John Grasso’s Leading Legal Experts Shares Insights Into Campus Sexual Assaults It only takes a peek into what statistics announced regarding the number of sexual assaults that take place daily. Being part of a society where these kinds of acts take place is not only extremely alarming but also disturbing. Some of the latest numbers reveal that 13% of all students who are busy forming the foundation of their careers and building onto a bright and brilliant future at the country’s educational institutions become victims of sexual assault through violence, physical force or incapacitation.
While the group who is the most vulnerable to such a crime is females between the ages of 18 and 24 years, this is a number affecting both female and male students as the most recent figures state that 26.4% of all undergraduate females and 6.8% males from the same group fall victim to this crime. However, this is only a fraction of the reflection of reality as there are vast numbers of victims who never report the crime. Here the numbers reflect that 31% of female victims of campus sexual assault don’t report the crime to authorities. There are several reasons for them withholding the information such as the fact that many believe that it is a personal matter and they’ll deal with it themselves or even out of fear that the perpetrator would get into trouble. Yet, while these people are true victims, there is a flipside to the coin. This flipside reflects an image where false allegations of such a crime can easily serve as a way to get back at someone else. It is the kind of allegation that can ruin the life of the accused. Once you’ve laid a charge of a sexual assault against anyone, it can be a death sentence to their careers, their personal relationships and their prospects even before they had the opportunity to defend themselves. One team of legal experts who have a wealth of experience in handling sexual assault crimes taking place on the campuses of our country is the team at John Grasso. The force of legal experts practicing under the John Grasso name has had to deal with several charges of sexual assault on the campus in Rhode Island. What they state is that while these cases are heartbreaking as a young life is either destroyed or has to bear the scars of the incident for life. Yet, they also witness incidences where these charges are false. Having to defend a client who is facing sexual assault charges always requires a delicate approach to matters. As the number of actual cases is so high, it can be easy to assume that these allegations are true. However, it is not always the case. The team has first-hand experience where they had to defend a client against false allegations. As with any kind of crime, once it becomes a matter that is so common and of such a high
concern, it can be easy to disguise false allegations. There is no better place to hide a lie than amongst many truths. From their experience, they state that this can be a ruthless manner to get back at someone. They warn that it can be extremely hard to prove your innocence in such a case. Yet, it is possible and as you would have the full support of their team when you are in such a desperate situation, their first word of advice is that you should not delay in getting the necessary legal advice and support by your side. They also state that while it is a shame that there are individuals who would use the heartache and despair of true victims to advance their own agendas, the sad reality is that it has happened. Thus, when you find yourself in such a position, reach out to the experts in the field to ensure you have access to the best legal representation.
About Us Do you find yourself in a desperate situation where you need to have legal representation from the leading lawyers in town? Then you should reach out to our team of legal experts when it comes to a wide range of allegations. These can be matters that vary from having to defend yourself against false claims to going through a divorce. Our team consists of several experts each in a niche field of their own who often collaborate to ensure that your case enjoys a comprehensive approach. At John Grasso, we are always working towards getting our clients the best possible outcomes. Visit our website at and see how we can assist you.