Using Home Tutors To Secure Your Child's Future Going to school is perfectly fine, but the quality of teaching varies across the country and even within your school. As much as schools try to hire the best teachers, there are some duds in the bunch and some schools have a higher percentage of duds than others. That means that a lot of students get left flailing in the wind. Proactive parents who see this will step in to help and one of the best ways to delegate additional teaching is to hire a tutor. Someone that comes right to your home is even better. Here are some of the great ways that home tutors help your children secure a solid future. Extra Attention When it comes to the classroom, it is almost impossible to see how any single teacher could give the proper attention when faced with the class sizes that they do. In my schools, there were often 30 students in every class, which means that one teacher needs to come up with a lesson plan that works for all 30 of them. Some students have more questions than others, which subsequently hurts those that are ready to move ahead. In that way, this is a zero sum game where you are trying as hard as you can to win an uphill battle, but get crushed by the boulder in the end. There will inevitably be a few left behind and those people need to get the attention that they deserve. Instead of blaming the teacher, hire someone that can be the one-on-one support that you are looking for. It costs a little bit, but it is a lot cheaper than putting them in a private school. Convenience When you look at tutoring as an addition to your schedule, you are not really considering all of the externalities. Yes, you are probably going to need to carve out at least an hour out of each week for tutoring, which sounds like a chore in people’s busy schedules of extracurricular activities, but tutoring really saves you time in the end. All of the time that you would have spent studying on your own is cut down by working with a tutor. Your tutor might also be able to help you with your homework during the session, so you are using your time to kill two birds with one stone. The good thing about in home tutors is that they come right to you, so you do not have to waste time in traffic or driving around. Jump Ahead A lot of people think about tutoring when things are already to dire to save things. Those students with terrible grades need the help, but you can only help them so much. On the
other end of the spectrum, some students are not challenged enough and just want to have someone that can help them go ahead in the book. With a tutor, you might build the skills to skip to a higher class early and get ahead of the game before you go to college where that is much easier to find.
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