on the table? If the answer is YES than you are in a situation where you have to make money. You know how I knew! I went from a high paying job to trying to sell funeral plans door to door. YEA!!! Try that Gig. I then tried selling windows, to working odd jobs, and subbing in a school. But let me say a couple of things that people will not tell you. · If you want to make money online, it will take some time · If you want to make money online, it will take some work · If you want to make money online, it will take some planning · If you want to make money online, it will take some investment But if you choose this route and work the plan, then over time you can start making a real living online. I know because I am now doing this full time. So the first thing to focus on is making sure you have some income coming in. Unless you are making money and making it immediately, you won't make it. Don't quit your day job and just start doing this stuff. I am sure you have heard this before, that 99% of those who try to make money online will never make a dime online. You want to know why, because they did not have a plan and never worked a plan. You see what a lot of "Gurus" will do is create a product or system that only describes a piece of the puzzle. In other words, they sell you only a quarter of the process. So unless you have 100% of the business model, you're not going to make it. You have to know the entire model so you can implement it.
Let me add this to the mix...unless you HAVE to make money, you probably won't. You have to know that you are going to make it and you have to be in a position that you have to make money. Because unless those two factors are playing in your mind, then you are not going to do what it takes to make money. So besides needing to make money immediately, you need to be in the mindset of NEEDING to make money. Once you are in that frame of mind, then you are primed to make a lot of money online. When you need to make money there are a lot of ways to start making money immediately. Your job is to figure out what you have to offer that others are willing to pay for. My suggestion to you is make a list. Make a list of your skills. Take those skills and go to elance.com and look through all the job categories that are available, and start matching those skills to the jobs that are offered. Once you start seeing jobs that you can do, start bidding on them. The site I referenced shows you step by step how to do that, find it here. Once you start making money on a regular basis, you then figure out how you expand that market or skill that you have. Not everyone is cut out to be an affiliate marketer, but everyone can use the internet to make money. Don't do the things because they sound cool or like it is easy. Because there is nothing easy about making money online. Do those things you are good at, that you have passion around, and that you can do for the long haul. What you are looking for is creating a process that works for you. A process that relates to the market you tapped into. A process that allows you to make money over and over again. When you buy from the "gurus" who probably aren't making money either, what your doing is buying what worked for them. Which is good, because there are transferable things in this business, but you have to find how it applies to you and your market. I don't want to go into how you grow this business into a powerhouse because at this moment in time you just want to start making money. But if you really want to create a business that will begin generating a substantial income for you, then begin with the life that you have lived. The way you begin with the life that you have lived, is by creating a list. In this case a list of services. But in your list include everything in your life. That's right, sit down and write a list of the life that you lived. Let me show an example · Got off the streets · Served in the war · Quit drugs · Raised teenagers · Married 20 years
· Caring for my mom · Started non-profits · Started programs to help people in all kinds of needs-Grief-homeless-AA-etc. · Public Speaking · Writer · Started a company and grew it to 150 employees OK, this list could go on and on. But you get the picture. What do you do with this list? You create info products, create kindle books, write articles, find affiliates, go to Elance and provide writing services. I know SEO and there are tons of SEO and web design jobs. Provide administrative assistance. I have seen people get paid $20 an hour to enter data. All from home! Yes these things take time, but with Elance you can get paid up front, which you always want to do. The point is you can start making money now while you build an online income. Keep this in mind, if you sell door to door, once that door shuts, you have to start over again. But when you are advertising and selling online, that door never shuts, it is out there. Yes you have to drive traffic, but once you have something that sells or converts then you market that thing like there is no tomorrow.
Click Here To Discover How A 40 Year Old Man Went From Selling Door To Door To Making A Living Full Time Online
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phill_Longmire
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