Some Things to Bear hi Mhid If Accugsed of Domegsthc Vholeice Being accused of domestc violence can be very damaging for you on a personal and public level. There are some things to remember as you go through the legal process to clear your name and secure a fast and fair resoluton. It can be exceptonally overwhelming if you are falsely accused. It is at this point it's recommended that you secure the services of a domestc violence lawyer who is admited to practce in your local area and your local Federal District Courts. You want someone who is a member of the Bar, so you can use their services with complete confdence. Never delay in securing the services of a professional and reputable criminal defense lawyer, so your case can be handled in a professional manner from the very start. It is always recommended that you notfy any family members of what has happened, along with your concerns. You may have been falsely accused afer separatng from your spouse or having an argument with your spouse Domestc violence cases also seem to increase when it comes to child custody cases. If falsely accused, all you can do is remain calm, remain polite and listen to the police and fnally, make sure you secure a domestc violence lawyer without delay. Next, you must expect the worst. Even if you are falsely accused you could fnd yourself with a protecton order against you. This means that even if you feel you have done no wrong and you know your own innocence, you must abide by the protecton order to ensure the best end result. Keep your domestc violence lawyer updated at all tmes, so that they can carry out their services and provide you with the best representaton to prove your innocence moving forward. In additon to potentally having a protecton order against you even if you have been falsely accused of domestc violence, you can also fnd yourself with loss of parental rights, loss of employment, a hefy fne against you, anger management
classes or even jail tme. It cannot be stressed enough how imperatve it is to secure legal counsel as early into your case as possible. They understand the process and are able to direct and advise you to secure the best possible outcome. Domestc violence covers a number of diferent elements, which includes batery, assault, stalking and criminal harassment. If you are falsely accused of harassing your ex-spouse or stalking them, you could fnd yourself facing domestc violence charged. It is always recommended that when accused of domestc violence you do your own online and independent research on the subject, this will help you understand the process ahead and the severity of the crime you are being accused of.
Some very important things to remember is to ensure you don't resist arrest and you don't argue with the police ofcers. In fact, remain as calm and you can and comply with them throughout the process, but do not answer any questons except your name and contact informaton. Ensure the police are fully aware that you want your lawyer present at any questoning sessions. Your domestc violence lawyer will be able to ensure your case is handled in the proper manner to ensure the best end result. Remember how you act now will have an impact on your resoluton. Your domestc violence lawyer can use the fact it's your frst ofense or that you complied with the police to secure you a bail agreement, so you can go home and will not be kept in a cell untl your next court date.
About Us: John R Grasso is an atorney admited to practce in Rhode Island, Massachusets. He is also admited at the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working alongside him to help focus on securing a resoluton in the shortest period of tme. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases on a daily basis from domestc violence cases to immigraton disputes and DUI cases to robbery and so much more. To find out more, Visit http:////www.joohirrsssoasw.coom.