Denny Reed is in Art Gallery’s Artist Showcase

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Denny Reed is in Art Gallery’s Artist Showcase JUPITER, FL – June 15, 2013 / --- Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is very pleased to announce that professional artist Denny Reed is the gallery’s Featured Artist. She will now be featured in the Artist Showcase for the next 30 days. Denny Reed is an emerging female artist who is located both in South Florida and New York. Prior to Denny becoming an artist she had more than 25 years’ experience owning an international seminar business that taught emotional intelligence and self-development courses. From this experience she believes that she received the gift of a deep compassion for our humanness which is very evident in her works. Denny’s focus in her art is the emotional and spiritual connection to life through the eyes of a Shaman. Denny states this about the Shaman influence in her art, “This focus touches all of my artwork as I believe the natural world helps interpret the feminine and masculine energy in a balanced way. Achieving this balance is an important key to having less stress and a better quality of life and as a seminar teacher my extensive experience showed me much evidence of this necessity with my clients as balance raises self-esteem. As a self-taught artist she began painting to express what she was feeling. What emerged was a deeper inner truth that she was delighted to discover and with this, her life path changed direction. Collectors of her art feel the same strong resonance of the energies that she accesses and want to feel it as a daily reminder within their homes. Denny says this about her art, “I am committed to expressing my inner world that I find in Shamanic personal development work. This emotional and spiritual journey is important to me. I feel closeness to the energies that I access. My artwork satisfies and fulfills my hunger for a deeper conscious state of being. It is raw, alive, bold, mysterious and sometimes dark. It speaks to me and it speaks for me. I hear my soul.” Denny’s website is About Light Space & Time – Online Gallery Light Space & Time – Online Gallery offers monthly art competitions and monthly art exhibitions for new and emerging artists. It is Light Space & Time’s intention to showcase this incredible talent in a series of monthly themed art competitions and art exhibitions by marketing and displaying the exceptional abilities of these worldwide artists. Their online gallery website can be viewed here: Contact: John R. Math Telephone: 888-490-3530 Email:

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