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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016

Financial Justice a Key Focus at 2016 NAACP COMMENTARY: Is U.S. marching steadily to warConvention with Iran? New Haven, Bridgeport

INNER-CITYNEWS Volume . No. Volume27 21 No.2341 2194

Elicker Petition Squad Hits Pavement In 100-Degree Heat

Malloy Malloy To To Dems: Dems:

“DMC” Debtor’s Prison is Real

Ignore If You’re Poor in America, Ignore“Tough “ToughOn OnCrime” Crime”

Color Struck?

Summer Reading

Launched Snow in July?

Two Black High School Students

Make History at Harvard University FOLLOW US ON 1




June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Candidates Praise Opponents’ Passion by LAURA GLESBY New Haven Independent

Amid a campaign season of complaints and conspiracy theories, mayoral candidates took a brief pause from the animosity on Sunday afternoon to say something nice about each other. As part of a mayoral forum hosted by Varick A.M.E. Zion Church, candidates Urn Pendragon, Toni Harp, Seth Poole, and Justin Elicker spent nearly two hours fielding questions from a panel of New Haven pastors and reverends on topics that ranged from affordable housing to the city’s revenues. Rev. Steven Cousin of Bethel A.M.E. Church closed the forum with a final question: “With all the rhetoric that’s going on, especially with national politics, can each candidate state one nice thing about the candidate sitting next to you?” Seth Poole, who’s running as an independent, addressed incumbent Democrat Toni Harp, who was seated to his right. “I’d like to acknowledge Mayor Harp for a distinguished career,” he said. The audience erupted in applause. Poole added that all of the candidates are passionate about the city they call home. Urn Pendragon interpreted the question expansively. “I’ll say something nice about all the people that are here,” she said. “Everybody here is very dedicated to their passions and the city.” Justin Elicker asked if he could address each of the other candidates. “I respect your passion,” he told Pendragon. He noted her advocacy for inclusionary zoning laws, an affordable housing policy that Elicker also supports. He said he admires Poole’s reputation “for being a go getter and a leader.”

And to Harp? “I admire that you took down the fence,” Elicker said, referring to a controversial barrier separating New Haven’s West Rock neighborhood from Hamden that Hamden residents had defended as a means of keeping out crime from their suburb. “That should have been done a long time ago.” Harp also spoke to each candidate in turn. Addressing Poole, Harp hearkened back to decades earlier — when she was Poole’s Sunday School teacher at Varick. “It was really wonderful watching you grow up to be the man that you are: a person who is committed to our community,” Harp said. “I’m very proud of you.” To Pendragon, who would be the city’s first openly transgender mayor if elected, Harp said, “I admire you for your courage. For your courage to listen to yourself internally and to define for yourself who you want to be and then to create opportunities for others to see you.” She praised Elicker’s decision to send his daughter, Molly, to Fair Haven’s Columbus School next fall, saying that he “will improve the school and the input of parents in that school.” Candidates Diverge on Community Policing The topic of community policing recurred throughout the forum. When asked about what they would do to strengthen community policing, Pendragon, Elicker, and Poole all spoke in favor of improving police contracts. “I think all of us are in favor of community policing,” Elicker said. “The question is, what does community policing mean?” Elicker said it means working towards a better contract with police officers, noting that New Haven has lost many of its offi-


Rev. Steven Cousin (center): Emphasize the positive.

cers to suburban towns. “We need to make sure we support our officers,” he said, arguing that overworked and underpaid police officers have weaker ties to the community. He also said he would stop transferring district managers, whom he said were at the core of the city’s community policing efforts. “Everyone wants more officers on the beat,” he said. Pendragon argued that the city should settle its arbitration with the police union so as to provide fair wages and benefits for police officers. “I certainly hope there are no adversarial relations between the police department and the people here,” she said. “They put their lives in danger to protect us. You need to remember that.” Poole agreed that police officers should

be paid more, but he also spoke of the dangers of having an impulsive officer “police a neighborhood that you’ve been taught to fear your entire life.” He argued that all police officers should be old enough to rent a car. “No one should have a badge or a gun until their brain is fully developed” at age 25, he said. “Oftentimes we focus on the police, but what makes community policing is the community,” Harp said when it was her turn to speak. She cited New Haven’s community management teams based in each policing district and block watches as a strength in residents’ relationship with the police. Despite the recent departure of dozens of officers to neighboring towns and to retirement, Harp said that the city has a stronger police force than do other cities in Con-

necticut. New Haven has its lowest crime rate in 50 years, she said. In response to a later question about youth-oriented policies, Harp spoke of a program in which her office began to identify youth who were most likely to become victims or perpetrators of gun violence and reach out to their families with resources, known as YoutStat. “When I first became mayor, I spent my time going to funerals of young people,” she said. “We haven’t lost a child since that program.” In the middle of the program, moderator Wendy Tyson-Wood announced that anyone wearing campaign-related clothing would need to change or cover up their clothes. Front-row audience members Dominique and Joe Baez, wearing light blue “Elicker for Mayor” T-shirts, subsequently left. As they exited the room, members of the audience called out suggestions that they turn their shirts inside out. Dominique later said the request was “strange” to her. She said that she hadn’t seen any announcement of the rule ahead of time, and that a moderator had said the shirts were all right earlier in the evening. Pastor Kelcey Steele, who heads Varick, said that the rule barring campaign-related materials within the church applies only to the mayoral forums. The same rule had been in place at Varick’s first mayoral forum in 2017, he said. “We didn’t want campaigns to be distributing literature and using the event to rally,” Steele said in a text. The Baezes spend the rest of the day gathering signatures on petitions to get Elicker’s name on the Democratic primary ballot. Mayoral Forum at Varick A.M.E. Zion Church

High Fashion Arrives On Derby’s Elizabeth Street

by BILL BITTAR | CORRESPONDENT New Haven Independent

DERBY — Designer jumpsuits made in Paris are shown off on the mannequins inside the window of Likoba boutique at 25 Elizabeth St. It’s a new look for downtown Derby, which has been struggling to sustain small mom and pop shops for at least a decade. The owner, fashion designer Agathe Ngo Likoba, was born in Cameroon, grew up in France, and lived in Westchester County, N.Y. before moving to Shelton. She launched her first line of high-end jumpsuits in 2016 and opened the boutique on Elizabeth Street in September 2018. Why open a fashion boutique in Derby? “People always say, ‘Why Derby?,” Likoba said. “Why not Derby? Women shop everywhere.” And Likoba is everywhere. She has immersed herself in the community, organizing events for charity, hosting Tuesday morning workouts on the Derby Green at 9:30 a.m. and inspiring entrepre-

neurism among area youth through Junior Achievement. There’s always something happening at the boutique. On July 14, Likoba held a Bastille Day party with a Moulin Rouge theme and prizes. She first discovered the potential for jumpsuits to be worn as high fashion when she was a track athlete years ago. Likoba was shopping at a small boutique in Paris when a denim jumpsuit caught her eye. “It didn’t look like anything on the hanger, but I kept looking at it and thought, ‘let me try it on,’” Likoba recalled. “It was really close to your body,” she added of the fit. “I loved it. It was a one-piece. I was like, ‘oh my gosh, this is such a great idea. Just put it on and go. I wondered why they weren’t designing more of them.” Likoba started out designing jumpsuits costing $6,000 and up with home fittings for wealthy clients, but her store also has a Ready to Wear collection for everyday fashion starting at $99.


The high fashion jumpsuits are made from jacquard and gabardine fabrics and have a belt with a swan buckle made of 24-karat gold. The swan is Likoba’s logo. It is inspired by her six years of ballet growing up. “My teacher told me to go to the park and look at the swan. ‘You have to be more feminine,’ I was a tomboy,” Likoba said. “I realized the swan was the lion of the jungle. It’s elegant, powerful and very graceful and calm. It has a femininity.” Likoba said she wants to move production of her Ready to Wear collection to Connecticut to create jobs here, though she said the High Fashion clothing must continue to be produced in Paris. Likoba is also passing on her fashion knowledge to young people. Cheyenne Johnson, 17, a Derby High School student, works as Likoba’s assistant in her store. “I’m lucky to have her here,” Likoba said. “She’s very good, reliable, hard working and very smart.”

Likoba strives to give her customers the Fifth Avenue shopping experience. “I wanted it to look like a walk-in closet where you keep all your secrets,” she said of the décor. “You come in and feel at home and sit down on the couch with a cup of coffee or tea.” Customers try on jumpsuits in a dressing room in the back of the store and receive a black reusable Likoba bag and a garment bag with their purchase. “I wrap it with a nice ribbon and customers take pictures with their shopping bag,” Likoba said of the outfits. “They feel very special. They feel fancy. This is something I want to offer to our customers. Every customer is special.” Up next for Likoba — a fashion line for c hildren, for which her 4-year-old daughter, Angelique, served as a model.

