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The Woman’s Club of Clayton installs new officers
from July 2020
by Johnston Now
Submitted by The Woman’s Club of Clayton
CLAYTON — The Woman’s Club of Clayton has work to do in the community, so the organization has not let COVID-19 slow them down. With 80 members, it has not been able to meet face to face, but instead has taken advantage of their newsletter, email and Zoom to help members stay informed.
The group has tried to help when needs have been identified, such as rallying members to donate food to schools and Backpack Buddies. The community needs are many, so nonprofits will be essential to help people get through these trying times.
The organization changes officers every two years and did so during its May meeting. The meeting was held via Zoom, and a short installation service was held. Shortly after, a small group of less than 10 met at the clubhouse for a formal installation — while employing social distancing and wearing masks.
For more on The Woman’s Club of Clayton, visit www.twccnc.org.