When Turning To a Trusted Rhode Island Sex Crime Attorney Will Be the Best Way to Get Back To Your Life

Being a victim or being accused of a sex crime is something that will change your life irreparably, and this is not sometimes that will be pleasant to deal with. Being accused of a sex crime is a very disruptive thing, but what makes this even more difficult is the fact that many allegations turn out to be completely false. You may feel like your life is over if you unexpectedly get served with a sex crime charge, but this is not the end, and you’d be surprised how many miracles a reliable attorney can make. Sex crime allegations can cause your entire world to come crashing down, and to navigate through these next treacherous cases, an attorney will be your best friend.
One of the most common sex crimes that make it to court are cases of statutory rape, which is the term for when one of the implicated parties is a minor. This can be very difficult though, since you may have been tricked and believed the person was older. Your attorney will consider all this, and they will be able to help you get rid of these charges through a little-known “Romeo and Juliet” exception. This is where the court will be very likely to throw out statutory rape cases if the adult was within 3 years of the age of the minor. Getting your name cleared from statutory rape if you are not guilty will be an incredibly crucial thing to ensure you can go back to your life, and this is why sex crime attorneys take their responsibility of guiding you through this so seriously.
It often happens that people being charged with sex crimes are simply being misidentified by the victim due to confusion, and when this happens, an attorney will be able to guide you through this effortlessly and get your name cleared. Apart from jail time, being listed on the sex offender registry is one of the worst things to happen, and this can have lifelong consequences that will follow you where ever you go. Being on the registry is permanent, and an attorney will be your best bet to ensure the case is handled before it ever gets to being listed on the registry. This is important to save your social standing, employment future, and good name, and a sex crime attorney will have exactly this as a final goal.
Many people have stumbled into a situation where their partner withdraws consent only after everything happened, which places them at risk of being charged. A sex crime attorney will have the experience and skills to navigate difficult scenarios like this without it having to ruin the rest of your life. Being proven innocent in court is a necessity for anyone who has committed a sex crime, but the most surefire way to guarantee that your case will be fairly heard and trialed is to leave your case in the hands of a trusted sex crime attorney. Even if word just spreads about an alleged sex crime, many things in life like your reputation, community standing, work and education can fall victim, and it’s vitally important
to ensure that you have a professional attorney on your side who knows exactly what to do in the face of allegations like this.
Getting involved in a sex crime case is extremely tricky, and regardless of the details and conditions, there is always more than one side to the story. Having an attorney in your corner who will fight for your rights and fair treatment in the trial will make a massive difference, and this is the key to coming out of your sex crime case a whole person who is unburdened by severe and unfair consequences.
About Us
John Grasso has become widely known as the most professional and dedicated legal firm to turn to in Rhode Island, and when you are in a tough legal situation, you can count on them to get you out of it. The team at John Grasso has extensive experience in every legal matter from divorce to criminal charges, and their unrivaled experience and expertise are what provide clients with outstanding results every time. John Grasso will make a remarkable difference in any legal matter you face, and when it comes to choosing a lawyer to defend you, absolutely no one in Rhode Island matches up. For more details visit us: https://johngrassolaw.com/