When a Christian School Chose the Right Side of History

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When a Christian School Chose the Right Side of History

I will start off with what I want you to take away from this in the end and that is that representation is not an agenda. It is a reality. I know you do not know what I am talking about yet, but we need to start with the point that race and sexuality are not choices, but religion is. That is why it is so insane when you hear about a Christian school where there is an agenda of bigotry and they try to act like they are talking about a matter of belief and opinion. Black people are not black because they believe that they are black. Gay people are not gay because they believe that they are attracted to the same sex. Christians are Christian because of a belief that they have, whether it is real or not. That might sound a little blasphemous to you, but it is a fact that Christianity is about faith and homosexuality is about reality.

Okay, now we can get to the topic at hand which is about a story from London at a Christian school where one of the school’s governors raised concerns about LGBT books and Pride month being recognized at the school. She was, as you might imagine, an older woman in her 70s, which can point to her obsolete beliefs, but it does not excuse her feelings. She was quoted saying that there are “parents with children from religious backgrounds who would object and not want their children to have this form of sex education.” She went on to talk about how she would not want her sons reading LGBT books or to be involved with Pride month. Fortunately, the school did not support her or her beliefs and suspended her as a governor. This is a case of the school making the choice to be good Christians and do the right thing. Here is what is wrong with what she said. She is ignoring reality. I can’t tell you what was in her head when she made these statements, but she tries to use religion to claim that the existence of homosexuality can’t be questioned. As she put it, there is an “LGBT agenda” and there is “no debate.” She is just being stupid here. I appreciate the fact that she was taught the wrong beliefs and never made an effort to educate herself on something that did not apply to her, but questioning the existence of LGBT people is like questioning the existence of apples. We do not have debates about apples. We do not need to debate about the supposed LGBT agenda. I would like to point out that this woman made the choice to procreate, which means that she also made the choice to be with a man. I could easily argue that this terrible human being should not be allowed to have children or raise them because she is a danger to society, but I do not because we all deserve the right to feel the way we feel. If she can still spout her idiocy, the LGBT community should be allowed to love whomever they want.

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