Types Of Sex Crimes

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Types Of Sex Crimes There are many types of sex crimes taking place around the world each year. From sexual assault to sexual harassment, being accused requires obtaining the services of an experienced sex crime lawyer to secure a fast and fair resolution whenever possible. There are several categories of sex crimes. Sexual assault, for example, includes incidences of rape, forcible sodomy, marital rape, unwanted sexual touching, sexual contact with children, incest and unwanted or coerced sexual contact. Other sex crimes include solicitation of a minor via the internet, child pornography possession, and sexual harassment. Acquaintance rape is probably one of the most common types of rape where a person of trust uses this to force sexual intercourse. This could be a friend, neighbor, family member or even a co-worker. Acquaintance rape is something that can happen at a party. This type of rape can involve friends, workers, classmates, partners, internet friends, teachers, students, religious leaders, doctors and coaches. More than eighty percent of rapes are with an acquaintance and fifty percent of them will occur on a date. Drug facilitated sexual assault in a serious concern worldwide. This often happens to younger people who are out with people they trust in a social environment. Someone drops a drug into someone else’s drink when they aren’t paying attention. The drug is usually odorless and tasteless, so it can go unnoticed. The drug takes effect soon after consumption, with effects of dizziness, drowsiness, confusion and more. Being unable to escape or resist due to the effects of the drug, the victim is then taken advantage of. Child sexual abuse is another unfortunately common sex crime experienced throughout the world. This includes any sexual act with a child by any adult, whether a parent, teacher or friend. This can involve threatening, pressuring, tricking, bribing and forcing a child to do a sexual act. This can include physical, emotional and verbal abuse including sexual touching, child pornography and more. Marital rape is when sexual acts are committed without consent against a spouse. Without consent, any sexual activity is considered abuse. Being intoxicated and having sexual intercourse is one of the most common sexual abuse cases seen in colleges and universities.

When it comes to sexual offenders, most people think that it is a stranger that will commit a sex crime. The fact is that ninety percent of children know their offenders, with close to fifty percent of these offenders being family members. Eighty percent of those aged twelve and over know their offenders. Most victims of sex crimes will not run straight to the authorities, it usually takes time before they finally tell someone what happened. Children may wait years before saying anything and it's important to know that most offenders do not carry out sex crimes for sexual gratification. It is about control, power and anger. Anyone accused of a sex crime should secure the services of an experienced lawyer to represent them in the court of law. Sexual charges can negatively impact your life moving forward. Being convicted can result in you having to add your name to the Sexual Offenders Database, a public database that will reveal your crime every time anyone searches for you, whether for a job or home application. When it comes to hiring the services of a sex crime lawyer, you will want to do some research to ensure you choose a lawyer who is backed by years of experience and knowledge with cases similar to yours. The lawyer should be a member of the Bar and be admitted to practice in the local Federal Courts and your State.

About Us: John R Grasso is an attorney admitted to practice in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He is also admitted at the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working at his side to help focus on securing a resolution in the shortest period. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases daily including domestic violence cases, immigration disputes, DUI cases, robberies and so much more. To find out more, visit https://www.johngrassolaw.com.

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