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INNER-CITY NEWS July 27, 2016 - August 02, 2016

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

OP-ED | George H.W. Bush Was ‘True Focus Nutmegger,’ An ‘Underappreciated’ President Financial Justice a AKey atAnd 2016 NAACP Convention New Haven, Bridgeport


Volume 27 . No. 2309 Volume 21 No. 2194

Melissa McCaw Of Hartford will be


Office of Policy and Management Secretary

Governor-elect Ned Lamont made his first two hires Tuesday announcing that Melissa McCaw of Hartford will be his Office of Policy and Management Secretary

Malloy To Dems: Malloy To Dems: 15 Routes Offered To

Ignore Ignore“Tough “ToughOn OnCrime” Crime”

Affordable Housing

It’s Official!

Michelle Obama

Color Struck?

Sen. Kamala Harris

Snow in July?

Book Bestselling Hardcover The Year! FOLLOW USofON 1


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

15 Routes Offered To Affordable Housing by THOMAS BREEN

New Haven Independent

Pass an inclusionary zoning ordinance. Be stricter with bad landlords, and celebrate the responsible ones. Ease up on minimum lot area requirements. And regulate short-term rental services like Airbnb. Those are four of the 15 specific policy recommendations recently put forward by a coalition of local affordable housing advocates. The Room for All coalition submitted a 21-page letter to the city’s Affordable Housing Task Force that describes in detail the 15 different recommendations for creating, preserving, and increasing affordable housing in New Haven. Friday was the last day to submit public testimony and recommendations to the Affordable Housing Task Force, a group of city officials and housing advocates that has been meeting every month since June to discuss the current state and future need of affordable places to live in New Haven. The task force plans to deliver a suite of affordable housing-specific policy recommendations to the Board of Alders by the end of December. A month and a half after an October press conference outside of City Hall, where the coalition called for the task force to be transparent, inclusive, and action-oriented, legal aid attorney and Room for All coalition member Liam Brennan submitted the list of recommendations to the task force’s non-voting facilitator, Wooster Square Alder Aaron Greenberg, by email on Friday. The letter calls on the task force to heed the recommendations from the coalition’s diverse assemblage of local social justice and neighborhood activist groups, including Mothers and Others for Justice, New Haven Rising, CT Bail Fund’s Housing Not Jails Collective, Youth Continuum, Y2Y, Dixwell-Newhallville Watchdog & Advocacy Committee, New Haven Legal Assistance Association (NHLAA) and Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven. It also calls on the task force to push for the establishment of a working group to be led by a city employee that would be charged with making these recommendations a reality. “As many of our members know very well,” the letter reads, “much of a person’s life is wrapped up in creating a home for one’s self. The inability to afford quality, stable housing is a burden shared by too many of our city’s residents.” Greenberg welcomed the coalition’s letter and recommendations, and said that the task force will take the Room for All coalition’s notes into consideration at it drafts its own recommendations for the alders. “Over the past six months the Affordable Housing Task Force has held five meetings,” Greenberg told the Independent by email, “heard hours of public testimony, and received hundreds of pages of policy briefs, reports, memos, and ideas from stakeholders, experts, and others in the New Haven community. In the past week


Homeless activists Sade and Donny.

Room for All coalition members Kerry Ellington (with microphone) with legal aid’s Caitlin Maloney and Mothers & Others for Justice’s Kim Hart and Claudette Kidd.

Mothers & Others for Justice’s Hart and Kidd.

we have received around ten additional documents ranging from brief emails to long and detailed reports. “It is a testament to the seriousness of the affordable housing crisis that we have had such sustained public engagement with the process,” he continued. “The feedback, comments, and ideas we have received

will be invaluable as the Task Force works on recommendations to send to the Board of Alders to develop policy to ensure that everyone in New Haven has a safe and affordable place to live.” The coalition’s 15 recommendations fall under four categories: using the zoning code to create more affordable housing,