3 Asst. Chiefs Sworn In THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

by LAURA GLESBY New Haven Independent

Three lieutenants who built their careers within the New Haven Police Department officially became the city’s new assistant chiefs on Friday afternoon. Police Chief Otoniel Reyes selected Renee Dominguez, Karl Jacobson, and Herbert Sharp for the post in early July after Mayor Toni Harp tapped him as her choice to serve as next chief of the police department. The new assistant chiefs received the promotions at a ceremony Friday at the Yale University Art Gallery. Reyes, Dominguez, Jacobson, and Sharp now comprise an entirely new leadership for the police force after a wave of recent retirements. All four of the new top cops come from the NHPD — a fact that Mayor Harp and Police Commission Chairman Anthony Dawson emphasized in their remarks during the ceremony. “They are homegrown,” Dawson

said, adding that he has high expectations for the assistant chiefs because they know the city and the department well. “That each of you is being promoted from within the New Haven Police Department speaks to the talent within this department,” Harp said. Renee Dominguez Dominguez said she dreamed of being a police officer since she was 7 years old. Right out of college, she worked for two years in Newtown’s police force, then moved to New Haven. She recalled that when she first transferred to New Haven, she was assigned to walk a beat in Newhallville, where she lives now. “That community will forever be my home,” she said. “I am grateful to the community who always supported my efforts to make it a better place through many of our collaborations.” Dominguez has worked in the police department’s K9 unit, and has served

as district manager of Westville, Fair Haven, and Newhallville. Before her appointment to assistant chief, Dominguez was the officer In charge of family services. Reyes praised Dominguez for “making sure that we as a department are taking care of the men and women who serve this community” by prioritizing wellness for officers in the department. Reyes also recognized her success as a female police officer in a department of mostly men. “She is not only a role model for young women in a profession dominated by men, she is also a role model for those inspired to be great cops and great human beings,” he said. “I come from a long line of strong, stubborn women who have given me the tools to succeed in this profession,” Dominguez said as she thanked her family. As assistant chief, she will be in charge of the patrol division. In her new role,


Karl Jacobson, Renee Dominguez, Otoniel Reyes, and Herbert Sharp.

she said, she hopes to inspire officers to “love the job as much as I do.” After years of leading Project Longevity, a program tackling gang and gun violence in conjunction with federal and state authorities, Jacobson

will lead New Haven’s Investigative Services Division as an assistant chief. Programs like Project Longevity haven’t been as successful in other cities, Reyes said, suggesting that the Con’t on page 06

Elicker Petition Squad Hits Pavement In 100-Degree Heat by LAURA GLESBY

New Haven Independent

After the Democratic Town Committee voted to endorse Toni Harp for mayor, Justin Elicker and his team of volunteers set to work in the hundred-degree heat to get his name on the ballot for the Democratic primary election, one signature at a time. Elicker needs to collect nearly 2,000 signatures from registered Democrats in New Haven in order to run against Harp in a Sept. 10 primary, as he explained to volunteers who gathered in his campaign office at 161 Whalley Ave. Saturday morning The volunteers collected petitions, flyers, stickers, and other materials before fanning out to knock on doors and canvas at busy spots across the city, including the Wooster Square Farmer’s Market and the Green. Elicker spoke optimistically about the signature-gathering. “I think it’s actually an advantage for us. It’s like an excuse to talk about politics in New Haven,” Elicker told the canvassers, estimating that volunteers have already knocked on 12,000 doors this campaign season. Campaign Manager Gage Frank explained the drill to new volunteers: Everyone who signs the petition must be a New Haven voter registered in the Democratic Party. Their printed names must be


Barlow: “Yeah, I’ll help you out.”

Dominique Baez and mom Nichole Jefferson prepare to head to Lighthouse Beach to


legible, or else their signatures will be disqualified. The campaign is required to collect 1,946 signatures, but will aim to collect more, anticipating that many of the signatures will be challenged. A signature isn’t an endorsement for Elicker. The petition is just to allow Elicker to put his name on the ballot. “It’s about giving voters a choice,” said Field Director Kevin Alvarez. “It’s democracy! Everyone should sign,” Elicker said. “In 2013, I signed Mayor Harp’s petition and she signed mine.” Volunteer Nick Gauthier helped collect signatures for Elicker’s mayoral campaign in 2013. This time around, “more people in more neighborhoods know who [Elicker] is — know him not just as a person running for office but as a person,” he said. Around 20 people gathered in the campaign’s office; others were already out canvassing. “To have this groundswell of people wanting to come out on a 100-degree day is really remarkable,” Elicker said. Elicker and Frank initially set out at noon to canvas at Goffe Street Park, where they expected to find a concert. But when they arrived at the park, the concert appeared to have been canceled, and hardly anyone was outside in the boiling heat. Instead, Frank and Elicker parked on Orange Street beside Pitkin Plaza. The pair split up, walking into stores,

where they spoke with both customers and employees, and stopping everyone they encountered on the street. “So I’m running for mayor and I need 2,000 signatures to run in the primary,” Elicker told the people he encountered. “Are you a registered Democrat in New Haven?” “1 divided by 2,000: that’s the difference you’re making,” Elicker said as he spoke to a Devil’s Gear employee who agreed to sign. A majority of the people Elicker encountered on Chapel Street said they were registered to vote in another state. Three had signed the petition the day before. An employee of Duc’s Place said he was unaffiliated with a political party, but offered to change his registration to the Democratic Party. One man sitting outside Claire’s Corner Copia said he was a Republican. (“I’m not talking to you anymore,” joked the man he was sitting with, who hadn’t known about his friend’s party affiliation.) “Our luck was a lot better yesterday,” Elicker said. Still, after four blocks, Elicker wound up with over a page of signatures. “I don’t have time — I’m on a date,” said one man. His date smiled as he bent down to sign the petition anyway. “He’s a good man,” Elicker told the man’s date.


June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Public Option Push To Resume by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

Sean Scanlon and his colleagues in Connecticut couldn’t do in one year what it took federal politicians a half-century to do. So they will try to do it in two. “It” is the effort to pass health care reform that makes insurance affordable to many more people, especially employees of small businesses and self-employed people. Scanlon (pictured above at the state Capitol), state representative from the Branford/ Guilford 98th General Assembly District, tried to do that this year through a bill to create “public option” insurance plans in Connecticut. Health care reformers like the Universal Health Care Foundation helped put out the call. In the end, the idea didn’t come up for a full vote. Insurance industry lobbyists killed it. “It took seven presidents” starting with Harry Truman to pass what eventually became the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare), Scanlon noted during an apperance on WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven” program. “We tried to do it in one year. Big change takes time.” Scanlon co-chairs the state legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee, through which the proposal needs first approval before advancing to full House and

Senate votes. He and co-chair State Sen. Matt Lesser met before this year’s session began at Cafe 56 in Middletown to discuss the issue. “Let’s go big,” they decided. “Let’s get a public option passed.” Their original bill called for the creation of a state-run lower-cost insurance plan available for businesses with under 50 employees. Individuals would be able to buy insurance under this public option plan in the second year. After blowback from the Connecticut Business and Industry Association, Scanlon & co. amended the proposal. The next version would have allowed any small business to participate. And the law would guarantee that public option plan premiums would cost less than those in the private market. The plans would not replace private insurance plans, only offer an alternative for people who can’t afford them. They would be the country’s first staterun public options. This amended version failed as well. But Lesser said he’s convinced that small businesses and grassroots people want to see this pass. “The system is fundamentally broken,” he said. He said he and other proponents have to start organizing earlier, and more effective-

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ly. He urged people to follow developments on this website and urge their state legislators to support the plan next year. Hundreds of thousands of people would gain health insurance they can afford under a Connecticut public option, Scanlon said. That potential pool could grow much larger if the Trump administration succeeds

in getting the courts to strike down Obamacare. In that case, Scanlon estimated, 500,000 non-elderly adults with preexisting conditions will lose their insurance in Connecticut, along with 200,000 people added to the Medicaid rolls under an ACA federally funded expansion.

Summer Reading Challenge Launched by STAFF New Haven Independent

Regular classes stopped for summer in New Haven’s public schools — but the regular reading didn’t. Superintendent Carol Birks and her crew helped make sure of that by launching a summer reading challenge. She popped in at King Robinson School Friday to launch the challenge, a citywide competition at various grade levels. “The District has secured over 40,000 books to distribute free to our students to encourage them to continue to learn and grow academically throughout the summer. This year, the schools with the highest percentage of participating enrollment and the highest number of books read by participating students at the end of the summer will be recognized for their accomplishments,” stated a release from the public schools’ Youth, Family and Community Engagement Office.

