Kzn newsletter 2 2016

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Southern Africa KZN



Cathy Brennon Gets all fired up running her workshop Page 2

Dear Members, Dear Members,

issue No 4 Winter 2011

KZN region newsletter Number 2, 2016

Karen Murray Gets us working up close and personal Page 4

Jane Jarvis Talks us through her walk from college to colonial tea parties Page 5

Buying an electric kiln What to look for and what to avoid Page 7

Issue No 4

your vases (please make sure they Forth coming are w ater proof!) and we ask tHennie hat Stroebel workshops us with and Ardmore the m embers pop a flower or Wowing creativity- he takes us success on a walk about Page 6 flowers in on the opening night. Page8

This le/er contains all the ! informa-on required for our Our Biannual is happening in Regional. Please open and read Johannesburg at U niversity of Our National Exhibition is in Pretoria Members who turn 65 can claim a next year (Oct 2012) and there will also Gallery. reduced membership. carefully. Dear members, Johannesburg Submission be a catalogue .- all sponsored by Corobrik, It willof costs over R60,000 to and We iare in discussions entry forms mages by with website I attended Clay a Festival in Our R! egional is athe gain t KZN host this exhibition designers to upgrade our website. Johannesburg recently and enjoyed this September 6th. Existing Photographic judge for1 this profiles will Gallery nd otakes pening night is Our invited international eventawhich place every two years. event is Daphne Corregan (born in the be upgraded to your advantage. This wil It was successful onth many levels. The selecTon will take place on 23 & USA, currently resident in France), who incur costs to members who would like a Tuesday J une 2 8 . presenters were informative and has a very impressive CV. She has profile. We will 24 September 2016 by a SelecTon professional. The trade hall buzzed with agreed to accept appointment as the report back once a decision is made demonstrations by the likes of Merentia Your work should be delivered tAward o Judge for the National Exhibition. about the new look and workings of the Commi/ee appointed by NaTonal. Kooiman and the shopping for ceramic th June Daphne teaches at the University in site artSPACE is in the process of paying this vsupplies enue was on S aturday 2 5 awesome. Monaco and has to slot her visit in to everyone (for work sold on the Our own Lindsay Scott gave a workshop Our a ward j udge will be Contact Sasha complete everything within a four week Regional). me if you have not between 14.00 nd porcelain 15.00 and hours on throwing with a paper period. She will also be giving us a received monies yet. how he uses Leach’s concept Wardell from England and she will REMINDER : We continue to ask our workshop here in KZN. We host her for and uexplained nselected w ork c ollected t he of ‘accidental’ effects . (Paper clay being members to do internet transfers when over a week and if any memberu would g iving s a w orkshop on With all the cash enough to allow booking a workshop. next forgiving day between 9 alots nd to1happen 0 am like to contributebe to her stay it would be to it.) If you have a chance - plan to handed to us our last workshop we could th November. for most welcome i.Saturday e she is keen to1see 9 P lease th have been charged over R200 by the Bank. attend2the one in 2013. Sunday 6 next June. game parks and the Berg. If one has (God rest their souls) diarize tforhis ate. contacts re accommodation thed above I also attend the National Ceramic please let us know. Keep Potting We wCouncil ould Meeting encourage embers to on behalf ofmour KZN Keep creating, and it is good to know that we put aRegion flower or a plant into their Finally a decision has been made about Lynette have dedicated people handling the when does one become a Senior Citizen. extraordinary amount of work that it hanging vases for the exhibiTon. In the interest of a non discriminatory takes to host clay Festivals, Nationals Lynette Morris-­Hale society all of us become Senior Citizens our website. will put water into The cand ommi/ee when we turn 65 ! Front page!

Ceramics, Southern Africa



Workshop with Ralph Johnson This workshop was fully subscribed and Ralph shared his knowledge of sprig making and creative thinking with us. Participants were challenged to find imagery in poems that Ralph handed out and to encourage freedom of thought . Everyone was asked to draw ideas onto big sheets of paper that were covering the tables. Ralph emphasized the importance of connecting with things we remember. He said we should think laterally not literally. We should think emotionalhence the poems were used to trigger feelings. The interesting question he challenged us all with was “what triggers your inspiration?� These ideas were then converted into carvings onto plaster of paris which could be used to express ideas in clay . The venue was the Phansi Muesum which was a treat in itself-an authentic old Durban home, the wooden floors and sash windows setting off the African artifacts so astutely collected by owner Paul Mikula. Paul has further supported the Association with a R5000 donation towards our Regional Exhibition











Sketches from Ralph’s workshop


In collaboraTon with ArTsan Gallery we invite members to bring their po/ery on 23rd July to sell. Tables will be set up outside the gallery and ArTsan Gallery will do the adverTsing for us.

