Understanding Why You May Have Been Arrested for Solicitation of a Prostitute So many people, both men and women, are arrested for indecent solicitation of a prostitute throughout the world each year. The fact is that some are guilty and don't understand the seriousness of their crime, while others had absolutely no clue the person they were talking to was a known prostitute. There are a few things you need to know regarding the law and how it works, along with what you need to do to secure the best indecent solicitation attorney to represent you. Now many people don't know what caused the laws interest in them while speaking to a prostitute, but the fact is that by speaking to a prostitute, it is possible that the law thought you had solicited them. Even if you did, there are some important things to know about, including calling an indecent solicitation attorney straight away and not answering any questions until they are on hand to assist you. It's important that you are aware that if you are convicted of a sex crime, it will remain on your record and will damage your reputation moving forward. You may have your name registered on the sex offenders list, something that will come up when you visit the bank, apply for a new job or look at renting a property. Whether you are guilty or not, having a sex crime conviction is something you will never escape and it will come up time and time again if you are ever arrested for anything in the future. If you find yourself convicted of indecent solicitation of a prostitute, then you could face anything from thirty days to one full year in jail. You could face a fine ranging from $100 to $1,000 and this excludes any court fees. In addition to this, you could also face a twelve month probation period. In order to secure the best possible resolution in the fastest possible time, you will want to secure the representation of an experienced and knowledgeable indecent solicitation attorney with a proven track record. There are numerous arguments your indecent solicitation attorney can use to reduce the charges against you, potentially enabling you to walk away. The first of these defense arguments may include lack of intent. Tis may be used if you genuinely didn't know you were speaking to a prostitute or the prostitute approached you and you were honestly refusing their services. Another common defense includes entrapment. It is possible you were being watched by undercover police or the prostitute was an undercover police officer. Your indecent solicitation attorney may use this information in your defense, using the entrapment argument could help your case, reducing your sentence or having the case thrown out of court completely.
It is possible you chose to hire a prostitute for another reason other an a sexual service. Escorts, for example, are known to accompany clients to events and provide general companionship. If you have a valid reason and argument that you were not asking for sexual services, then it is possible your indecent solicitation attorney can have a winning argument. Then there is lack of evidence. A very strong defense argument which your indecent solicitation attorney will confirm before arguing this case with the prosecution. Lack of evidence may be that you were arrested before you actually spoke to the prostitute in question. It is also possible that while you were chatting to the prostitute, no agreement had been made. Trust your legal team, follow their instructions and ensure your case is handled smoothly and effectively.
About Us: John R Grasso is an attorney admitted to practice in Rhode Island, Massachusetts. He is also admitted at the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working alongside him to help focus on securing a resolution in the shortest period of time. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases on a daily basis from domestic violence cases to immigration disputes and DUI cases to robbery and so much more. To find out more, visit http://www.johngrassolaw.com.