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Advertorial: Curbside Kindness
from May 2020
by Johnston Now
By Jason Ast, Just Dog People
JDP has been ‘curbside’ and phone-order only these last few weeks. Obviously, times have changed for all of us — some more so than others.
But we’ve seen daily acts of kindness that nearly bring us to tears (sometimes actual tears) daily. A few days ago, we were helping two different customers at the same time.
Their cars were side by side, with one parking space between them. In one car was a woman who simply needed food and treats.
In the other car, was a younger woman who had just taken in a very young, stray puppy walking around covered in mud. The woman who found the puppy told us that she was trying to find the owner and wanted to clean up the dog, get flea treatment, food, etc.
Since we were ‘curbside’ only and not allowing people in the store, we would run back and forth between her car and the store — attempting to find the “biggest bang for the buck,” since money is tight given the stay at home orders.
We look for ways to donate products and services where we can in these instances. In the meantime, the other lady (the one simply buying food and treats) noticed all the activity and overheard the conversations.
She was done shopping with us but chose to stay around — for what, we didn’t know. We finished helping the customer who had found the puppy and were saying our goodbyes, when the first lady joined the conversation and asked for a moment to speak with her.
A few moments later we watched as the kind stranger handed over two large bills (cash) to help the younger woman who had just found the puppy. The young woman with the puppy cried and was so very thankful for the generosity of the stranger.
It hit each of us too — watching people positively affect others, simply to be kind, with no expectation of return. We see similar stories like this daily, both at JDP and around town. I swear to each of you, even if you can’t or aren’t seeing it for yourself, there are amazing acts of kindness happening all around us here in the Garner area every day.
No matter how simple the gesture, it can mean the world to the person receiving your kindness. Even just a smile can help someone who’s having a really tough time right now. Please, everyone, continue to be strong, stay positive and show each other kindness.
Katie and I are so proud to live and serve this community. Trust me — we live among great people! Thank you for your support and kindness towards us at JDP, too. We are here to serve, so if Katie and I, or JDP, can help you or someone you know, please reach out to us.
For more information, call 919-335-5299 or visit www.justdogpeople.com.