Why You Need to Hire a Legal Representative When Facing Child Pornography Charges in Rhode Island

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Why You Need to Hire a Legal Representative When Facing Child Pornography Charges in Rhode Island If you are accused of child pornography in Rhode Island, then there is only one thing to do and that is to secure the services of a professional and experienced child pornography lawyer. Every country and every state has their own penaltes and sentences associated with child pornography. This artcle is focused on child pornography in Rhode Island, in the United States. If you are facing child pornography charges, then you need to know the severity of the situaton. Child pornography has been taken very seriously over the past few years, to a point that if you accidentally open a website that contains child pornography or you accidentally click on a picture online, you can be worried if someone is going to come knocking at your door. That being said, to understand the severity of the situaton if you are facing child pornography charges in Rhode Island, is up to ffeen years in jail, a $5,000 fne plus mandatory sex ofenders register. Being on the sex ofenders register can have catastrophic consequences for the rest of your life. The majority of those who have been charged with child pornography and has their names added to the sex ofenders register ofen fnd that they lose any professional licenses they may have held, they can be evicted from their homes and fnding a property to rent can be exceptonally difficult. If visitng or living in the country, but not citiens you can be deported. In additon to all of this, you can also fnd yourself losing your job with it being very difficult to secure new employment. What is worrying when facing these charges and securing the representaton from a professional child pornography lawyer in Rhode Island is that the majority of people will treat you as guilty. Unlike the legal system which sees you as innocent untl proven guilty, your neighbors, maybe even your friends will presume you are guilty. Being treated like

this from the start can be very overwhelming, especially when you are innocent. It is essental when accused of this type of crime that you secure your legal representaton immediately. A professional child pornography lawyer will be able to advise you and assist you from the minute you are called into the police staton for questoning. They can come down to be with you during questoning, ensuring that you don't say anything that can hamper your case and efect the fnal resoluton. You will want to know that if you are currently facing charges of this nature, your child pornography lawyer should have advised you that in Rhode Island, if you are caught with possession of child pornography you could be facing up to fve years jail tme, a $5,000 fne an mandatory sex ofenders registraton. If you are caught transferring child pornography, then you could be facing up to ffeen years in a State prison, $5,000 and mandatory sex ofenders registraton and if you are caught producing child pornography, then you are facing ffeen years, $5,000 and mandatory sex ofenders registraton. When choosing your child pornography lawyer in Rhode Island, it is recommended that you do your own research to ensure you fnd the best legal representaton based on your unique case. Remember not every child pornography case is the same. Ensure you are honest with your legal team and let them put a winning case together to assist you when facing such a serious ofense. Your legal team should be focused on helping you secure the fastest possible resoluton. About Us: John R Grasso is an atorney admited to practce in Rhode Island, Massachusets. He is also admited at the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working alongside him to help focus on securing a resoluton in the shortest period of tme. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases on a daily basis from domestc violence cases to immigraton disputes and DUI cases to robbery and so much more. To fnd out more, visit htp://www.johngrassolaw.com.

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