preserving existing naturally occurring affordable housing, protecting the rights of the city’s homeless residents, and regulating short-term rental services like Airbnb, which allow property owners to turn parts of their homes into temporary hotels. The 21-page document includes 43 footnotes, research into comparable affordable housing strategies in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, and Washington, D.C., and recommended implementation strategies for its various recommendations. It also calls on the task force and the alders to keep the city’s homess and low-income residents at the table as they make decisions on how to address their needs. “Before providing our detailed recommendations below,” the letter reads, “we want to make one overarching recommendation that this work continue with urgency and with input from those people who are most impacted by the lack of affordable housing.” The letter includes three proposed updates to the city zoning code with the goal of creating more affordable housing. Those updates are: • The adoption of an inclusionary zoning ordinance that would require all new buildings with 10 units or more to set aside 10 to 20 percent of their units to rent at below market rates. Half of those set-aside units should be reserved for residents earning 60 to 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI), the letter recommends, or $70,480 out of an $88,100 benchmark for a family of four. The letter recommends that the city use tax abatements to require landlords to rent the rest of the set-aside units to residents who earn 25 to 60 percent of the AMI. “Setting a standard inclusionary zoning policy for all large-scale developments will provide a much-needed predictability to the development landscape,” the letter reads, “allowing developers to appropriately plan and budget for their buildings.” • Allow for the creation of accessory dwelling units in residential zones, thereby allowing current homeowners to convert garages, storage sheds, pool houses, and other small accessory structures on their property to be used for housing. “Opening these structures up to be living quarters could provide a significant number of new housing units on the rental market,” the letter reads. Local architecture student and urban planning expert Jonathan Hopkins also submitted written testimony to the Affordable Housing Task Force in which he requested that the city study the feasibility of allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Click here to download Hopkins’s submission. “Before we consider empowering outof-town developers to build absentee landlord-owned rental housing,” Hopkins writes, “let’s first consider empowering New Haven’s existing homeowners to build ADUs. In the name of preserving property values, today’s overly restrictive zoning ordinance has artificially stifled lo-

cal entrepreneurialism, development, and investment in the City’s neighborhoods by the City’s residents.” • Ease the zoning code’s minimum lot area requirements. Even the highest density residential zones in the city’s zoning code require a minimum lot area of 5,400 square feet, or .12 acres, in order to house a residential building. “The current minimum lot area requirements unduly limit the city’s ability to build new housing and to replace old housing,” the letter reads, “which in turn drives up the cost of the housing that exists.” The coalition also calls on the city to conduct a comprehensive review of cityowned empty lots in residential areas. In its own review of city land records, the letter reads, the coalition found at least 50 such city-owned empty lots. Affordable housing-focused builders like the nonprofit Beulah Land Development Corporation are eager to develop on said lots, the coalition argues, but are unduly hindered by having to get relief from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) for nearly every project. currently owns a number of lots that could be used to build new housing if it were not for the minimum lot area.” The letter notes that, according to Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven Executive Director Karen Dubois-Walton and Livable City Initiative (LCI) Executive Director Serena Neal-Sanjurjo, the city’s housing authority maintains 6,000 affordable units. The housing authority also has a wait list of over 10,000 names. Those people waiting for housing authority-protected apartments, the letter argues, are currently either homeless, living with friends, or living in Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH), which is privately owned and operated rental housing that happens to charge tenants less than 30 percent of their income. The coalition recommends six different policies for preserving existing affordable housing. Those recommendations include: • Do a better job of holding slumlords accountable by drawing public attention to their negligence. “It is time to bring sunlight and publicity to the activity of city landlords who are degrading New Haven’s housing infrastructure and failing their tenants,” the letter reads. It calls on the city to do a better job collecting and publicly presenting complaints against landlords, whether those complaints come from tenants or city inspectors. It says the information should be broken down by number of complaints against a landlord, number of complaints verified by inspectors, and how long it took for the landlord or property manager to address the problem. The letter points to the New York City Public Advocate’s online list of the city’s 100 worst landlords, which tracks open housing code violations, building code violations, tax lien information. • Don’t just shame the bad landlords. Con’t on page 08

