Facts About Root Canals

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Facts About Root Canals

When looking at trends in the field of dentistry, many predicted that there would be a gold rush caused by the baby boomer generation. You see, typically, root canals are most commonly needed for people aged 40-60. With the boom in population after World War II, we experienced a large drain on the economy that had trickled down to the next generation. That said, there was a small boom in the dentistry market because of the rise in root canals. This is a procedure that many people have at least once in their life and can be great for dentists. But for those of you that are still wondering what I am even talking about, here are a few things to know about root canals.

What is a Root Canal?

In most anatomy classes, they do not break down all of the parts of the tooth, so do not feel too bad that you do not know all of the answers to these questions. This might never affect you, so you may never even need this information. You can start by thinking about teeth like you would think about the inside of the planet. There is a lot underneath the surface that you are not seeing and it comes in layers of varying hardness. The layer that we see on the tooth is known as enamel and protects you from chipped teeth. Going in a layer, there is a substance known as dentin, which is a hard inner layer. Underneath that is the pulp, which is what is affected when you need a root canal. Pulp is necessary during the development of teeth because it contains all of the blood vessels and nerve connections that stimulate the growth. After you finish growing all of your adult teeth, the pulp becomes unnecessary. What can happen is that the pulp becomes inflamed or infected as the result of cracks in the teeth or damage and that causes pain or even abscess. Once that happens, it is time to consult a dentist, who will take you through the whole procedure. Usually, the dentist will go into your tooth and extract the infected or inflamed pulp. They clean out the inside of the tooth and replace the space with a sealant. A crown is placed on the tooth to finish the process and return the tooth to normal function.

How Long Will You Be Out of Commission?

Something that people worry about is how long the recovery time is for this procedure. The good news is that you will not have to experience the pain for too long. Most people are not in constant pain or experience soreness after a root canal, just feeling a slightly raised sensitivity at the affected area. This is something that usually goes away in a short time, usually only lasting around a week. Those people that are too uncomfortable even with the sensitivity can go to a local pharmacy and pick up over the counter remedies or even consult their dentist for a prescription solution.

Source : https://rapichat.com/read-blog/2532

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