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Books in Education Johns Hopkins University Press 2
Diploma Mills
Reengineering the University
Social, Political, and Economic Challenges
How For-Profit Colleges Stiffed Students, Taxpayers, and the American Dream
How to Be Mission Centered, Market Smart, and Margin Conscious
fourth edition
A. J. Angulo
William F. Massy
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century
edited by Michael N. Bastedo, Philip G. Altbach, and Patricia J. Gumport “An indispensable reference . . . An
“A. J. Angulo has produced our first his-
“William Massy is a complex, deeply
tory of the industry, which has a more
knowledgeable man: half hopeless
complex and varied past than any of
romantic about the value and high
us imagined. No matter what you think
purposes of higher education and half
impressive volume that those
about for-profit colleges and universi-
pragmatic engineer focused on costs,
concerned with the future of Ameri-
ties, you’ll surely profit by reading this
efficiency, and metrics. That combina-
can colleges and universities should
pathbreaking book.”—Jonathan
tion proves to be just right for this
acquire.”—Journal of Higher Education
Zimmerman, author of Whose
wise and insightful book.”—Michael S.
Outreach and Engagement
America? Culture Wars in the Public Schools
2016 560 pp., 12 graphs 978-1-4214-1990-9 $32.95 pb / e-book
192 pp., 1 halftone, 12 graphs
$29.95 hc / e-book
McPherson, The Spencer Foundation
2016 256 pp., 30 line drawings 978-1-4214-1899-5 $32.95 hc / e-book
Knowledge Games How Playing Games Can Solve Problems, Create Insight, and Make Change Karen Schrier “By examining the intersection of crowdsourcing and games, Schrier provides a novel perspective on the role of games in society. This innovative book will resonate with students and scholars interested in game studies, computer science, and education.”—Zoë B. Corwin, coeditor of Postsecondary Play: The Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education A Hopkins Series on Education and Technology
2016 288 pp., 18 halftones 978-1-4214-1920-6 $34.95 hc / e-book
SP RING 2 0 1 6
“Altbach provides impressive insight into the way globalization and inter-
Campus Sexual Assault
Courtrooms and Classrooms
College Women Respond
A Legal History of College Access, 1860–1960
edited by A. J. Angulo “Nothing could be more important than
Lauren J. Germain Aimed at students, parents, faculty members, university leaders, service
Scott M. Gelber “A stunningly original book. Nothing like
nationalization have impacted and
miseducation. We live in a world where
providers, and lawmakers, Campus
this has been written in the history of
changed higher education. An important
myth passes for truth and vice versa,
contribution by the leading scholar in the
thanks partly to our failure to study how
field.”—Hans (J.W.M.) de Wit, editor of Trends, Issues and Challenges in Internationalisation of Higher Education
sustained. This book is a healthy and
Sexual Assault seeks to put an end to the silence around sexual trauma by giving voice to those closest to it and providing tools for others to hear—and to act.
higher education. Succinct and lucid, Courtrooms and Classrooms combines legal literature and arguments with materials that bring to life the historical contexts of legal cases.”—Roger L. Geiger, author of The History of American Higher Education: Learning and Culture from the Founding to World War II
2016 336 pp., 1 line drawing 978-1-4214-1926-8 $34.95 pb / e-book
ignorance is created, propagated, and welcome tonic!”—Robert N. Proctor, Stanford University
2016 368 pp., 3 halftones, 2 line drawings 978-1-4214-1932-9 $32.95 pb / e-book
2016 128 pp. 978-1-4214-1905-3
$29.95 hc / e-book
2016 264 pp. 978-1-4214-1884-1
$44.95 hc / e-book
Johns Hopkins University Press 3
Philip G. Altbach
Miseducation A History of Ignorance-Making in America and Abroad
Books in Education
Global Perspectives on Higher Education
F AL L 2 0 1 5
Books in Education
The 160-Character Solution
Johns Hopkins University Press 4
How Text Messaging and Other Behavioral Strategies Can Improve Education Benjamin L. Castleman “Castleman does a wonderful
Palace of Ashes China and the Decline of American Higher Education Mark S. Ferrara “Interesting, provocative, and original. Ferrara adopts a progressive position to critique
job explaining how behav-
neoliberal trends while also
ioral science can be used in
defending the humanities and
a concrete way to improve
liberal learning more gener-
educational outcomes. No
ally.”—Robert A. Rhoads,
one has brought these ideas
coauthor of China’s Rising
together in one book focused
Research Universities: A New Era of Global Ambition
on education before.” —Josh Wright, ideas42
2015 160 pp. 978-1-4214-1874-2 $22.95 hc / e-book
2015 216 pp. 978-1-4214-1799-8 $29.95 hc / e-book
Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education
Rethinking Education and Poverty
Undisciplining Knowledge
Making It Work
edited by William G. Tierney
Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth Century
second edition
“This landmark book represents
Daryl G. Smith
a highly original and substantial
“A must-read for anyone work-
contribution to the literature
ing in higher education . . . This
on poverty and education. The
book offers a deep, broad, and
diverse authors Tierney has
forward-looking approach to
collected are luminaries in the
making Diversity’s Promise
field, and their scholarship and
for Higher Education a closer, rather than a distant reality.” —Review of Higher Education
2015 376 pp., 27 charts 978-1-4214-1734-9 $32.95 pb / e-book
theoretical insights are equal to their reputations.”—Kenneth M. Kempner, Southern Oregon University
2015 296 pp., 26 line drawings 978-1-4214-1768-4 $34.95 pb / e-book
Harvey J. Graff “I am fascinated by
