What You Learn in Bachelor of Business Administration

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What You Learn in Bachelor of Business Administration

For students that are interested in some aspect of business and want to study that at an undergraduate level, a degree in business administration can be a great idea. As someone who chose a BSBA as their undergraduate path, I can tell you a little bit about what my experience was like in business school and you can decide if that is what is right for you. It may be different at different schools, but the degree that everyone got in the business school where I went to college was a bachelor of science in business administration, but you chose a specific major (or sometimes two, and also maybe a minor) that is the specific field that you are interested in. That major has certain requirements on top of the general requirements that you must fulfill to complete a business degree. Usually, the requirements are going to give you a sampler plate of different introductory courses in all of the specific majors, which allows you to try thing out before you jump deeper into the one that interests you the most. Additionally, you will have to take some classe s that every business student needs, like managerial statistics or modeling classes that teach Excel use.

Some of the typical majors that you might expect include accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, supply chain management, and organizational management. As such, you can expect to take intro classes in all, sometimes more than one. Intro to Marketing is usually one of the only marketing requirements, but accounting has both Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting. Economics has both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

Once you get past all of the core requirements, you are going to start focusing in more on the elective and required classes of your major. Those all depend on what you choose to study, but there are likely many choices among what you can take to fulfill your requirements, so not every student has the same journey to the same degree. You also have room open to explore other things if you want to. For some students, that means picking up another major within the business school or you might be able to combine outside to give yourself a well-rounded resume. You can also use that time to minor in something that interests you. I fell into marketing as a major and found an interest in writing through elective classes in college that I had never felt before. The combination of writing and marketing made immediate sense, so I bundled my electives into a writing minor.

Getting a degree in business administration can also give you experiences that prepare you for the world. At some point, you will have to make presentations, which really helps you find confidence as a public speaker. You can also learn a lot of Excel skills that make data management in life and career very simple and helpful. Another of the hidden benefits of getting a business degree is that all of your peers are doing the same thing. You can make relationships that have social and professional benefits down the line as well as just meeting cool people. Getting a degree in business administration is a really good bet if you enjoy business.

Source : https://www.knowpia.com/s/blog_84de4c2a435dc94a

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