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

2 Yale Cops Now On “Community Engagement” Beat by THOMAS BREEN

New Haven Independent

Two Yale Police officers showed up at City Hall. They weren’t there to make an arrest. They were there to have a conversation. Because that’s their new full-time jobs. During Tuesday’s regular monthly meeting of the Downtown-Wooster Square Community Management Team (DWSCMT) on the second floor of City Hall, Yale Police Officers Martin Parker and Martha Cedeno-Ross introduced themselves as the university police force’s new full-time community engagement officers. “Our goal is to respond to the community in Yale and in New Haven and to do what it takes to build better relationships between the police department and the community we police,” Parker told the 30 neighbors assembled for Tuesday night’s meeting. He explained that he and Cedeno-Ross, both of whom are four-year veterans of the university police force, are no longer on patrol. Their full-time job, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., is to reach out to people at Yale and in New Haven more broadly and to help forge a better relationship among Yale cops, students, and city residents. Parker, 30, and Cedeno-Ross, 39, said they started their new community engagement

jobs on Sept. 9. Over the past two months, they’ve held meetings with Yale students at campus libraries and at Donut Crazy on York Street. They held a community turkey drive last Friday where they gave out 250 turkeys to New Haven families. And they’ve overseen a busing program for bringing city youth to Yale sporting events. They’re also on tap to speak to the East Rock and Newhallville community management teams next week, and to students at Troup School and Lincoln-Bassett School later this winter. “There are a lot of people that don’t have good relationships with police,” Parker said. “We want to be that bridge to have those conversations and answer the questions that typically normally aren’t answered by police officers, and in a relaxed setting.” A New Haven native, Parker said the “million-dollar question” he often gets asked by students and community members alike is: Do police officers have arrest quotas? “We don’t ticket because we have quotas,” he said. As an African-American man who is still disproportionately stopped by police when he’s not wearing his uniform, Parker said he also feels well-equipped to talk with city youth and black and brown Yale students


State Sen. George Logan will be returning to Hartford to represent the 17th District for a second, two-year term. Unofficial results Wednesday from the last of seven recounts conducted this week show Logan defeated Democratic challenger Jorge Cabrera by 85 votes, according to a Facebook post on Logan’s campaign page. The Valley Indy will post the vote total when it is available. “It is an honor and privilege to have this opportunity to represent you in the Senate for another term,” the post read. “I look forward to working with Governor-elect Lamont and his new administration in a bipartisan manner to move CT forward in a way that improves the lives of everyone living and working in CT.” We did it. We won the CT 17th Senatatorial District by 85 votes! It is an honor and privilege to have this opportunity to represent you in the Senate for another term. I look forward to working with Governor-elect Lamont and his new administration in a bipartisan manner to move CT forward in a way that improves the lives of everyone living and working in CT. Cabrera said he called Logan to congratulate him Wednesday. “Of course we’d want a different outcome but it was very close and we’re happy with the work that we put in and the team we assembled,” Cabrera said. Cabrera said he’d thinking about running for office again — after taking some time

off. “At this point I’m going to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with my family and probably watch some Netflix with my boys and reassess at the turn of the year,” he said. The 17th District includes Ansonia, Derby, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Hamden, Naugatuck, and Woodbridge. Those towns had until Wednesday (Nov. 14) to conduct a state-mandated recount of the Nov. 6 vote, because the final tally was so close. Logan won on Election Day by just 65 votes. But the results from the Nov. 6 election weren’t finalized until Nov. 8, after Registrars in Ansonia discovered through the Logan campaign that they had initially submitted wrong vote tallies to the secretary of state. The mistaken vote tally was attributed to a problematic machine and human error. See the links at the bottom of this story for background. The mistake highlights problems in the state’s antiquated methods to conduct elections. Ansonia did a recount Tuesday — in the presence of a bunch of lawyers and staffers for both political parties and the campaigns. Cabrera and his supporters held a rally in front of Ansonia City Hall Monday to focus attention on the recount. He said Wednesday that “the biggest thing for me was to make sure every vote was counted fairly.” “It wasn’t the result we would have liked, but considering coming from virtually no-

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Parker and Ross explain their new duties to Wooster Square resident Cordalie Benoit. about their wariness about racial prejudice in law enforcement. “When I was in graduate school, they warned us not to leave a certain area,” said Wooster Square resident Cordalie Benoit. “I hope you’re encouraging people to come to Wooster Square.” “I’m originally from New Haven,” Parker replied. “I tell everybody there are places you should be more alert and aware of

where you’re going, but New Haven is a great place. I’m definitely a champion of the City of New Haven.” Parker and Ross said any community groups interested in partnering with the two community engagement officers should reach out to them directly at and at