Contributing Writers David Asbery Tanisha Asbery Jerry Craft/Cartoons Barbara Fair

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

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June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

City Hall Honors Hillhouse Champions by SAMUEL HADELMAN New Haven Independent

City Hall was filled Thursday with champions, parents and students alike, as three Hillhouse sports teams were honored for league-topping seasons. The squads honored included Hillhouse’s the girls basketball team, for their Class L state championship; as well as the boys and girls track teams for their Class M state championship wins. Mayor Toni Harp, schools Superintendent Dr. Carol Birks, Track Coach Gary Moore, Varsity Assistant Coach Chanel Rice and NHPS Athletic Director Erik Patchofsky all offered remarks. “I am confident you are all ready to lead,” Harp remarked to the graduating seniors of the championship teams. “I am trying not to cry” Coach Rice exclaimed as she looked at her championship team in admiration. This was Rice’s first championship, while it was head coach Catrina Hawley-Stewart’s sixth Class L title. As the speeches began to wrap up, it was time for the spotlight to go where it belonged: the athletes themselves. One by one their names rang out in City Halls. “The coolest part of today was getting the rings and hearing my name called,” said Leandra Allen Miller of the girls track team. “The best gift I could have asked for,” added basketball point guard Tyree Allen (pictured).

Deshaune Poole and Dale Thompson.

The girls basketball team

3 Asst. Chiefs Sworn In Con’t from page 04



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New Haven project has thrived partly due to Jacobson’s leadership. “He works in a division that traditionally would be very distant from the community, a division that in our past has caused a divide in the community, has disproportionately targeted communities,” Reyes said. “And yet somehow he manages to achieve tremendous results in what he does, through collaboration, hard work, and more importantly, uniting the community.” Jacobson, who has also held leadership roles in the Criminal Intelligence Unit, Shooting Task Force, and Narcotics Unit, spoke at the ceremony about a young man he met through his work in Project Longevity. He and his partner sat down at Friendly’s with the man, who “we were hoping would go to college,” “We got him a sundae and a cheeseburger,” he said. Assistant Chief Promotion Karl Jacobson



Cops arrested the same man for a shooting two days later, disappointing Jacobson. The man recently got out of prison. “One of the first people he called was myself,” Jacobson said. “And that’s why we do this.” He said that a top priority of his would be to repair lines of trust between officers and community members. “Today, when we arrive at an incident, not everyone feels safe, and we need to change this as a police department,” he said. Herbert Sharp Sharp received his training as a New Haven cop, and has remained in the department for 23 years. Reyes spoke of working the night shift with Sharp when the two of them first became lieutenants, calling him a “friend” and “confidante.” Reyes added that when Sharp became district manager of Newhallville six years ago, “he distinguished himself for his passion and his commitment to improving the quality of life for the residents of Newhallville.”

In turn, Sharp expressed admiration for Reyes. “I love the fact that I’m working for you,” he told the chief, adding that Reyes “knows exactly when to follow and exactly when to lead.”

AssistantChiefPromotion:HerbSharp Asassistantchief,Sharpwillbein chargeofadministration,including training,recruitment,andinternalaffairs.Asthedepartmentaddressesa recentoutfluxofofficers,Sharpsaid hehopestorecruitofficerswho“have notthepriorityofpaybutthepriority of people.” Headdedthatheisexcitedtoleadinternalaffairs.“That’sthemoralcompass of our department.” Duringtheceremony,ChiefReyes expressedconfidenceinDominguez, Jacobson, and Sharp. “Weleadwithintegrity,weleadwith honesty,andweleadwithhumility,” Reyessaid.“That’swhatthesethree individuals share in common.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Two Black High School Students

Make History at Harvard University

CONGRATULATIONS New Haven Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for receiving the 2019 Exemplary Regional Day of Service Program Award We are so thankful for all of the generous donations collected for our 2019 Regional Day of Service. Together, we collected over 20,000 diapers and wipes for The New Haven Diaper Bank in March 2019.

Atlanta, GA — DJ Roman and Keith Harris, who are both high school students from Atlanta, recently led their team in winning the 2019 annual international debate tournament at Harvard University. They have successfully maintained their undefeated record for two consecutive years, which marked history in the competition. Roman, a senior student at North Atlanta High School, and Harris, a senior student at Westlake High School, represented their debate team in the championship round and defeated other scholars from 15 different countries. That is depite having no previous experience in joining debates. Roman and Harris prepared for the tournament with their teammates for 10 months. They have been guided by Harvard’s assistant debate coach, Brandon P. Fleming, who was highly acclaimed for his efforts with the Harvard Diversity Project which aims to recruit black youth in Metro Atlanta to train and put them into Harvard’s summer residency on full scholarships. “Most of our students have never been exposed to the power of academic debate,” B:9.25” Fleming said in a statement. “Knowing T:9.25” that they will compete against hundreds of

DJ Roman and Keith Harris scholars who have years of debate experience combined with the benefit of private and prep schools to their advantage, we seek to level the playing field by introducing our students to higher level academic disciplines that are typically unavailable in traditional school settings.” “This is the moment that we’ve worked

so hard for,” Roman said of their victory. “Our accomplishment is far bigger than us; we are showing the world what black youth are capable of achieving when given equal access, exposure, and opportunities. This win is for our ancestors, our city, and most of all our culture.”


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June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Schools’ College & Career Chief Resigns by CHRISTOPHER PEAK

Dolores Garcia-Blocker, the district’s head of college and career readiness who once sought to become superintendent herself, is joining the exodus of top administrators leaving New Haven. A 15-year administrator, Garcia-Blocker had worked on getting more kids through high school and into college. She sent in her resignation letter on Monday, as she heads for a job in Hartford’s public schools. In 2004, Garcia-Blocker became principal at Cooperative Arts & Humanities High School, eventually overseeing the movein to the new College Street campus, just down the block from partners at the the Shubert Theater and Yale’s Old Campus. At the time, she said, “My vision at Co-Op is that our students get in effect a private school quality education and graduate with what they need to succeed in college and beyond.” In 2011, she was promoted to the district’s guidance supervisor, and in 2013, she climbed another step up to a newly created role as the district’s director of college and career pathways. Garcia-Blocker said then-Superintendent Garth Harries created the role for her, after she received her certification to work as a superintendent, to align the school district’s instruction with the “expectations of high-


Dolores Garcia-Blocker: Off to Hartford.

er education and industry,” work that she wants to continue to focus on. Overseeing counselors, talented and gifted students, alternative schools and vocational training, she took on the task of trying to ease the transition to high school and improve students’ chances of getting into college.

In 2017, after a brief stint as Harries’s chief of staff, Garcia-Blocker put in her name for the top job in the city’s schools. She was one of three local candidates who made it to the semifinal round in the contentious superintendent search. Recently, she’s been focused on creating a new partnership with Gateway Community

College to provide career training to students who are struggling with more traditional academics. “I hope people remember me as someone who cared deeply about children and their futures, who really worked hard to put systems and structures in place to support their academic and social-emotional growth and who really galvanized the adults that were around them, treating them with dignity and respect for the professionals that they are,” Garcia-Blocker said. “It’s tough work, but I truly believe if you nurture them and create a culture where people can make mistakes and still be supported, they give 100 percent — and then some — to support the vision.” In a Monday night email to board members, Superintendent Carol Birks said she would “work collaboratively with her to ensure a smooth transition,” including determining her final day of work. “We thank Dr. Garcia Blocker for her leadership and service to the District,” Birks wrote. “She will be missed by many members of our Learning Community.” In Hartford, Garcia-Blocker will be the executive director of instructional leadership, likely overseeing the comprehensive high schools and their feeder middle schools. She said that she’s taking the job as a way to develop “in ways that I have not been able to grow in New Haven,” which she

said Superintendent Birks has asked her to explain in more detail in an exit interview. She said that she will probably leave New Haven in late August. A spokesperson for Hartford’s school district did not respond to an email on Tuesday morning. This school year, top administrators have been leaving in droves. In the past few months, the district has lost Deputy Superintendent Ivelise Velazquez, Chief Operating Officer Will Clark, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Leadership Gil Traverso, Director of English Language Learners Abie Benitez, Special Education Supervisor Patrica Moore, Labor Relations Officer Vallerie Hudson-Brown and High School Arts Director Timothy Jones. Five principals — Ross-Woodward’s Cheryl Herring-Brown, Riverside’s Larry Conaway, Clemente’s Pam Franco, Barnard’s Rosalyn Bannon and Edgewood’s Shanta Smith — also said they won’t be coming back next school year. Since this spring, 73 teachers have also submitted their resignations. Many of them work in shortage areas, including 13 special-education teachers, 8 math teachers and 2 math coaches, 6 science teachers, 3 bilingual teachers and 1 TESOL teacher — all subjects where Connecticut schools struggle to find qualified teachers.