Undisciplining Knowledge. The most comprehensive and complicating examination of interdisciplinary study yet undertaken. Graff pushes on the boundaries of received wisdom.”—Mike Rose, author of Why School? Reclaiming
Education for All of Us
2015 344 pp. 2 halftones, 7 line drawings 978-1-4214-1745-5 $44.95 hc / e-book
F AL L 2 0 1 5
“A helpful, highly readable guide
Robert A. Rhoads “A timely book that not only defines and describes MOOCs
to the landscape of higher edu-
but also situates the MOOC
cation, Breakpoint is effectively
phenomenon within a cultural
informed by Jon McGee’s long experience in the field.” —Stephen R. Lewis Jr., Carleton College
2015 192 pp., 16 line drawings 978-1-4214-1820-9 $26.95 pb / e-book
context.”—Claire Howell Major, author of Teaching Online: A
Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice Reforming Higher Education: Innovation and the Public Good Series Editors:William G.Tierney and Laura W. Perna
2015 184 pp. 978-1-4214-1779-0 $29.95 hc / e-book
Changing the Face of Engineering The African American Experience edited by John Brooks Slaughter, Yu Tao, and Willie Pearson, Jr. “Changing the Face of
Engineering is rigorous, employs and reports the best national data, and confronts an important problem from multiple perspectives.”—David E. Drew, author of STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America
2015 448 pp., 31 line drawings 978-1-4214-1814-8 $49.95 hc / e-book
Left Behind
University Reform
Urban High Schools and the Failure of Market Reform
The Founding of the American Association of University Professors
Edward P. St. John, Victoria J. Milazzo Bigelow, Kim Callahan Lijana, and Johanna C. Massé “A compelling narrative examining the social relations among politics, policy systems, and on-the-ground educational practice.”—Luis Mirón, coauthor of Urban Schools: The New
Social Spaces of Resistance
2015 208 pp., 1 line drawing 978-1-4214-1787-5 $34.95 hc / e-book
Hans-Joerg Tiede foreword by Michael Bérubé “This book provides insight into the tensions inherent in the American university system and inspiration for the role professors might play in successfully addressing them.”—Joan W. Scott, Institute for Advanced Study
2015 288 pp., 12 halftones 978-1-4214-1826-1 $34.95 hc / e-book
Johns Hopkins University Press 5
Jon McGee
MOOCs, High Technology, and Higher Learning
Books in Education
Breakpoint The Changing Marketplace for Higher Education
Books in Education Johns Hopkins University Press 6
Remaking College
Those Good Gertrudes
Presidencies Derailed
Organizing Enlightenment
Innovation and the Liberal Arts
A Social History of Women Teachers in America
Why University Leaders Fail and How to Prevent It
Information Overload and the Invention of the Modern Research University
Geraldine J. Clifford
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, Gerald B. Kauvar, and E. Grady Bogue
Chad Wellmon
edited by Rebecca Chopp, Susan Frost, and Daniel H. Weiss “This collection of essays is both clear-
“Those ‘Good Gertrudes’—the women
sighted about challenges facing small,
who dedicated some part of their lives
liberal arts colleges and inspiring for the
to teaching—finally have a great histo-
ways in which it clearly illustrates both
rian to tell this important, missing story.
the great flexibility of the sector and the
This stands as a landmark work in the
deeply held values that fuel its continu-
social history of education.”—John R.
ing creativity.”—S. Georgia Nugent,
Thelin, author of A History of American
Kenyon College
Higher Education
2013 232 pp., 3 line drawings 978-1-4214-1978-7 $29.95 pb / e-book
2014 496 pp., 18 halftones, 1 line drawing 978-1-4214-1979-4 $34.95 pb / e-book
“Without qualification, this book is and will remain the classic on why university presidents succeed or fail. Not to mention the lessons also apply to all top leadership!”—Warren Bennis, University of Southern California
2013 184 pp., 1 line drawing 978-1-4214-1987-9 $34.95 pb / e-book
“An important story told by Wellmon . . . His exposition is deeply grounded in intellectual, rather than social, history.”—Choice
2015 368 pp. 978-1-4214-1988-6
$34.95 pb / e-book
R ECE NT L Y P UBL ISHE D How Universities Work John V. Lombardi The single best description of the inside workings of contemporary universities.
2013 240 pp. 978-1-4214-1122-4 $24.95 pb / e-book
Designing the New American University
A radical blueprint for reinventing
The Rise and Decline of Faculty Governance
eleventh edition
Professionalization and the Modern American University
American Association of University Professors
Larry G. Gerber
Wikipedia U Knowledge, Authority, and Liberal Education in the Digital Age Thomas Leitch
of American higher education.
Explores the battle between the
2014 384 pp. 2 halftones, 3 line drawings 978-1-4214-1422-5 $29.95 pb / e-book
American higher education.
The essential guide to the
There was a time when the
top-down authority traditionally
2015 360 pp., 18 line drawings 978-1-4214-1723-3 $34.95 hc / e-book
AAUP’s best practices and
faculty governed universities.
ascribed to experts and schol-
policies for higher education,
Not anymore.
ars and the bottom-up authority
2014 264 pp. 978-1-4214-1463-8 $29.95 pb / e-book
exemplified by Wikipedia.
now in its centennial edition.
2014 432 pp. 978-1-4214-1637-3 $49.95 hc / e-book
John R. Thelin A dynamic and thoughtful collection documenting the history A Hopkins Series on Education and Technology
2014 176 pp. 978-1-4214-1535-2 $29.95 hc / e-book
Click here for examination copy information
Soldiering for Freedom
Johns Hopkins University Press 7
Michael M. Crow and William B. Dabars
Policy Documents and Reports
Books in Education
Essential Documents in the History of American Higher Education
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