Recounts Show Logan Defeating Cabrera By 85 Votes New Haven Independent

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Contributing Writers David Asbery Tanisha Asbery Jerry Craft/Cartoons Barbara Fair

Dr. Tamiko Jackson-McArthur Michelle Turner Smita Shrestha William Spivey Kam Williams Rev. Samuel T. Ross-Lee


Contributors At-Large

Christine Stuart Paul Bass New Haven Independent


National Association of Black Journalist National Newspapers Publishers Association Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce Greater New Haven Business & Professional Association Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.

Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank my entire campaign team, my mom, the rest of my family and friends/suppo...


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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

New Skill Up for Manufacturing Program Will Expedite Training and Job Placement

NEW HAVEN, CT (November 26, 2018) – In an effort to expand Connecticut’s manufacturing workforce pipeline and connect qualified candidates to thousands of unfilled employment opportunities, Workforce Alliance is launching Skill Up for Manufacturing. The free five-week training and job placement program is now open to high school graduates and Connecticut residents 18 years or older who are underemployed or unemployed. The application deadline for the first Skill Up for Manufacturing session is December 7, 2018 and interested candidates are encouraged to visit and apply as soon as possible. Skill Up for Manufacturing will quickly channel people into entry-level manufacturing jobs by providing the fundamentals that employers need in just five weeks. The first training class begins Feb. 4 and ends March 8, 2019 at Gateway Community College. Accepted participants will attend classes six hours per

day, five days a week. Individual job search assistance is available during and after the training program. Manufacturing industry employers will have direct hire opportunities, access to hiring incentives and expect to continue training on-the-job. Interested applicants get started by applying online, completing a Manufacturing Skills Inventory Session at the American Job Centers in New Haven and Meriden, and creating or uploading a resume. Applicants who do not score sufficiently on the initial Skills Inventory of shop math, spatial reasoning and basic ruler reading will be invited to a refresher and can retake the assessment. Manufacturers participating in Skill Up for Manufacturing to date include Penn Globe, PTA Plastics, Wepco Plastics, Inc., Brooks & Whittle Packaging Solutions and the New Haven Manufacturers Association. Course work was developed in close coordination with participating manufacturers and includes basic trade knowledge,

workplace skills and production readiness including shop math fundamentals and semi-precise/ precise measurement. Workforce Alliance is the policy and oversight organization responsible for creating a comprehensive, community-wide response to the challenges of building a highly skilled workforce in South Central CT. This program is based on the successful model of the Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative, which has placed more than 1,000 people into good manufacturing jobs over the past three years and resulted in approximately $37 million in direct annual wages and roughly $38 million in indirect annual wages. Seventy-eight percent of those placed in Eastern CT had no prior manufacturing experience. The first Skill Up session is fully funded and can accept 20 students. Subsequent sessions are planned for 2019 in anticipation of continued funding availability. Support services are available to participants while


in classroom training including travel reimbursement, daycare assistance and required books, tools and clothing. Additionally, there is a cash stipend awarded to participants for successful completion of training benchmarks. Skill Up for Manufacturing is a program of Workforce Alliance and is currently funded by U.S. Department of Labor through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act and Temporary Aid to Needy Families (CT’s Jobs First Employment Services). About Workforce Alliance Workforce Alliance is the policy and oversight organization responsible for creating a comprehensive, community-wide response to the challenges of building a highly skilled workforce in South Central CT, which comprises 30 towns. Board members include business owners, local elected officials and community leaders in order to meet changing local needs and shifting national economic and

workforce trends. Services are primarily funded by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act for low-income adults, dislocated workers and youth; and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families which mandates employment activities to help people become independent of cash assistance. Workforce Alliance oversees four American Job Center South Central CT locations in New Haven, Meriden, Middletown and Hamden. For more information visit South Central CT includes 30 towns: Bethany, Branford, Chester, Clinton, Cromwell, Deep River, Durham, East Haddam, East Hampton, East Haven, Essex, Guilford, Haddam Hamden, Killingworth, Madison, Meriden, Middlefield, Middletown, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Old Saybrook, Orange, Portland, Wallingford, West Haven, Westbrook and Woodbridge. Media Contact: Janette Baxter, Gaffney Bennett PR, (860) 2290301,

