Tips If Accused Of Sexual Assault On Campus Being accused of sexual assault on campus is a very serious charge and could result in you losing out on your education and compromising any career dreams you may have had. When accused, you will be referred to as the respondent during a disciplinary process. This can happen if the victim lays a complaint with the Title IX office of the campus or if someone files the complaint on behalf of the victim. Once the accusation is filed, the Title IX office will start investigating the allegations. You will be contacted by phone or email asking for a meeting with a dean or administrator from the Title IX office. This person may tell you why they want to meet. In the event they will not advise you why they want to meet, do not attend the meeting alone; take a friend, parent, or even legal representation with you. It is very important when they advise that you are accused of sexual assault on campus that you do not answer any questions or respond to the allegations without having legal representation present. Ensure you ask for the school policy in writing, providing the allegations and violations of the policy. Do not make any statements. Being accused of sexual assault on campus is very serious, even when you know you haven't done anything wrong. The allegation can result in a temporary suspension from school or being restricted from certain campus areas. You may want to take note of some useful tips to follow in the event you find yourself in this messy situation.
You must take the time to get to know the school policy on sexual assault. This can usually be found on the website under the Title IX proceedings or sexual misconduct proceedings. Read this information carefully as it will give you insight into the policies you allegedly broke. The punishment of the violations should be clearly stated, so you know what could be the potential outcome. The policy will also provide insight into your rights during the disciplinary process. It's recommended that you notify your parents or guardian for support and to seek legal counsel. Defending yourself against these allegations is stressful and complicated,
especially when you are completely innocent. You need support both legally and emotionally throughout the process. If you have any disabilities, it's important to notify the Title IX coordinator as soon as possible. Certain behaviors relating to your disability could damage your case, such as not being able to make eye contact or taking your time to process information. What many students don't realize when they are facing disciplinary action for sexual assault on campus, is that they have a right to an attorney. If you can, it's worthwhile hiring the services of an experienced Title IX attorney to represent you through the proceedings to secure a fast and fair resolution. Bear in mind that sexual assault comes with serious consequences that could negatively impact the rest of your schooling and life. Write down everything about the incident while it’s still fresh in your mind to reduce the risk of forgetting any important facts, such as potential witnesses. Don't speak to any witnesses until you have read through the school policy and spoken to your attorney, ensuring that you are not breaking regulations by discussing your allegations directly with them. Never show any evidence to the school until you have shown it to and discussed it with your sexual assault on campus attorney.
About Us: John R Grasso is an attorney admitted to practice in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He is also admitted at the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working at his side to help focus on securing a resolution in the shortest period. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases daily including domestic violence cases, immigration disputes, DUI cases, robberies and so much more. To find out more, visit