2 minute read

Strickland's Crossroads 4-H members build duck nesting box

Submitted by Dr. Heather J. Rhodes-Pope

Easton Jernigan, 11, and Lucas Stewart, 12, are both sixth graders at Four Oaks Middle School and members of the Strickland's Crossroads 4-H Club. During their winter break, the boys alongside their fathers, Josh Jernigan and Chad Stewart, built a duck nesting box using funds their club received this fall from the Carmen Johnson Creech Memorial Grant, using the Ducks Unlimited construction guidelines.

In January, on the eve of the National Day of Service, the boys met with their club to share the details of their project and installed the box on a tree in a neighborhood pond with fifteen of their fellow 4-Hers and parents watching from the bank.

Wood ducks in eastern North Carolina typically begin laying eggs around the end of January. Installation of cedar or cypress boxes supplement natural cavities to provide additional protection from predators and increase survival rates through the spring.

4-H is the largest youth organization in the U.S. 4-Hers like Easton and Lucas "learn by doing" and are young leaders supporting hands-on projects for larger service within their rural community.

To learn more about 4-H opportunities, email Keana Prince at kaena_prince@ ncsu.edu with the county’s agricultural extension office.

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