Costs: R50 per parTcipant and 10% of selling price of work sold (payable to ArTsan Gallery)

Please let Louise Jennings know if you are

parTcipaTng. Closing date to book

your space is July 1st.

There is limited space so it is important to book your place.

Ceramics, Southern Africa










Slipping, Incising, Burnishing and Smoke Firing

Frank will also do a demonstraTon of a smoke firing technique that can be done at home with no fancy equipment. And he will provide the li/le vessels for you to pracTce burnishing and incising on! People familiar with Frank’s work will appreciate what an opportunity it will be to become owners of 2 li/le Ukhamba’s made by Frank (and decorated by oneself)


50, Haygarth Rd,

9 for 9.30

Cost R250

Learn the fine art of applying slip, burnishing and incising a vessel. Timing is of the utmost importance with this technique so come and learn from an arTst who knows how it is done.

Bring & share lunch " 4

Ceramics, Southern Africa









What will be provided Frank will make 2 li/le vessels for each parTcipant-­‐one for painTng slip on and incising designs-­‐ and the other one for learning how to burnish

What to bring to the Workshop A rubber kidney, an old sim card or credit card, various tools to incise/draw into the clay with. Some textures to press into a leather hard vessel . Some ideas for designs to carve into your vessel. Soi paintbrushes of various sizes, a smooth pebble or sturdy spoon.

More About Frank Frank got ‘hooked into clay’ on seeing Clive Sithole working at the Bat centre in 2005. He loved the ‘Africanis’ of Sithole’s work. Previously Frank had enrolled in an F.E.T course in TexTle Design in Kathu. However, the lecturers would not agree on the syllabus and lei. As a result he and other students suddenly found themselves without teachers except in the Ceramic Department. He spent a year studying ceramics and then found odd jobs to keep the money coming in. In 2009 he worked with Clive for a few months and then came to Hillcrest where he worked as an assistant carpenter. It was aier his day working with wood that he would find refuge in his first love-­‐ clay and so started making pots which were sold to the Hillcrest Aids Centre.(where he sTll has his studio) He thinks fondly of Sue Greenberg who was the first gallery owner to purchase his work and this gave Frank much needed encouragement. Ingrid of ArTsan Gallery is another gallery owner who has supported and encouraged Frank Over the years other gallery’s have stocked his work such as Imizo Gallery Ballito, KZNSA and ArTsan Gallery and the Ebony Gallery in Franshoek. His work is also found in the Corobrik collecTon and his work has been bought by collectors as far as London, Holland, U.S.A and by our Award Judge for 2014 NaTonal Ceramic ExhibiTon-­‐ Magdalena Odonda In 2015 he was offered a mentorship and exhibiTon in Johannesburg by a well known gallery but preferred (for the present) to remain in KZN to develop his brand/style and establish himself here. He says he needs to be ‘grounded’ in his present locaTon. Frank has achieved much in a relaTvely short Tme. In 2014 he won the Best Form Award and Second Prize for Best Piece on Show at the CSA KZN Regional ExhibiTon. His work was also accepted for the NaTonal Ceramic ExhibiTon 2014 and bought by Izeko gallery. In 2015 he was invited to be part of the mini Design Indaba and was one of the Selectors and Award Judges for the 2015 KZN Regional ExhibiTon. He has also parTcipated in group exhibiTons in various galleries round Durban Frank has earned a reputaTon for his stoneware pots which are hand built and finished using slips, carved designs and burnishing. He smoke fires his work which gives the vessels the customary earthy look. The decoraTve detail and sculptural elements he adds makes each piece unique and a firm favourite with collectors.

Book your place now as Frank needs 10 days lead Bme to make you your liDle vessels.