Coach Robert (Bob) H. Saulsbury’s


Concerts start at 7:30 p.m. Come and join us for a Celebration in honor of the legendary Wilbur Cross High School basketball coach

Bob Saulsbury. He will be 90 years young The Gala will be held at Cascade Fine Dining, 480 Sherman Ave, Hamden, CT 06514 on Sunday, August 4, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ticket cost is $65.00 per person Tables of 10 will be available to be reserved in advance at a reduced price. For more information, please contact: Sharon Bradford at (475) 220-7527, Neil Richardson at (203) 376-1385 Dwight Ware (203) 410-8912, Reggie Hayes (203) 865-4270


July 20


July 27

| #NHVMusic

Market New Haven, Inc. supports the growth of jobs, taxes, visitation and economic activity in New Haven. Our work is made possible through the generous support of our funders: Super Funders:

Tax Deduction Donations will be under Nuts About Health, Inc.

Local Business Community Funders:

Checks can be made out to: Nuts About Health, Inc., which is a 501(c) 3 non-profit Proceeds will benefit the Robert H. Saulsbury Scholarship Fund.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

New Cops Get To Know Dixwell On Community Walk by MAYA MCFADDEN New Haven Independent

Three new faces of the New Haven Police Department (NHPD) joined Interim Police Chief Otoniel Reyes and community leaders to get a first-hand look at community policing — and take on three teens on the Scantlebury Park basketball court. The NHPD joined with organizer Daniel Hunt for another in a series of community walks, this time around the Dixwell neighborhood. Officers Jennifer Giovanni, Rykema Stone, and Christopher Troche (pictured above) have only four weeks left in the threemonth Department’s Field Training Officer (FTO) Program, in which they’re paired with veteran officers before going on patrol alone. In a group of nearly 20 participants, 13 were officers who strolled through near the Monterey Place apartments and Scantlebury Park greeting and conversating with residents of all ages.

(Top) Dixwell cop Lt. Manmeet Colon approached front steps to chat with neighbors ...... and another officer brought some new friends along on her rounds. The group began at the front of the Stetson Branch Library and finished there, after the hour-long stroll. The group made a stop at Scantlebury Park’s basketball court where three officers offered to face three of the teens on the court. Ciel Miller, 14, Byron Boyd, 16, and Chace Sealy, 14 championed the court in a game against officers Reyes, Stone, and Matthew Borges. Despite the cheers from the sidelines from a group of kids yelling. “Go, police officers!” they lost against the boys who said they come to the court all the time. “I’m just glad we made at least one point and I really hope the boys had as much fun as we did,” said Reyes. As the officers walked past one home, 3-year-old, Kedrel Feliciano came running

out alongside his mother asking for a picture with the officers. Feliciano’s eyes were glued on the officer’s hats and shiny gold badges as he approached. This caused Assistant Chief Racheal Cain to let Feliciano borrow her hat for the picture. He smiled from cheek to cheek. Feliciano’s mother told the officers that one of her son’s favorite toys is a police car and he hopes to be a cop when he grows up. “This is what it’s all about,” said Reyes. The officers handed out police badge stickers, kids goodie-bags, and popsicles to children during the walk. As the group walked through the streets, drivers pulled over to converse with the officers and community leaders or beeped their horns. “We got to make New Haven better,” Hunt said. Hunt’s cousin, Marquell Banks, was shot and killed in 2011. This has been what inspired him to organize these walks to help bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement.

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June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

If You’re Poor in America, Debtor’s Prison is Real By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Correspondent

NNPA NEWSWIRE — The people who are jailed or threatened with jail often are the most vulnerable Americans living paycheck to paycheck, one emergency away from financial catastrophe, according to a 2018 report from the American Civil Liberties Union. Despite a centuries-old Supreme Court ruling that outlawed the practice, debtor’s prison remains very much alive in America, experts told NNPA Newswire. Being poor is challenging enough, but some states, like Missouri, have continued to punish those of lesser means. A federal class-action suit claims thousands of those living in Missouri were jailed because they couldn’t pay off fines – essentially, a debtor’s prison and conundrum for the poor. Pro Publica reported that four years after the suit was filed, the plaintiffs are still waiting, and wondering if the deck is stacked against them. The report details the plight of Tonya DeBerry, who, in January 2014, was driving through an unincorporated area of St. Louis County, Missouri, when a police officer pulled her over for having expired license plates. “After discovering that DeBerry, 51, had several outstanding traffic tickets from three jurisdictions, the officer handcuffed her and took her to jail,” according to Pro Publica. “To be released, she was told, she would

have to pay hundreds of dollars in fines she owed the county, according to her account in a federal lawsuit. However, even after her family came up with the money, DeBerry wasn’t released from custody. Because DeBerry still owed fines and fees to the cities in Ferguson and Jennings, she remained jailed and her attorney likened it to “being held for ransom.” “The crisis that is going on in Missouri is taking place all around the country. It is a rising issue amongst people who cannot afford to pay court fees and, or fines,” said Attorney Dameka L. Davis of the Davis Legal Center in Hollywood, Fla. “I believe the more appropriate action is to implement programs and services that are free or offer a person to do community service in lieu of paying fines or fees,” Davis said. “Our system is perpetuating a moneybased system, which in turn systematically affects minorities and people of color,” she said. Matt C. Pinsker, an adjunct professor of Homeland Security and Criminal Justice in the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University, said the problem runs deeper than in Missouri. “The American people would be horrified if they knew of just how many laws still exist which send poor people to prison over their inability to pay fines, court costs, and related expenses,” Pinsker said. “It is a tragedy and absurdity that we will essentially have debtors’ prisons here in the United States of America,” he said.

In DeBerry’s case, Pro Publica reported that after the Michael Brown killing, “the city slowly stopped jailing people for not being able to pay fines as the news media showed the victims were primarily black and the Justice Department made clear that what Ferguson had been doing was wrong.” Still, the lawsuit remains unresolved with the city seeking dismissal. In 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union detailed more than 1,000 cases in 26 states in which judges, acting on the request of a collection company, issued warrants for people they claimed owed money for “ordinary debts, such as student loans, medical expenses, unpaid rent and utility bills.”

The ACLU said it’s a system that breeds coercion and abuse. The report concluded that, “with little government oversight, debt collectors, backed by arrest warrants and wielding bounced check demand letters, can frighten people into paying money that may not even be owed.” Few tools are as coercive or as effective as the threat of incarceration, ACLU report authors said. As an example, one 75-year-old woman subsisting on $800 monthly Social Security checks, went without her medications in order to pay the fees she believed were required to avoid jail time for bouncing a check. And as one lawyer in Texas, who has

(Photo: iStockphoto / NNPA) sought arrests of student loan borrowers who are in arrears, said, “It’s easier to settle when the debtor is under arrest,” the report’s authors found. The people who are jailed or threatened with jail often are the most vulnerable Americans living paycheck to paycheck, one emergency away from financial catastrophe, the report said. Many were struggling to recover after the loss of a job, mounting medical bills, the

death of a family member, a divorce, or an illness. “They included retirees or people with disabilities who are unable to work. Some were subsisting solely on Social Security, unemployment insurance, disability benefits, or veterans’ benefits – income that is legally protected from outstanding debt judgments,” the report’s authors wrote.

COMMENTARY: Is U.S. marching steadily to war with Iran? By Askia Muhammad, Senior Editor, The Final Call

NNPA NEWSWIRE — A war, Mr. Trump may be estimating, could “rescue” him politically, and inject more money into the Pentagon. The U.S. “war strategy” was revealed by Reps. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) after a House Armed Services Committee meeting and confirmed to The Intercept by Rep. Gabbard. “We were all in that meeting with Pompeo where those statements were made,” Ms. Gabbard said. WASHINGTON—President Donald J. Trump seems to want war with Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is beating the drum for war with Iran. National Security Adviser John Bolton is itching for war with Iran. Together they are orchestrating an all-too-familiar scenario to justify the use of U.S. military force against the Islamic Republic. In 1846 U.S. forces falsely claimed they were attacked by Mexican forces inside U.S. territory. In retaliation the U.S. launched the Mexican-American War, seizing land from New Mexico to California, to Colorado, even to Utah. Have we forgotten the suspicious sinking of the USS

