How To Get Rid Of A Hickey

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EASY STEPS TO GET RID OF HICKEY ON YOUR NECK What is a hickey? It's a love bite passionately marked on the skin of your neck with immense love and passion, a hickey appears as reddish blue scar on the skin as a result of blood vessels broken and the area gets swelled up when the blood gets collected in that area it looks like a blood clot. A hickey is a bruise but not an injury caused out of violence or anger it's a statement of lovemaking, when someone is deeply in love with you and trusts you from the bottom of heart, marks its territory by laying a deep hickey in the moment of heat and passion to tell the world that this person is all reserved. How to give a hickey? Giving a hickey is a way to express your love, place your mouth in a circular shape over your partner’s neck and suck hard for a few seconds with immense passion and love that you feel from inside causing a slight bruise and leaving a bluish, reddish or brownish mark.

How to get rid of hickeys on your neck? Love nibbles makes you feel good at the time but hickeys can become sore or may not look good on some prominent uncovered parts of the body which may become cause of embarrassment while attending any meeting, family gathering or social environments. It lasts for 5 to 10 days typically depending on the personal health and harshness, which may cause you to worry about bruise as it will speak of your previous night love story. Hickeys are pleasurable and loved but if it stays for long then you will feel uncomfortable, trying to cover your neck with a collar or a scarf but here you need not to worry as here are some easy steps mentioned below to learn how to get rid of hickeys on your neck. ● Use a coin: take a coin and begin scraping the mark from the middle going out all around the hickey go gently and smoothly do not make a rush as you may hurt yourself. In a few hours you will find the mark fading away. ● Consume food rich in vitamin k: it is the best option for how to get rid of hickeys on your neck, vitamin k is found in foods like broccoli, Kale, spinach, and brown rice which helps the body to absorb clots of pooled blood quickly and fading the scar from your neck. ● Banana Peel: it is the most easily reachable fruit available all around the world, it contains cooling properties which soothes the bruise mark and the swollen blood clots settles making it the most effective method for how to get rid of the hickey on your neck.

â—? Warm Compress method: you can apply warm pads over the bruised part on the skin for 5-10 minutes repeating the process will increase blood flow making way for trapped blood applying heat also loosens tense muscles.

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