Bush Resolution Touches A Nerve THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

by MARKESHIA RICKS New Haven Independent

What might have been a routine resolution recognizing the death of a well-known former resident touched a nerve at Monday’s Board of Alders meeting. Alders voted unanimously in favor of a resolution “expressing condolences on the passing of the 41st President of The United States and former New Haven resident the honorable George H.W. Bush and expressing gratitude for his positive contributions to our nation and the world.” Several said they were shocked to realize that alders were voting for such a proposal. Attorney Patrica Kane let Majority Leader Richard Furlow have it afterward. She pointed out that Bush had a less than stellar reputation when it came to communities of color, noting the Bush won the presidency after infamously invoked the case of an African-American rapist released on furlough, “Willie” Horton, in campaign attack ads against Democrat Mi-

chael Dukakis. “I’m surprised a board with this much diversity would vote for such a resolution,” she said. “Bush opposed civil rights. He was against funding for AIDS research. You can’t whitewash history.” Furlow cited the routine nature of the resolution. Kane was having none of that. “It looks like you don’t know history,” she said. Furlow excused himself from the conversation shortly after that. He said a little later that he wasn’t going to argue about racism with someone who has never experienced it. Furlow is black; Kane is white. “It infuriates me that anyone dares approach me about civil rights,” he said. “My parents marched with Martin Luther King.” Furlow said he remembers the first time the n-word was lobbed at him. He was a child and his mother had to explain what it meant and also tell him that it wasn’t who

State Steps Up Funding For Turnaround Schools

he was. “The ones who have so much to say have no idea what it means to be a person of color,” he said. “They have no idea what it feels like.” President Pro Tem and Dixwell Alder Jeanette Morrison said that she signed on to the resolution because it is a courtesy that political bodies often offer to the families of other politicians. She said she hopes one day someone would do the same for her two children should she pass away, regardless of how they felt about her politics. “It’s called being human,” she said. Bush died Friday at age 94. His formative years were spent in Connecticut. His father was a U.S. senator for the Nutmeg State. And like his father Bush, graduated from Yale University and went into politics, eventually being elected to Congress. He also ran the CIA. He became vice president in the 1980 election and then the 41st president in 1988.

MARKESHIA RICKS PHOTO Attorney Patricia Kane and Alder Richard Furlow have words Monday.

Firefighters Prep Kids For Fires by ALLAN APPEL

New Haven Independent

Principals Rosalind Garcia and Heriberto Cordero, at Monday’s school finance meeting.


by CHRISTOPHER PEAK New Haven Independent

In an unexpected bonus for the city’s cashstrapped public schools, the state offered an extra $340,000 to help two elementaries complete a turnaround. Fair Haven and Lincoln-Bassett, two neighborhood schools that have struggled against poverty and language barriers, will receive an infusion of cash to help improve their test scores. “I guess they like us,” said Iline Tracey, an assistant superintendent. The supplemental School Improvement Grants, funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education, were discussed at Monday night’s Finance & Operations Committee meeting at Central Office. At Fair Haven, a K-8 school with 820 students, Principal Heriberto Cordero said he wants to put a big chunk of the grant money into supports for English language learners. He plans to purchase licenses and training for Imagine Learning, a computer program that allows students to work on math and literacy at their own pace; textbooks and other kits in multiple languages; and a

comprehensive review of their bilingual programs by Quality Teaching for English Learners, a consultancy that provides programmatic recommendations and on-site coaching. A year from now, Cordero said, he hopes to see a five-point jump in reading and math in the percentage of high-needs students who are on grade level. At Lincoln-Bassett, a PreK-6 school with 390 students in Newhallville, Principal Rosalind Garcia said she wants to focus her grant on project-based learning. She plans to create a “Project-Based Learning Lab” at the school, complete with two part-time tutors and a cart of iPads and Chromebooks; buy a library on projectbased instruction for staff and books for kids; and hire a consultant for on-site training, likely Solution Tree. A year from now, Garcia hopes to see a four-point jump in the percentage of students who are meeting all their growth targets for the year — a sign that they’re making enough year-over-year progress to catch up to grade level.