Maine, the Navy ship which went down in the Havana Harbor in 1898, dragging the U.S. into the Spanish-American War? In 1962, a Pentagon plan called “Operation Northwoods” was hatched for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to commit acts of terrorism against U.S. civilians

to be blamed on Cuba, in order to justify an invasion of that country. In 1964 the White House committed “material misrepresentations” of the truth of what was known as the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” in order to goad Congress into authorizing war with Vietnam. And of course, the convincing dramatizations of “Yellow Cake Uranium” and non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” were used to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Trump administration is now stoking fear of a potential conflict with Iran. The president withdrew from the landmark Iran nuclear deal—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—in May 2018. More recently, National Security Adviser John Bolton asked the Pentagon to provide the White House with military options to strike Iran. In the latest incident, the Secretary of State said Iran was behind the attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman June 13, implicating the nation in the second set of attacks on tankers in the region in two months. U.S. Central Command even released a video it says shows Iran removing an unexploded mine from one of the tankers it’s accused of attacking. But the Japanese owner of the ship that


was damaged denied that it was struck by mines as the U.S. claims, insisting instead that it was hit by “flying objects.” Yutaka Katada, president of the Kokuka Sangyo shipping firm that owns the Kokuka Courageous tanker, told reporters in Tokyo June 14: “The crew are saying it was hit with a flying object. They say something came flying toward them, then there was an explosion, then there was a hole in the vessel. Then some crew witnessed a second shot.” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the United States had “immediately jumped to make allegations against Iran—(without) a shred of factual or circumstantial evidence,” and he accused the Trump White House of “economic terrorism” and “sabotage diplomacy,” according to published reports. “So it’s apparent that the United States is trying to execute a false flag operation and to throw dust in the eyes of international communities and make the international community feel that the Iranians are the aggressors when in fact it’s Washington that’s the aggressor,” Dr. Gerald Horne, professor of history and African American studies at the University of Houston said in an interview. The U.S. lust for war is because U.S. in-

terests and allies are suffering, while Iran is making gains in the region, according to Dr. Horne. The U.S. invasion of Iraq has made that country even more dependent on Iran for everything from electricity to security. And U.S. ally Saudi Arabia is fighting a costly and bloody war against rebels in Yemen who enjoy Iranian support. “Interestingly enough, because of Mr. Trump pulling out of the (Iranian) nuclear deal, the EU 3—Germany, Britain, and France—are trying to set up a special purpose vehicle to circumvent U.S. sanctions,” Dr. Horne said, “which will then be a threat to the dollar, which is now under siege not only because of the EU 3 but also because of Russia (and) China preparing to conduct trade without the dollar.” A war, Mr. Trump may be estimating, could “rescue” him politically, and inject more money into the Pentagon. The U.S. “war strategy” was revealed by Reps. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) after a House Armed Services Committee meeting and confirmed to The Intercept by Rep. Gabbard. “We were all in that meeting with Pompeo where those statements were made,” Ms. Gabbard said. The Trump administration is prepared to wage the war against Iran without congresCon’t on page 18

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

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June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Dr. Patrice Harris Sworn-In as the American Medical Association’s First Black Female President By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Correspondent

NNPA NEWSWIRE — “And I hope to be tangible evidence for young girls and young boys and girls from communities of color that you can aspire to be a physician. Not only that, you can aspire to be a leader in organized medicine,” said Dr. Patrice A. Harris, a psychiatrist from Atlanta, was sworn-in as the 174th president of the American Medical Association (AMA). In June, Dr. Patrice A. Harris, a psychiatrist from Atlanta, was sworn-in as the 174th president of the American Medical Association (AMA). She is the first African-American woman to hold the position. During her inauguration ceremony in Chicago, Dr. Harris said she plans to implement effective strategies to improve healthcare education and training, combat the crisis surrounding chronic diseases, and eliminate barriers to quality patient care. She also promised to lead conversations on mental health and diversity in the medical field. “We face big challenges in health care today, and the decisions we make now will move us forward in a future we help cre-

ate,” Dr. Harris said in a statement. “We are no longer at a place where we can tolerate the disparities that plague communities of color, women, and the LGBTQ community. But we are not yet at a place where health equity is achieved in those communities,” she said. According to her biography on the AMA’s website, Dr. Harris has long been a mentor, role model and an advocate. She served on the AMA Board of Trustees since 2011, and as chair from 2016 to 2017. Prior to that, Dr. Harris served in various leadership roles which included task forces on topics like health information technology, payment and delivery reform, and private contracting. Dr. Harris also held leadership positions with the American Psychiatric Association, the Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association, the Medical Association of Georgia, and The Big Cities Health Coalition, where she chaired this forum composed of leaders from America’s largest metropolitan health departments. Growing up in Bluefield, West Virginia, Dr. Harris dreamt of entering medicine at a time when few women of color were encouraged to become physicians, according

to her bio. She spent her formative years at West Virginia University, earning a BA in psychology, an MA in counseling psychology and ultimately, a medical degree in 1992. It was during this time that her passion for helping children emerged, and she completed her psychiatry residency and fellowships in child and adolescent psychiatry and forensic psychiatry at the Emory University School of Medicine, according to her bio. “The saying ‘if you can see it, you can believe it’ is true,” Dr. Harris said during her swearing-in ceremony. “And I hope to be tangible evidence for young girls and young boys and girls from communities of color that you can aspire to be a physician. Not only that, you can aspire to be a leader in organized medicine,” she said. “We are no longer at a place where we can tolerate the disparities that plague communities of color, women, and the LGBTQ community. But we are not yet at a place where health equity is achieved in those communities,” she said. (Photo by Reginald Duncan)

Film, fellowship puts Memphian Jamey Hatley on course for the big screen By Karanja A. Ajanaku, New Tri-State Defender

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Hatley is the recipient of the inaugural Indie Memphis Black Filmmaker Fellowship in Screenwriting. Funded by Barry Jenkins (“Moonlight” and “If Beale Street Could Talk”), the two-month fellowship comes with a $7,500 unrestricted cash grant to help Hatley develop her screenplay, “The Eureka Hotel.” Jamey Hatley is from Walker Homes and while debates still rage over whether that’s in Whitehaven or Westwood, there is no question that Hatley’s writing career is on an upward trajectory. Hatley is the recipient of the inaugural Indie Memphis Black Filmmaker Fellowship in Screenwriting. Funded by Barry Jenkins (“Moonlight” and “If Beale Street Could Talk”), the two-month fellowship comes with a $7,500 unrestricted cash grant to help Hatley develop her screenplay, “The Eureka Hotel.” Jenkins also handpicked Raven Jackson, another native of Tennessee, as the winner of the Indie Memphis national Black Filmmaker Residency for Screenwriting. The two-month residency, including travel and housing, affords Jackson, a thesis student in New York University’s Graduate Film program, $7,500. Her feature film product is “all dirt roads taste of salt.” “As an artist, I’ve always admired Memphis and what it’s meant to black artistry across many forms and genres,” said Jenkins. “To partner with Indie Memphis in supporting Jamey Hatley and Raven Jackson in taking the next steps in their quest to creatively engage and contribute to the diaspora is an honor most high. “In their work, I find resounding proof that Memphis both raises talent from within

like to pay my rent, so OK.’” That project, which is for a major network, still is in development. The experience opened the door to the Writer’s Guild and primed her for the Indie Memphis Black Filmmaker Fellowship in Screenwriting opportunity. “I think one of my superpowers is knowing, ‘Oh, here’s your door. Are you going to walk through it?’ If it’s a door and I feel like it’s mine, then I’m going to run through it and I’ll figure it out on the other side.” That the fellowship was being funded by Jenkins was a huge attraction. She’d met him at an event in New Orleans (where she was living at the time) and had summoned the resolve to share with him her first – and then recently published in the Oxford American – short story. Content to “just watch Barry’s beautiful movies for the rest of my life,” she learned on Twitter that she had won the fellowship and the opportunity to learn more directly from him. “I still can’t believe it,” she said.

(Hatley, a native Memphian) and inspires it from abroad (Jackson).” A Whitehaven High School alum, Hatley had definite plans – attend the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and become a corporate executive – the day she walked off the graduation stage. What happened? So many things, she said, including an internship that contributed to her rethinking her plans. Later, she got a journalism degree from the University of Memphis and at one point got mixed up in the music industry via a connection. “…(W)ords and books were so important

to me that I could not imagine myself being a writer. I tiptoed up to it,” she said. “I was doing everything to run away from these stories, but I was still scribbling. The stories ended up catching up with me.” Screenwriting came into the picture by email and out of the blue last September. “At that time, I had no job. My literal organization had gotten defunded, it had fallen apart. It was like, ‘Oh, this fancy director considers you an ideal collaborator. Would you do it?’ I’m like, ‘I like to eat, I


Hatley entered a treatment into the fellowship, eager for the resources and support to create a finished version of her screenplay, “The Eureka Hotel.” The Eureka Hotel was a real place in Memphis. Hatley became aware of it while researching for her novel, learning that it had operated out of a Victorian-styled home that she had stared at so many times while visiting a friend’s Downtown Memphis art gallery. “The Eureka Hotel,” Hatley says, is “a journey story because the Eureka was a colored hotel. … Their tagline was ‘Always open.’”

