Choose one COLOR and mix up patterns, texture, scale and shapes.
Choose one PATTERN and experiment with different colors.
Choose a TEXTURE (embroidered, wovens or velvet) and mix up colors, patterns, and sizes.
Choose one SHAPE or SIZE and play with different colors or patterns.
Kavya Blush $275 Embroidered Gohar $150 Block Printed Aleesa $160 Applique and Embroidered Maaz Coral $195 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Atthi $160 Embroidered Sonia $195 Embroidered Zoha Marigold $165 Hand Printed Lucy Coral $170 Block Printed Oja $110 12 x 18" B DP-OJA-12 Yalin $150 Embroidered Viraj $120 Hand Printed Milata $135 Embroidered Inaya Marigold $150 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered
CORALS & MARIGOLDS Arza $175 Block Printed Dip Dyed Coral $210 Dip Dyed Atulya Marigold $195 Block Printed Naaz $160 Block Printed Noor $275 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Sarah $245 Embroidered
INDIGOS Aamil Indigo King Euro $195 Woven Aleppo Indigo King Euro $135 Hand Printed Ojas Indigo $175 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Vintage Stripe Indigo Lumbar Pillow $195 Block Printed Upaya $150 Block Printed Jannat Indigo $95 Woven Heer Indigo $160 Embroidered
Atulya Light Indigo $195 Block Printed Thita Indigo $135 Woven Verdin Lapis $195 Block Printed Taiba $180 Hand Printed Sahar $220 Block Printed Aastha $180 Hand Printed Gamana Umber $235 Embroidered
Isbah $90
Block Printed & Hand Embroidered
Indigo $195 Block Printed Hina $285
Eda $175
Gagan $225 Upcycled Dip Dye Indigo $180
Aleesa Indigo $195 Block Printed
Hand Embroidered
Zaara $170 Embroidered Gent Stripe $160 Embroidered
Indigo $175 Upcycled
Couching $165 Upcycled
Tata King Euro $195 Hand Printed Kevala King Euro $195 Hand Printed Maham Light Indigo $195 Embroidered Kavya Lapis $275 Embroidered Ekaveer $120 Block Printed Hand Stitched Light Indigo $100 Hand Stitched Hand Stitched Light Indigo $55 Hand Stitched Myrthi $160 Embroidered Inaya Light Indigo $150 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered
Dip Dyed Sage $145 Dip Dyed Nilay Sage $185 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Verdin Dark Sage $210 Block Printed Riya Sage $295 Embroidered Apple Tree $200 Embroidered Divit Sage $175 Block Printed Verdin $195 Block Printed Reena $170 Block Printed Maham Sage $195 Embroidered Aleena $110 Block Printed
LOTUS Shiza $125 Upcycled Juman $170 Embroidered Zubi $170 Embroidered Chetas $175 Block Printed Himmat $250 Embroidered Aarna Lotus $95 Block Printed Yara $90 Block Printed Zala $150 Embroidered Iqra King Euro $195 Woven Hand Stitched Lotus $55 Hand Stitched
Bay Multi $195 Hand Printed Nara Lotus $175 Block Printed Mati $200 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Jaivant $195 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered Bhavin Lotus $175 Block Printed Hand Stitched Lotus $100 Hand Stitched Girivar $195 Hand Printed Verdin Lotus $195 Block Printed
Bhavin Metallic $110 Block Printed NEUTRALS METALLICS Sidra $100 Block Printed Anila Gold $150 Block Printed Divit Metallic $245 Embroidered Vanka Silver $160 Embroidered Hamna Gold $125 Block Printed Lapis Metallic $175 Block Printed Hand Stitched White $55 Hand Stitched Woven White $60 Woven Heer Natural $160 Embroidered Ahana Neutral $95 Block Printed Riya Metallic $150 Block Printed
Abhra $195 Hand Printed Asif $195 Embroidered Woven White $95 Woven Nisha $175 Embroidered Nara $170 Block Printed Verdin Sand $195 Block Printed
Beaded Verdin $250 Beaded
Fringed Natural $175 Upcycled
Woven White $75 Woven
Woven White King Euro $120 Woven
Hand Stitched White $100 Hand Stitched
Hand Stitched White King Euro $165 Hand Stitched
Madhavi Sand $195 Block Printed & Hand Embroidered
Bamana Sand $195 Embroidered
Yug $85
Haseen Moss $100
Nilay Indigo Bolster $120
Maira Indigo $95
Ekaveer $95
Adira Indigo $95
Panav $95
Madhum $180 Hand Painted
Cheeky Peacock $275 Hand Painted
Sunny Marigold $295 Hand Painted
Beaded Elephant $325 Hand Painted & Beaded
Pakhi $200 Hand Painted
Ganika $235 Hand Painted
Lapis Butterfly $245 Hand Painted
Two Elephants $185 Hand Painted
Tiger Tiger $185 Hand Painted