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PHOBIA OF HOLES Before we learn “What is the phobia of holes”? Let's first understand what does the word phobia refer to, a phobia is an overwhelming fear in relation to an object, place, situation, animal or feeling. Phobic reaction appears when a person develops an unrealistic sense of danger regarding a situation. WHAT IS PHOBIA OF HOLES? Trypophobia is a term that is preferred to describe as phobia of holes which means the sufferer feels disgust while looking at patterns of holes or bumps, they cannot bear the sight of clusters of holes or objects that have many small holes tightly grouped together. People feel uneasy and uncomfortable, they may get panic attacks or may find difficulty in breathing for example sponges or lotus heads may cause discomfort in someone with this phobia. Phobia of holes is not officially recognised as the research and studies are limited and whatever research is available that is conflicted on whether or not it should be considered an official condition. The American Psychiatric Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,” (DSM-5) doesn’t recognize trypophobia as an official phobia. More research is needed to understand the full scope of trypophobia and the causes of the condition. WHAT INDUCES TRYPOPHOBIA? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sponges Soap bubbles Rotten food moulds Honeycomb Sea sponges Water condensation Seed pods Beehives Pomegranates Strawberries Lotus heads

SYMPTOMS OF PHOBIA OF HOLES ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Panic attack Trembling with fear Sweating and increased heart rate Palpitation and dizziness Feeling itchy and nauseated Feeling their skin crawling Goosebumps Visual discomforts such as illusions or distortions Fear of dying Sense of Unrealistic images Breathlessness Nervousness

TREATMENT OF TRYPOPHOBIA There is no perfect treatment for trypophobia as the researchers' facts are not satisfactory and there is no vast study to consider it as PHOBIA but there is exposure treatment to heal the sufferers. One may go through many sessions of exposure step by to overcome their fear and feelings of disgust when they see any object that has holes. Below here is the process detailed to treat the sufferer: ● ● ● ● ● ●

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a combined exposure therapy blended with several techniques to help manage your anxiety and stress taking general counselling therapy with a psychiatrist helps you feel light and keep your anxiety in control The medications prescibed helps reduce anxiety and panic symptoms and that's why they must be taken regularly. relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and yoga helps you to release stress. physical activities like walking, jogging and exercise helps to manage anxiety mindful breathing, observation, listening, and other mindful strategies helps in dealing with feelings of disgust.

Trypophobia- phobia of holes, generally public is not even aware of this word many people suffering with this don't know its name they remain alone in reactions until they find an online community. The extent to which it exists is unknown, a deep study is yet required to help people understand trypophobia extensive research programs on topics of disgust and emotional stress is must for the sufferers of this phobia.

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