First a”pass device”—a piece of safety equipment that alerts other firefighters that one of their number has not moved in 30 seconds—went screamingly off in a blaring alarm inside the rotunda. Then the aerial ladder was extended nearly 60 of its maximum 100 feet high over the entryway. That happened Monday at Clinton Avenue School. But it wasn’t a real emergency. Truck 3 from the Lombard Street Firehouse came to the school at the invitation of the first-grade teachers to offer the kids a demonstration. Teachers Lisa Pereira, Elsa Rivera, Julia Evola, and Rocio Barahona were in the midst of a grade-wide civics unit. The unit is designed to help all 55 first graders in the 550-kid K-through-eighth grade school understand the difference, for instance, between a rule and a law. (If you don’t know the difference—from a first-grade perspective—the answer is at the end of the story.) The kids are reading a book called Signs in Our Neighborhood and talking and writing about rules and procedures in their homes, in the library, in the cafeteria, among other venues, said Pereira, who has taught for 15 years. What better way to teach the importance of procedures — another term for rules — than having Firefighters Joe Guarino, Mark Natale, Michael Guercia, and Captain Daniel Coughlin drop by to demonstrate. Student Isaias Rivas said he was especially looking forward to play with the dog. Jahmair Forte wanted to put out a sample fire and manage the hose. The firefighters didn’t bring a dog. And they didn’t have a hose opportunity ready. But they did not disappoint, as they treated


Teacher Pereira and Firefighter Guarino and kids in front of Engine 3. the kids to a tour of the cab of Truck 3, a ladder demonstration, and other cool stuff. When Firefighter Guarino donned his equipment, including helmet, axe, and oxygen tank and mask, the excited kids grew quiet. Firefighter Michael Guercia avuncularly took a seat in front of the kids, beside a table rich with cookies and a cake that the kids’ families and school staff had prepared as a token of appreciation. “If there’s a fire in your house,” he asked the students, “what do you do?” “Call 9-1-1,” one first grader answered. Not quite. The rule is, Guercia reminded the little answer-er, “Get out first, and then call.” “If there’s smoke, what do you do?” As no hands went up, he gave the procedure (or rules) to follow for that one: “Get down low. Never hide.”

As Firefighter Guarino leaned on his axe, one kid asked why that was basic equipment. The answer: to knock a door down if necessary. “What if the door is hard?” another questioner said. “We’ll get in,” Guercia said, with confidence “What if the door’s locked?” “We have the tools,” Guercia replied. A discussion ensued on how fires start. Flames can ignite drapes, for instance, the firefighters told the students. Firefighter Joe Guarino demonstrated how he would look—with oxygen mask on and his tank operational—if he entered your house to save you. “Don’t be scared,” he said Suddenly the rotunda in which the kids were sitting was blasted by an alarm. Con’t on page 10

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

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10/17/18 4:36 PM

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Pressure Postpones Cop Review Vote by MARKESHIA RICKS New Haven Independent

