Why to Choose Christian Schools Over Public School
There is a war going on separating students from their religious life. I am not talking about some sort of silly war like the president makes you think is going on where there are people afraid to say Merry Christmas. I am talking about the day-to-day battles of incorporating religious education into your children’s lives when there are so many extracurricular activities that are not only present, but necessary to students that want to get into college. Instead of focusing on living a life of faith and being a good member of the community, students are taught to check the boxes off that signal virtue, while they are not actually learning the values that are underlying.
When you go to a Christian school, as opposed to going to regular public school, you can make sure that your child is as versed in Christ as they are in the important subjects that they learn in school. Lots of kids push back at this form of education because it is more than some of their peers get, but that sacrifice is also to give them an experience that prepares them to be a better member of society. That is not to say that you are not going to be a good person without learning at a Christian school, but part of the reason you go to a Christian school is because they share your values. There are a lot of ways to measure a “good” life, but a Christian life is one that you learn through exposure. In Christian schools, the specialization allows for more individualized attention. You are going to have to pay tuition for your Christian education, but that also brings some amenities with it that you would not experience had you gone for the publicly funded education. It also allows you to be more involved with the education process. A lot of Christian schools view the whole family as part of the community and encourage interaction through events and other activities. Ultimately, family is a large part of Christianity, which is why parents are able to stay invested in their child’s progress. A lot of times, parents participate more in volunteer activities in Christian schools. A lot of people feel that the government has had an anti-Christian bias toward schools over the years, which is not quite true. Students should not be forced into faith by any means, which is why it is a good thing that nonreligious students are afforded equal education opportunities without
focusing on things that they do not believe. That said, those who have faith should also be able to receive education that supports their religious pursuits if that is what they want. Christian schools are a much better environment for religious families. For schooling concerned with the values of your family and building a community for you to be a part of, Christian schools are much better suited for religious families than public schools.
Source : https://www.minds.com/bellacross/blog/why-to-choosechristian-schools-over-public-school-972047389151395840