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Keep pests where they belong - outside

Submitted by HomeMasters Pest Control

Cockroaches. Spiders. Mosquitos. Ants. Termites. Creepy bugs with too many legs that invade our living space, bite us and could even destroy the foundation of our homes. While there are great bugs that exist, like bumble bees, lady bugs and butterflies, we wouldn’t want to share the interior of our homes with them, either.


A world without bugs would not be a good one. Crops would not grow, fish, birds, bats and amphibians would die of starvation, and eventually our entire ecosystem would collapse. Still, in the last decade, there have been great improvements in keeping these bugs out of your home and out in nature where they belong.

Termites, carpenter bees and carpenter ants love to eat wood, and the crawl space in your home is a literal buffet. It’s a moist, quiet place with few predators and has miles of their favorite food. In the past, many pest control companies were treating the wood every couple of years to make it unsuitable for these pests to enjoy, but it was not always fool proof.

Now with Sentricon, the bait is placed outside your home, drawing the termites away from your home altogether, trapping them and killing off the hive.

Many people are scared of spiders, and while most spiders do more harm than good, walking through a spider web or getting a spider bite is never a good thing. A spider’s web is its accomplishment, so when its web is demolished it is less likely to return to that corner to set up shop again.

Keeping your home well dusted will keep them out most of the time, but you must also be diligent about the entry ways of your home. Spiders typically only bite when they feel threatened, but since you’re a giant to a spider, if you roll over in your sleep the spider might feel threatened and attack.

Since the COVID outbreak, many pest control companies have veered away from spraying indoors. They’ve changed the ways they treat the exterior of your home and only come inside when there is a pest issue. With this attention to detail outdoors, the industry is seeing a huge decrease in indoor spiders.

Mosquitos are the dreaded bug of summer. Monthly mosquito treatments will reduce mosquito populations, and if everyone on your street participates, the block party will be citronella free.

In addition to spraying to deter mosquitos from coming into your yard, mosquito dunks are placed in any standing bodies of water, like bird baths that will prevent mosquito eggs from hatching. These treatments also prevent fleas and ticks from being in your yard, which is great for your pets and family.

In movies and TV shows when a house is being fumigated, a large circus style tent is placed over the whole home or building and is gassed, typically leaving the residents (and their pets) as nomads for a few days.

While cockroaches are difficult to kill, and LOVE being inside a home — houses are warm, and there is food for them everywhere — a quarterly pest control treatment will keep them outside. If there is a infestation, a fumigation treatment can be done in just one day — but you and Fido will have to leave while its being done.

With a knowledgeable pest control company, you can keep bugs where they need to be — outside and away from you.

Want to learn more, visit www.homemasterspest.com or call 1-877-55-PESTS.

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