That’s about how long activists pushing for a strong civilian review board (CRB) have to convince alders that citizens seeking to keep cops accountable should have subpoena power. The Board of Alders had planned to vote at a City Hall meeting Monday night to approve an ordinance that would create a long-awaited new version of a CRB, as required by a 2013 charter referendum. Then the alders decided to postpone the decision two weeks to give activists — who overwhelmingly dismiss the current proposal as toothless — one more chance to change their minds. Activists had made what they thought might be a last stand Friday during a rally on the steps of City Hall with hopes of getting alders to hold off on voting and reconsider creating a CRB with little power to investigate police misconduct. That rally ultimately resulted in a sitdown with Mayor Toni Harp Monday afternoon. Harp had said on WNHH radio’s “Mayor Monday” show that she believes the activists made good points worth considering. Though the word seemed to have spread to many that the vote would be postponed, nearly 100 people showed up to Monday’s meeting. Norman Clement said many people turned out to make sure that that was in fact what would happen. With little fanfare, Majority Leader Richard Furlow repeated what he’d said at the public caucus 30 minutes before the board’s full meeting: Colleagues by consensus had agreed to pass over the item. In short order, they moved on to other more routine items such as mayoral appointments and a resolution expressing condolences on the recent death of the 41st President George H.W. Bush. Activists stayed until Board President Tyisha Walker-Myers asked for a motion to adjourn, with many of them hanging back at the close of the meeting to talk with alders. Chris Garaffa was among the activists who had an opportunity to sit down with Mayor Harp earlier Monday. He said the postponed vote gives CRB supporters a little more time to work on reaching out to alders and educating them.“Nothing would better than what they proposed,” he said. One key sticking point is whether the CRB should have subpoena power. It wouldn’t under the current version of the ordinance. Activists argue that experience in other cities shows that without subpoena power, a CRB has little force to probe police misconduct and protect citizens’ rights. President Pro Tem and Dixwell Alder Jeanette Morrison disagreed. Though she has voiced concerns that alders don’t have the authority to grant subpoena power to a CRB and that state law must

give alders that authority, Morrison is very much in favor of a new CRB. “Every day we go without a CRB is a day that my brother, my son, my colleagues who are black, brown and male and my constituents are subject to not having their rights protected,” she said. Morrison said her belief that the alders cannot give subpoena power to another board is rooted in the research that has been compiled for alders by legislative staff. She said if there were a state law that explicitly said it was OK, she wouldn’t hesitate. The city’s corporation counsel has argued that the alders do have the ability to confer subpoena power; activists have suggested several ways to do it. Majority Leader Furlow said that alders will be requesting an updated opinion from the city’s Corporation Counsel on the issue of subpoena power. “We just want to protect our city from litigation,” he said. Activists and some members of the board have advocated for creating a CRB that has independent investigatory powers and the authority to recommend disciplinary action. They also recommend that members be selected from approved neighborhood organizations and that the new board collects and report data about its activities. They also recommend that the board get 1.5 percent of the city police department’s operating budget so that it has the staff and resources needed to help facilitate its work. President Walker-Myers said that several members had amendments that they wanted to add. She decided not to begin the process of considering those amendments Monday night because other alders didn’t have enough time to review them.Everyone agreed to pull back so people can submit their amendments and give the entire board an opportunity to review them. “The work is going to be done,” she said. “All of the amendments will be looked at an vetted and then we’ll see where we’re at. “ She encouraged people who want to have a say about what should go in the ordinance to submit their information so that it can be considered as alders make amendments. One of the alders who will be making amendments is Steve Winter. Among several suggested changes, the Prospect Hill/Newhallville/Dixwell alder wants to specifically make it clear that the CRB would have subpoena power.“The charter demands a CRB that instills public confidence,” he said after the meeting. “It will take significant changes to make this ordinance that.” Emma Jones said she’s seen the process of creating CRB through now two mayors, and different members of the Board of Alders. And the only things that seem to change are the faces of the elected,


speak with Alder Adam Marchand after meeting.

Alders Furlow and Winter talk with CRB supporters in the aldermanic chamber.

Morrison, with Jones: “I understand the passion. But there is a process.”

not the amount of knowledge that people have on the issue of why a CRB is necessary, she said. She said that means that those who support a strong CRB often have to educate and re-educate alders through endless hearings. “I’m just exasperated with all of the doing,” she said. Jones is the mother of Malik Jones, who


was shot dead in 1997 by an East Haven police officer after a high-speed car chase into Fair Haven. “I’m hoping that this is not a pause to come back and do the same thing,” she said. “I hope it’s an opportunity for the board and the community to come together jointly and do the right thing. That’s what my hope is.”

