Problems with English-Only Teaching
This country has a spotty past when it comes to language and that might come from the fact that we never agreed upon a national language. While it is true that English is primarily the language of the United States, Spanish is the language of a massive chunk of the population thanks to the proximity to Mexico and a long history of Spanish speakers in the southwest. What that creates is a barrier with people of other languages and bitterness when it comes to people who think that we should all speak the same language. In this article, I will talk about the problems with English-only teaching in schools, why language matters, and how this is affecting an online English tutor market.
The Problem of Language
When it comes to language, I often wonder why we need more than one on the planet. This is a belief that really could not exist in the past and still is not achievable in the present, but one wonders if the separation of language makes world peace a virtual impossibility. The thing about language is that it is just a tool of communication. When you think in your head, it might sound like it is coming out in your language, but we have the same brains as anyone else around the world. You translate to English because that is how you know how to express yourself. When you speak to someone, you are trying to accurately transmit your thought to them in a way that they can comprehend. Having rules to language becomes incredibly important because breaking them can lead to misunderstandings, which is the fatal flaw of language. When you speak entirely different languages, understanding is impossible. If we all spoke the same language, we might be able to come together as a planet, rather than with those that speak our same tongue. This is more possible now as the world becomes more instantly connected, but we will never have a universal language.
The Problem of English-Only Teaching When schools in America decide to teach only in English, it is a factor of the attempt to save money on teachers by having people that can teach to every student in the population. If you have to hire different people for different languages, that is going to add to the overhead of running a school and schools are underfunded as it is. Those that are not native English speakers often have to take English immersion courses in schools, which take up large chunks of their day. Students find this to be a huge burden because it can mean that you are not able to take high level classes due to time, inherently holding you back from your peers. Some can afford an online English tutor after school, but that should not be a requirement.
Possible Solutions Arizona is looking to repeal a law that requires English-only education as they attempt to accommodate students with bilingual teaching. Although this may have some bumps as we adjust, it might be the way that we open up learning to those that have traditionally missed out on accessing.
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