There are several types of schools for students to go to during their formative years of education. The common ones include public schools, charter schools, magnet schools, private schools and boarding schools. We have all heard of these in some capacity even if we did not attend one. In my home town, there were several different high schools and everyone knew someone who went to a school similar to the ones listed above. There is always a competition about which type of school is best and which has the most benefits. Regardless of what your stance is, this post is going to be speaking about the advantages of attending a Christian school. Each and every school types has it’s pros as well as it’s cons, this post will be highlighting the former.
Open Minded Teaching Methods
When it comes to getting educated in a Christian school environment, what often seems to be the thought is that students only get to see one style of religion. The thought being that since a student is in a Catholic or Lutheran school, the teachers are only going to focus on that one religion. Also, people believe that this is shoved down the student’s throats and the religion is forced on them which is not the case at all. This is an environment that is open to all religions, although it is under the jurisdiction of a certain Christian denomination. Unlike public or charter schools, Christian schools require students to study world religions while they are in school. Not only are they studying the Christian religion for which the school represents but they also study all different world religions. This allows for the student to have open conversations and debates with their peers
about religion. They question themselves, others and their religious beliefs in a safe space. Students who go to a school that does not allow for religious conversations do not get this experience. They simply get to speak on religion while they are in church or at home with people who have the exact same views. This does not do the student any good, it is important to have open and honest discussions about religion and views on life.
Exceptional Educational Experience
Another pro that people speak about often is the education that you receive while you are in a school such as this one. Not only the open-mindedness when it comes to religion and faith-based topics but just school in general. Some people who are not even religious will send their child to Christian
schools because they feel the education is just far superior to any other type of school. Some of the highest test scores and graduation rates come from Christian schools, as the students are given the very best tools to learn. The teachers are often far more committed at Christian schools because they have a sense of pride in their work. They are not just there for the money, but instead to help the next generation of great thinkers. It is a familial vibe that is unlike anything on most other campuses. The end goal of finding a great school is to make sure that your child has everything they need to achieve academic greatness.
Giving Is Receiving Not every school requires students to actually perform acts of service. In certain school systems, it is an option for those students who want to go to college. But at a Christian school, it is an absolute requirement that is needed if you want to graduate. This is because at the root of most religions is the idea that we should be helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Service is an integral part of who we are as human beings and something that should be instilled in us at a young age. If we are not willing to give back and help those who need our help, then we must question our motives and who we are as people. At Christian schools, they do not just make you blindly go about committing acts of service. They make sure you know what you are doing and why you are doing it but allowing you to take control of your own service. You get to pick how you plan
to help people, and there have even been students who go about starting their own service clubs.
Hard Work Is The Only Right Answer We are not here to say that any school type is better than the other. Let the alumni have that debate, all we want to do is present you with a list of reasons why we believe the Christian school system can be beneficial. At the end of the day, where you go to school is not as important as how hard you work. There are thousands of Ivy league graduates who get outworked by entrepreneurs who do not even have a college degree. So no matter where you send your child, make sure they are committed to their academic greatness. That is the ultimate key to their success, the rest is just auxiliary.
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