A short film based on the screenplay now is in post-production. “It’s beautiful. Absolutely beautiful,” says Hatley, who must deliver a script for a feature-length film to Jenkins. She also has “a few things else that are secret that are working in the background that happen to be scripts. “But I’m also going to finish my novel, because I’m still a novelist….” The novel is about Memphis. “Everything I write is about Memphis, and it’s about Walker Homes. It’s called the ‘Dream Singers.’ It takes place in the wake of the King assassination, and there is a woman … I call her a dream singer. … She has babies, twins. One is born at the moment that King is assassinated. One is born at the moment that he dies, and all the hopes and dreams of this community, that’s based on Walker Homes, reside in these babies. In three months, four months, later in July, one of the babies passes away. That stymies the community. … “I feel like Memphis feels a debt about King dying here that we’ve never fully acknowledged. …To me, dreams are debt. Anybody’s dream, somebody else pays for it. …It’s really exploring who gets the dream and who pays the price for that.” America, she says, has never been honest with itself, regarding the root-level issues that existed before Dr. King – issues that brought him to Memphis and ultimately led to his assassination. “I think art gives us an opportunity to at least explore being honest in a way that’s not comfortable, but more successful.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019


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June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

U.S. House Votes to Condemn President Trump’s Use of Social Media to Spread Racist Messages By Lauren Victoria Burke

NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Some of us have been victims of the stain, the pain, the hurt of racism. In the 50s and during the 60s, segregationists told us to go back when we protested for our rights. They told ministers, priests, rabbis, and nuns to go back. The told innocent, little children seeking just equal education to go back,” said civil rights legend and Georgia Congressman John Lewis on the House floor during debate. On July 16, the U.S. House voted 240187 to condemn the racist language of Donald Trump in a series of twitter communications over the weekend. All 235 Democrats voted yes. On July 13, President Trump began a targeted series of racist vitriol on social media aimed at four female Congresswomen of color in the U.S. House. A roll call vote on the House floor

rebuking a President is very rare. Only four Republicans, Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Susan Brooks (R-IN) and one independent, who recently left the Republican party, Rep. Justin Amash (I-IN), voted in favor. The President responded on twitter midday, writing, “Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body! The so-called vote to be taken is a Democrat con game. Republicans should not show ‘weakness’ and fall into their trap.” “I know racism when I see it. I know racism when I feel it, and at the highest level of government, there is no room for racism. It sows the seeds of violence and destroys the hopes and dreams of people. The world is watching; they are shocked and dismayed because it seems we have lost our way, as a nation, as a proud, great people. We are one Congress, and we are here to serve one

house – the American house, the American people,” said civil rights legend and Georgia Congressman John Lewis on the House floor during debate. Debate grew heated as Republicans attempted to bring up a measure to condemn Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) which failed. Democrats moved forward as they defended not only their colleagues but immigrant communities President Trump often vilifies. “Some of us have been victims of the stain, the pain, the hurt of racism. In the 50s and during the 60s, segregationists told us to go back when we protested for our rights. They told ministers, priests, rabbis, and nuns to go back. The told innocent, little children seeking just equal education to go back,” Rep. Lewis added. “Like the vast majority of Americans, I’ve grown increasingly frustrated with the childish rancor of our public discourse. Our inability to conduct our-

Rep. John Lewis, Supreme Court news conference to call for the reversal of President Trump’s travel ban on refugees and immigrants from several Middle East countries. (Photo: Lorie Shaull / Wikimedia Commons)

selves in a civil and respectable fashion has paralyzed the most powerful government in the history of the world, and for what? A 10-second soundbite on primetime news and a few thousand twitter followers?” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who presided over part of the debate over the resolution condemning Trump’s words. Shortly after debate ended and the measure condemning the President passed, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) started a debate clock that will expire on Thursday that will cue up another floor vote on the question of impeachment. Even though Rep. Green’s similar measures have failed in the past, he has gained votes each time he has tried. Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist and writer for NNPA as well as a political analyst and strategist as Principal of Win Digital Media LLC. She may be contacted at LBurke007@ and on twitter at @LVBurke

Kamala Harris has a $100 billion plan to close the Black homeownership gap By Jeff Andrews, Chicago Crusader

CHICAGO CRUSADER — While housing issues didn’t come up in the presidential debates two weeks ago, Democratic candidates for president in the 2020 election continue to raise them on the campaign trail. Sen. Kamala Harris announced a $100 billion grant program to address the racial homeownership gap at Essence magazine’s art and music festival on Saturday in New Orleans. The grants would assist people of color who have lived in historically redlined neighborhoods with down payments and closing costs. According Harris, four million people of color would benefit from down payment assistance While housing issues didn’t come up in the presidential debates two weeks ago, Democratic candidates for president in the 2020 election continue to raise them on the campaign trail. Sen. Kamala Harris announced a $100 billion grant program to address the racial homeownership gap at Essence magazine’s art and music festival on Saturday in New Orleans. The grants would assist people of color who have lived in historically redlined neighborhoods with down payments and closing costs. Since the financial crisis of 2008, homeownership among African Americans has sunk despite the economy’s gradual rebound. According to the U.S. Census, African American homeownership peaked in 2005 at 49.7 percent and has steadily dropped since. It now stands at 41.1 percent. According to Harris’s campaign, Black homeownership has historically been repressed by a number of factors, including redlining, the practice of lenders refusing to issue mortgages to majority Black neighborhoods. After World War II, the G.I. Bill


provided homeownership opportunities to veterans, but people of color were largely excluded. During the housing bubble in the mid-2000s, African Americans were disproportionately targeted with subprime mortgages, which wiped out any home equity gains in the crash. Harris’s grant program, which would be administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), would provide up to $25,000 or 20 percent of the loan value to people of color who’ve lived in historically redlined neighborhoods for at least 10 years. Families would need to buy a house for less than $300,000, make less than $100,000 annually, with some consideration given to those in high-cost metro areas. Individuals could not make more than $50,000. The Harris campaign says four million people would benefit from the $100 billion grant program. While that program would address historic discrimination in housing, Harris is also proposing changes to how credit scores are calculated, which would make it easier for African American borrowers to qualify for a mortgage.

Since the financial crisis, mortgage lending has gotten incredibly strict. Harris’s proposal would add rent payments, phone bills, and utilities to the formula for credit scores because the current criteria—mortgage payments, student loans, credit cards, and auto loans—aren’t as common among African Americans, leaving many without a scoreable credit profile. Including rent payments and phone bills in credit score calculations would allow more people of color to build stronger credit, and thus have a better chance of qualifying for a mortgage. Harris is one of four Democratic candidates for president with a formal housing plan. She previously introduced the Rent Relief Act in 2018, which uses a renters tax credit to reimburse taxpayers the portion of their rent that they pay above 30 percent of their income. Harris took heat from housing policy experts, many of whom believe a renters tax credit alone would simply drive up rents and benefit landlords more than renters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has the most comprehensive housing proposal so far, and it also includes down payment assistance for people of color affected by redlining. However, Warren’s plan does not provide specific amounts, except to use $2 billion to aid families of color who were targeted with subprime mortgages during the housing bubble. Harris’s campaign picked up momentum after the debate two weeks ago when she effectively attacked Joe Biden’s civil rights record, resulting in a polling bump for Harris and a drop for Biden. It’s no wonder then that Harris would want to bolster her housing plan with a proposal to help address historic discrimination and civil rights. This article originally appeared in Curbed. This article originally appeared in the Chicago Crusader.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016



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North Haven, CT 06473 Ridge and McConaughy Terrace HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses

Mechanical Insulator position.

Tractor Trailer Driver for & Highway Construction Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 A pre-bid conference willHeavy be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Equipment. Must have a CDL License, clean driving record, The Housing Authority of the City of New Havend/b/a Elm City ComAA/EEO EMPLOYER Street CTheavy at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. capableSeymour, of operating equipment; be willing to travel Insulation company offering good pay munities is currently seeking Bids for Driveway and Parking Lot Repavthroughout the Northeast & NY. and benefits. Please mail resume to ing and Restriping at Cornell Scott Ridge and McConaughyTerrace. A We offer excellentare hourly rate &from excellent benefits Housing Authority OfBidding documents available the Seymour above address. complete copy of the requirements may be obtained from Elm City’s at 860-243-2300. fice, 28 SmithContact Street,Dana Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Vendor Collaboration Portal https://newhavenhousing.cobblestonesysEmail: MAIL ONLY Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply beginning on Monday, July 15, 2019 at 3:00PM. This company is an Affirmative Action/ The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the Housing Authority.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019 INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016






HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Authority, DATE: July 30th,apartments 2019 at this develis accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom opment located at 108 Frank Street, New10:00 Maximum income limitations apTIME: to 12:00 pm ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday LOCATION: Ruoppolo Community Room, 480 Ferry St, NewJu;y Haven 25, 2016 and & ending when sufficient pre-applications 100) have Kitchen Bathroom Renovations, Flooring,(approximately Painting, Limited Mechanical and been received at theElectrical offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied resystem upgrades (3 Buildings, 177upon Units) quest by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 duringand those hours.compliance Completedrequirements. preThis contract is subject to state setaside contract applications must be returned toBid HOME INC’sAugust offices30, at 2019 171 Orange Due Date: 3:00 pm Street, Third Floor, New Haven, CT 06510. Project documents available via ftp link below:


Ruoppolo Manor: Fairmont Heights:




The Glendower Group, Inc Request for Proposals


tion from a high school /trade/ or technical school with course of study in the electrical field and 4 years experience as a Meter Technician in an electric utility or related experience. Experience and training may be substituted on a year for year basis up to 2 years. Must have a valid State of CT Driver’s License. $34.08 to $36.24 per hour (Wages currently under negotiation) plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply to: Human Resources Department, Town of Wallingford, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492. Fax #: (203) 294-2084. Closing date will be July 31, 2019. EOE.


