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Board of Education honors JCPS Employees of the Year


SMITHFIELD — The Johnston County Board of Education honored the 2022 Johnston County Public Schools Employees of the Year at a recent meeting.


Each year, educators who serve outside the classroom setting are recognized for the important roles they play in Johnston County Public Schools. Through a nomination and blind judging process, employees of the year were named in auxiliary and administrative services, central office, curriculum, instruction and accountability; facilities and construction and media specialist.

Recipients for the awards are Chase Ferrell for auxiliary and administrative services, Caitlin Furr for central office, school counselor Jill Kreacic of Dixon Road Elementary for curriculum, instruction and accountability; Billy Norris for facilities and construction and Melissa Waring of Corinth-Holders Elementary for media specialist.

Ferrell, auxiliary services and safety officer, was nominated by Ben Barbour, who said that he has never met someone that is as involved and passionate about his job as Ferrell is.

Barbour said he has personally witnessed the relationship that Ferrell has built with the Johnston County emergency services department, police departments and the sheriff’s office and believes that Johnston County is a better place because of the work that he does.

Barbour said Ferrell truly puts children and staff safety as his number one priority, always has a positive attitude and can find the good in a bad situation.

Furr was nominated by Kathryn Farrior, who said that Furr works tirelessly to promote JCPS programs and maintain a positive image for the school district. Farrior said Furr confidently, proficiently and promptly attends to the needs of administration and directors and also leads school staff in properly relaying information to the public via websites and social media platforms. Farrior said Furr is the voice of the district to its most important stakeholders, the parents and students.

Kreacic was nominated by Laura Costa, who said she is like a fairy godmother who works tirelessly behind the scenes to make programs and instruction at Dixon Road happen effortlessly. Costa said that as a counselor, Kreacic is involved in all areas of the school family. Costa added she coordinates with area businesses and churches to provide Backpack Buddies kits for kids, she distributes supplies as needed, she volunteers to have lunch with students in need of a person to listen and she organizes the school’s peer tutoring group which provides muchneeded practice with younger students. Costa said Kreacic goes far beyond the requirements of her job because she desires to serve the staff and student body. According to Costa, she teaches lessons regularly that are tailored to classroom needs, and readily consults with teachers about what lesson would best work at this time.

Norris was nominated by Matthew Johnson, who said Norris knows what it takes to show up to work every day ready to give it his all. Johnson said Norris is always determined to take on tasks that no one else wants to accomplish and his resolve to consistently do what is best and do it well characterizes strong character. Johnston added he personifies the idea that while life may be difficult and not always go our way, it does not have to dictate or negatively affect daily relationships and work ethic.

Waring was nominated by her principal, Chad McLamb, who said she is the face of the school’s media center. He noted as the head of the dismissal line, Waring knows every parent by name.

McLamb said Waring displays empathy daily, as she cares more about others than herself, and would truly do anything to put a smile on anyone’s face. He said Waring’s passion for her job is what you want working alongside you every day and she constantly seeks ways to bolster our morale and Waring shares her love of reading with anyone that she comes into contact with.

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