Ceramic Bank account Ceramics Southern Africa First NaTonal Bank Acc no 53730022000 Use your name as reference please and email proof of payment to Ceramics, Southern Africa












Dates for your Diary 2016 28th May

Burnishing, Incising and Smoke Firing

25th June Saturday

Selection for Regional

KZN Gallery, Bulwer Road

28th June

Regional Opening


17th July

Regional closes

Members collect work

23rd July

Potters Market

16 September

Submission of photographic entries for Biennial

9 November

Biennial Opening

19 November


Frank Nthunya


50 Haygarth Road, Kloof (Sheila Nichols )

Outside Artisan Gallery Members to action themselves

Members Sasha Wardell (English guest artist)

Venue to be announced

Our selectors for the 2016 Regional C








Daryl Houghton , Naomi Klingenberg, Trayci Tompkins


With over 25 years in the business of ceramics, Trayci Tompkins is a well respected gallery owner, teacher and pracTcing ceramic arTst since 1995. In 2006 she founded a commercial ceramic studio and brand, trademarked as Zulu-­‐ lulu , designing and manufacturing a wide range of ceramics alongside their collectable Raku fired ‘Dlamini’ clay figurine. Her gallery, Zulu-­‐lulu Art House, on the popular Midlands Meander which she curates, currently showcases over 30 top selling ceramic arTsts from across KZN and Gauteng. The Art House is also home to a busy art bar where the public are introduced to the fun of painTng ceramics. In addiTon, Trayci recently established her Art retreat project with a fully equipped satellite Art and Po/ery studio in the Midlands providing a wonderful space for all to learn new skills or simply ‘relax and create’ with regular retreats and studio workshops. With numerous exhibiTons and solo showings of her hand coiled vessels and quirky sculpture, Trayci has conTnued to experiment with numerous firing methods and decoraTon techniques... As a result, she has gained invaluable experience with Raku and resist smoke firing large hand-­‐ coiled vessels to the more controlled stoneware firings of her recent works. Trayci’s passion and commitment to ceramics, coupled with skills in markeTng and sales helps her encourage, moTvate and market fellow arTsts and their work ...In 2007 she helped brainstorm a successful working model of ‘good judging pracTce’ for VANSA , which will no doubt give her a balanced, unbiased approach to her role on the panel of selector judges. She also received a major prize at our Regional in 2015

Ceramics, Southern Africa











Naomi Klingenberg I have been working with clay for about 30 years, starting as a hobby. Organic shapes inspire me, aiming to give clay the same fullness of fruit that are ready to burst with ripeness; enjoying contrasts of smooth & textured surfaces. Work is either wheel thrown, hand build and or sculptured. The human element is often related in my work- almost a metaphor of the human spirit- never perfect always seeking.

Regional and National Exhibitions of Ceramics Southern Africa and private Galleries. Premier Awards received at Regional in 2007 & 2010 . Attended the the University of KZN for a Post Grade Diploma in Ceramics and felt honoured to complete a 800 Kg sculptural wall panel on a Chapel in

Pietermaritzburg during my studies. It was also a privilege to participate and have two pieces collected for the Vroue Monument in Bloemfontein in 2013 for their Centenary celebration on the thought provoking theme " Universal Pain &

Many exhibitions held with the " 8

Ceramics, Southern Africa









DARYL HOUGHTON Daryl Houghton was born and grew up in Pretoria where he attended Pretoria Boys High School and was privileged to have Walter Battiss as his Art teacher. He went on to study at the Pretoria Technical College School of Art where, in 1968, he completed a National Teachers' Diploma in Art.

As part of the four year course he studied Ceramics under Minette Zaaiman and this inspired his lifelong interest in ceramics. In 1983 he received a BA Fine Arts degree from Unisa with majors in Painting and History of Art.

and Daryl made it a priority to revive that area of study. In 1992 he was appointed Subject Adviser for Art in the then Natal Education Department, a position he held until 2003. In that year he was promoted to the post of Deputy Director in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education where he was in charge of all the Arts subjects in the Senior Secondary phase. During this period he was deeply involved in writing the new curriculum for Visual Arts. From 1992 to 2007 he served as Internal Moderator for the KZN Senior Certificate Examination in Art. He retired from the Education Department in 2008.

In 1969 he began his Art teaching career at Kloof High School and went on to head up the Art Department at Edgewood College of Education. The Ceramic Department at the college had, over the years, fallen into disuse

He has written articles for various publications and is a regular contributor to 'Ceramics South Africa'. In 2014 he served on the selection panel for the KZN Regional Ceramics Exhibition

Ceramics, Southern Africa












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