242-258 Fairmont Ave 2BR Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA

Co-Developer of the Redevelopment of Westville Manor

The Glendower Group, Inc an affiliate of Housing Authority City of New Haven d/b/a Elm city Communities is currently seeking proposals for Co-Developer of the Redevelopment of Westville Manor. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City’s Vendor Collaboration Portal Invitation to Bid:

2nd Notice beginning on Monday, July 1, 2019 at 3:00PM


All new apartments, new appliances, new carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 highways, near bus stop & shopping center


Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster St. New Haven, CT

SEYMOUR HOUSING AUTHORITY Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of Seymour until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour.

August 5, 2019 at 10:00am (EST)

[Minority- and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to respond]

Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 2038818372 HOMEencourages INC, en nombre la Columbus House de la New S/W/MBE Haven Housing HCC thedeparticipation of ally Veteran, & Authority, Section 3está Certified Businesses aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios yCompany, apartamentos un dormitorio este desarrollo Haynes Construction 32deProgress Ave,enSeymour, CT 06483

ubicado en la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. EMPLOYER Se aplican limitaciones de ingresos AA/EEO máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando a HOME 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán Meter Technician A –INC ThealWallingford Electric Division is seeking a highly qualifiremitirse ed individual to perform skilled a las de HOME 171 Orange tercer piso, New Haven CT 06510 . work onoficinas alternating currentINC anden direct current Street, circuits, metering devices and, meter equipment. Requires gradua-

Ms. Devin Marra, Director of Procurement Telephone: 203-744-2500 x141 E-Mail: Contact Ms. Devin Marra, via phone or email. Housing Authority of the City of Danbury 2 Mill Ridge Rd, Danbury, CT 06811 Envelope Must be Marked: IFB No. B19001 Chimney Services


Old Saybrook, CT The Glendower Group, Inc (4 Buildings, 17 Units) Request for Proposals Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK FOR FARNAM COURT PHASE II New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Cast The Concrete, Glendower Group, affiliate of Housing Authority City of New Havin-place Asphalt Shingles,Inc Vinylan Siding, en d/b/a Elm city Communities is currently Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework,seeking Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk for Farnam Court Phase II. A complete copy of the requireMechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. ment may be obtained from Elm City’s This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Vendor Collaboration Portal on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 3:00PM Bid Extended,beginning Due Date: August 5, 2016 Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Project documents available viaThe ftp linkGlendower below: Group, Inc

Apply online at

Request for Proposals Fax or Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372

HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE MANAGER & Section 3 CertifiedAT Businesses CONSTRUCTION RISK FOR VALLEY TOWNHOUSES Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 AA/EEO EMPLOYER The Glendower Group, Inc an affiliate of Housing Authority City of New Haven d/b/a Elm city Communities is currently seeking Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk for Valley Townhouses. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City’s

Or Visit our Social Media Pages For More Information Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority OfA pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579.

New Haven Police Department Recruitment Team


The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the Housing Authority.

Vendor Collaboration Portal


beginning on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 3:00PM 16

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019


The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk, CT is requesting proposals for Financial Advisory Services. Request for Proposal documents can be viewed and printed at under the Business section RFP’s/RFQ’s Norwalk Housing is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director.

The Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) hereby announces its federal fiscal years 2020-2022 49 CFR Part 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) plan related to FAA-assisted contracts for professional services and construction projects for the Bradley International Airport. The proposed plan, which includes the 3-year goal and rationale, is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at Bradley International Airport, Administration Office, Terminal A, 3rd Floor, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 or on CAA’s website , the Bradley International Airport website for 30 days from the date of this publication.

for Laborer/Driver with valid CT CDL Class A license and able to get a medical card. Must be able to pass a drug test and physical. Compensation based on experience. Email resume to AA/EOE M-F

Comments on the DBE goal will be accepted for 45 days from the date of availability of this notice and can be sent to the following:

Equipment Operator

Laurie A. Sirois Manager of Grants, Procurement and Insurance Programs Connecticut Airport Authority Bradley International Airport Administration Office Terminal A, 3rd Floor Windsor Locks, CT 06096 or Mr. Thomas Knox DBE & ACDBE Compliance Specialist FAA Western-Pacific Regional Office Los Angeles, CA 90009-2007

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport Request for Proposal (RFP) Audit and Accounting Services Solicitation Number: 129-FIN-19-S

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport d/b/a Park City Communities (PCC) is currently seeking proposals from qualified accounting firms for audit and accounting service for the end of fiscal years; 2019, 2020, 2021. Solicitation package will be available on July 22, 2019. To obtain a copy of the solicitation you must send your request to bids@, please reference solicitation number and title on the subject line. A pre-proposal conference will be held at 150 Highland Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605 on August 7, 2019, @ 10:00 a.m. Although attendance is not mandatory, submitting a bid for the project without attending conference is not in the best interest of the Offeror. Additional questions should be emailed only to no later than August 14, 2019 @ 3:00 p.m. Answers to all the questions will be posted on PCC’s Website: www. Proposals shall be mailed, or hand delivered by August 22, 2019 @ 3:00 PM, to Ms. Caroline Sanchez, Director of Procurement, 150 Highland Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Late proposals will not be accepted.

***HELP WANTED*** TOTAL FENCE LLC Currently has a full time opening for one fence installer helper. Candidates must have at least 1 year of fencing experience, a reliable form of daily transportation, a valid driver’s license, have the ability to obtain a DOT medical card and agree to a physical and drug testing as required. A valid CDL and current OSHA card are encouraged. Please apply in person to:

TOTAL FENCE LLC 525 ELLA GRASSO BOULEVARD NEW HAVEN, CT 06519 Or email resume to: ***No phone calls please*** Total Fence LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer

HELP WANTED: Large CT guardrail company looking

Help Wanted: Immediate opening for Equipment Operator for Heavy and Highway Construction. 10 hour OSHA certificate required. CDL license a plus but not required. Please call PJF Construction Corp.@ 860-888-9998. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F.

Laborer Help Wanted: Immediate opening for Construction Laborer for Heavy and Highway Construction. 10 hour OSHA certificate required.


Effective Tuesday, July 9, 2019 The Wallingford Housing Authority (WHA) will open the zero (0) bedroom waitlist for its State Elderly/Disabled housing program. The closing date for the Waiting List will be Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 3 p.m. Applicants may apply for the waiting list by completing the appropriate application. Following the closing date, each applicant’s Waiting List position will be determined by a lottery selection as set forth in the WHA’s Tenant Selection Plan. Copies of this plan can be obtained at the management office address listed below. All applications must be complete with copies of all required documentation attached. Applications must be signed & dated by all adult members of the applicant household 18 years of age and older. All applications & documentation must be date-stamped at the Wallingford Housing Authority on or before September 3, 2019 at 3:00 PM. FAXED OR EMAILED APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. WHA WILL NOT MAKE COPIES OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. Applications can be obtained in person at 45 Tremper Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492 or by mail please call 203-269-5173. The fax number is (203) 269-5150 and the email address is Efectivo el Lunes 9 de Julio 2019, La Autoridad de Vivienda de Wallingford (WHA) abrirá la lista de espera de cero (0) dormitorio para la programa de vivienda de Estatal de Ancianos y Discapacitados. La fecha de cierre de la lista de espera será Jueves 3 de Septiembre 2019 a las 3 p.m. Los solicitantes pueden solicitar la lista de espera completando la solicitud correspondiente. Después de la fecha de cierre, la posición de la lista de espera de cada solicitante se determinará mediante una selección de lotería tal como se establece en el Plan de selección de inquilinos de la WHA. Se pueden obtener copias de este plan en la dirección de la oficina de administración que se detalla a continuación.

Please call PJF Construction Corp. @ 860-888-9998. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F.

Todas las aplicaciones deben estar completas con copias de toda la documentación necesario adjunta. Las solicitudes deben estar firmadas y fechadas por todos los miembros adultos del hogar solicitante de 18 años de edad en adelante. Todas las aplicaciones y documentación deben estar selladas con fecha en la Autoridad de Vivienda de Wallingford el 3 de Septiembre 2019 o antes, a las 3:00 p.m. SE ACEPTARÁN LAS APLICACIONES ENVIADAS POR CORREO O POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO. WHA NO HARÁ COPIAS DE LOS DOCUMENTOS REQUERIDOS.

CDL Driver

Las solicitudes se pueden obtener en persona en 45 Tremper Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492 o por correo, por favor llame al 203-269-5173. El número de fax es (203) 2695150 y la dirección de correo electrónico es

Help Wanted: Immediate opening for CDL Driver for Heavy and Highway Construction. 10 hour OSHA certificate and clean CDL license required. Please call PJF Construction Corp. @ 860-888-9998. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F.

Project Manager/Project Supervisor Help Wanted: Immediate opening for a Project Manager/Project Supervisor for Heavy and Highway Construction. Previous experience on CTDOT projects required. Please call PJF Construction Corp. @ 860-888-9998. We are an equal opportunity employer M/F

Listing: Accounting Accounting Department has an immediate opening in Accounts Payable. This full time position in a fast-paced office environment could be an excellent entry to an Accounting career. Requires good computer and organizational skills, attention to detail, and multi-tasking. Benefits include health, dental & LTD insurance plus 401(k). Send resume to: Human Resource Dept. P O Box 388, Guilford CT 06437. ********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer**********

Town of Bloomfield

Emergency Medical Services Coordinator for the Bloomfield Volunteer Ambulance Full Time - Benefited

$79,785 annual salary

Pre-employment drug testing. For more details, visit our website –


Town of Bloomfield Truck Driver/Maintainer II Full Time - Benefited

$27.31 hourly

Pre-employment drug testing. For more details, visit our website –

State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management The State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management is recruiting for a Leadership Associate position. Further information regarding the duties, eligibility requirements and application instructions for this position is available at: CT/sup/bulpreview.asp?R1= 190618&R2=5989VR&R3=001 The State of Connecticut is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.


June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Rickey Smiley To Take Over Tom Joyner Morning Show By Birmingham Times Staff Report

THE BIRMINGHAM TIMES — Birmingham native Rickey Smiley will take over The Tom Joyner Morning Show when Joyner retires at the end of the year. Joyner said that Smiley has established himself as a trusted leader on-air and in the community with his current show, captivating audiences with his authentic humor but also his unique perspective on topics important to his audience. Birmingham native Rickey Smiley will take over The Tom Joyner Morning Show when Joyner retires at the end of the year. Joyner said that Smiley has established himself as a trusted leader on-air and in

Marcille and Gary Wit Da Tea would be among the on-air cast members joining him to broadcast out of the Dallas studios beginning January 2020. “It’s an honor to continue the legacy of my boss and frat brother Tom Joyner,” said Smiley. “Not only has he been a friend to my family and me over the years, but we consider him family. Tom’s mentorship has instilled in me valuable wisdom that I will carry with me through this new morning show.” Additional details about the show will be shared in the coming months. contributed to this post. This article originally appeared in The Birmingham Times.

the community with his current show, captivating audiences with his authentic humor but also his unique perspective on topics important to his audience. “I’m happy to see the landscape of Urban Adult Contemporary morning radio continue to expand with Rickey, and I’m proud of the doors the Tom Joyner Morning Show opened,” said Joyner. “Twenty-five years ago, there was no template for a syndicated Urban radio show and we worked hard to prove that we could successfully produce and market a national platform that would entertain, inform and empower AfricanAmerican listeners.” Smiley, who attended Alabama State University, also announced that Eva

Con’t from page 10


Is U.S. marching steadily to war with Iran?

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE. ON YOUR TIME. IT’S WHAT WE DO. Make an appointment online. Call us. Walk-in. Visit us on the weekends. We’re open when others aren’t.


sional authorization, based on the notion that the “Authorization for the Use of Military Force” approved by Congress in 2001 after 9/11 can be applied to Iran, through that country’s purported links to Al Qaeda. Democratic House members and senators, and a host of presidential candidates condemned the president’s saber rattling. “If the administration wants to go to war against Iran, then the Constitution requires them to come to Congress to ask for an authorization for the use of military force,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a presidential candidate told reporters. “This is Constitutional Law 101, that it is Congress, not the president, that declares war,” Sen. Warren, a former law professor, continued. “We would have to have a debate on the floor of the Senate. And if the administration doesn’t believe that they can withstand a debate, then they shouldn’t be aiming themselves toward war.” President Trump told an interviewer on June 13 that “Iran did do it.” In response, presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told reporters: “Attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman are unacceptable and must be fully investigated. But this incident must not be used as a pretext for a war with Iran, a war which would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, Iran, the region and the world. “The time is now for the United States to exert international leadership and bring the countries in the region together to forge a diplomatic solution to the growing tensions. I would also remind President Trump that there is no congressional authorization for a war with Iran. A unilateral U.S. attack on Iran would be illegal and unconstitutional.” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks to reporters after a classified members-only briefing on Iran, Tuesday, May 21, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/ Patrick Semansky)


Marsai Martin Opens Up About Depression:

“I Was In A Dark Place”

by Derrick Lane, Marsai Martin is young powerhouse taking over Hollywood in the past few weeks. The black-ish star has been the youngest executive producer in Hollywood and has acted on a hit TV show and starred in the same movie that she produced. Plus, she is also now the youngest person to ever sign a first-look deal with Universal Studios But even with all that success, she suffered in silence with her mental health. It was a

lesson that even at a young age that, your own mental health comes first. She recently explained in an Instagram post that she once felt herself struggling with self-doubt, imposter syndrome and falling into some “dark emotions” that she could not control. “This year has been a roller coaster,” writes Martin on her Instagram. “This year has been filled with crazy emotions and big blessings that I couldn’t even imagine me having. Moments from this year, I was in a dark place. A place that I didn’t think I was going to get out of. I thought I wasn’t good enough and I thought I needed to present myself in a way that was ‘perfect’ when I didn’t need to. Putting so much pressure on myself. Fighting with myself. This feeling had nothing to do with how child actors think. These were my own personal thoughts.” “The more I kept how I was feeling hidden, the more this dark emotion got bigger. I finally talked to my parents even tho they already knew how I was feeling. It made me feel better about myself. A sense of relief. I started praying more, talking more, and spending more time with the people I love…” After revealing these internal demons that many people, regardless of age, experience, the young star explained that she found solace in God, her family and her loved ones. She credits them for helping her transition into feeling “the best I’ve ever felt in a long time.” “Thank you God, for hearing my prayers,” she continued. “Thank you God for blessing me with the greatest family and friends.” In concluding her brave post, she sent a message to her followers: “I encourage everyone to speak their mind to anyone u trust. Even asking a random person ‘How are you?’ Can mean something. Also, be yourself because no one can be like you, other than YOU.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - July 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019


JOE UGLY IN THE MORNING Weekdays 6-9 a.m.

Mondays 10 a.m.



Mondays 11 a.m.

Mondays 1 p.m.



MICHELLE TURNER Tuesdays 9 a.m.

Advice you need for the mortgage you want.



ELVERT EDEN Tuesdays at 2 p.m.



Wednesdays 9 a.m.

Wednesdays 2 p.m.




Thursdays 1 p.m.

Mondays-Fridays 9 a.m.


FRIDAY PUNDITS Fridays 11 a.m.

Polly Curtin • Loan Officer 860-200-2292 NMLS #555684

Chris Stokes • Loan Officer 203-720-6121 NMLS #1182815 At Saint Aedan Pre School

We believe in supporting and valuing all families. We believe that a parent is the child’s first and best teacher. We are committed to providing a high-quality experience that enhances the overall development of the child and supports the family unit. We incorporate play in our detailed experience plans that are in line with the CT ELDS and CT DOTS.

We’ll help you find the mortgage that’s right for you. Contact us today.

** Our Program is Full Day / Full Year /Open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm

Loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval. Certain fees, restrictions and other terms and conditions may apply. Ask your loan officer for details. MEMBER FDIC



** NAEYC Accredited ** Care4Kids accepted ** State mandated sliding scale fee based on income and family size ** Onsite Social Worker and Educational Consultant Dr. James F. Acabbo, Director St. Aedan Pre School 203-387-0041


June 24, 2019 - July 30, 2019

NHPS - Early Childhood Registration Office: 54 Meadow Street, New Haven, CT 06519 If you have any additional questions please contact us at: Head Start (475) 220-1463 and School Readiness (475) 220-1482


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