Con’t from page 03

15 Routes Offered

To Affordable Housing

Praise the good ones, too. The letter calls on the city to work with locally based banks to develop low interest or forgivable loans to assist landlords in making repairs to their properties; to provide tax incentives to local mom-and-pop landlords to encourage regular property maintenance; and acknowledge New Haven’s best landlords through mayoral proclamations or awards ceremonies. • Develop a centralized electronic system for tenants to file complaints about poorly managed properties. The city underuses SeeClickFix’s rental housing issues log, the letter argues, and LCI and and the Fair Rent Commission still rely exclusively on the submission of complaints via phone or in person. “New Haven should develop a web-based complaint system that allows tenants to report perceived housing code violations, blight or other issues,” it reads. The coalition’s letter dedicates another six recommendations for how better to protect and service the city’s homeless population. Those recommendations include: • Allowing the proposed Y2Y New Haven youth homeless shelter to open in a location that is “safe, welcoming, and accessible for young people experiencing homelessness.” The organization’s proposal to open a 20-bed shelter on Grand Avenue for young adults aged 18 to 24 caused an uproar among Wooster Square residents in May. The coalition calls on the Board of Alders to write a letter of support for Y2Y, and to allocate $10,000 each year to support the youth shelter’s operations. • Pass the Homeless Bill of Rights and the Resolution to Decriminalize Homelessness. Both items are currently awaiting consideration by the aldermanic Human Services Committee. • Do a more accurate “point in time” count of the city’s homeless population that is not conducted in the dead of winter when many unsheltered people are not on the streets, and that does include those who are doubled up with friends and family out of economic insecurity. The last section of the letter calls for the regulation of short-term rentals through services like Airbnb. According to the letter, over 300 New Haven homes currently participate in Airbnb, which allows participating property owners to rent out rooms for stays as short as a single night. While convenient for tourists, the letter argues, these short-term rentals take housing units off of the market for city residents and thereby drive up the rentals costs of remaining available units. Look to other cities currently grappling with this issue, the letter recommends. New Orleans, for example, is considering requiring permits for short-term rental units, and limiting those permits to residents who live in the city (as opposed to absentee landlords.) And Washington, D.C. already has laws on the book for Airbnb: the capital city also issues permits for short-term rentals, and limits their use as such to 90 days per year.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Enrollment In Access Health CT Ahead of Last Year’s Pace by Christine Stuart

HARTFORD, CT — Enrollment in Access Health CT is higher this year than it was last year at this time, but time is running out. Officials said they’ve enrolled 9.685 customers who are new to the exchange this year, and they’ve auto-enrolled more than 91,000 customers who purchased plans with them in 2018. That brings total enrollment up to 101,054 individuals as of Nov. 30. Last year, about 90,428 individuals had enrolled by this time. There’s no penalty for not enrolling in a plan this year, but that has yet to impact the number of Connecticut residents from purchasing insurance. Last year, Connecticut enrolled about 114,000 individuals, but not everyone stayed enrolled. Some may have gotten jobs that offered insurance, while others simply stopped paying their premiums. The number of enrollees dropped to about 96,000 this year. Customers who purchased plans in 2018 should have received their annual renewal notice between October 24 and 27, 2018. Auto-renewals started happening automatically on Nov. 19. Customers who received a notice saying they are eligible to be automatically enrolled for 2019 still have choices and can pick a different plan, Access Health CT Director of Marketing Andrea Ravitz said. “Customers could pay more in 2019 for a couple of reasons. In 2018, they may have chosen a plan that was the lowest one in a metal tier -Bronze, Silver or Gold. In 2019, this plan may no longer be the lowest cost plan in this tier, and as a result, the monthly

payment could be higher,” Ravitz said. “Or, if they had changes in their family, where they live, their age or income.” Premiums in some of the 17 plans offered by Anthem and ConnectiCare may have gone up or down so officials are encouraging everyone to shop. The two companies offered 20 plans last year. Customers might have also gotten a notice saying they are not eligible to be automatically enrolled, in which case they need to take action and pick a plan during open enrollment, before Dec. 15 in order to have coverage for 2019. There are several ways to sign up with a plan, including online at accesshealthct. com, on the phone, or at an enrollment fair. Access Health CT added two new health insurance Enrollment Fairs, one at The Lyceum - Conference Center in Hartford, Saturday, Dec. 8, and the other at UConn Stamford Auditorium, Saturday, Dec. 15. Both fairs will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “We want to make sure more residents have the opportunity to speak face-to-face with Certified Enrollment Specialists and Brokers to enroll or re-enroll in healthcare coverage,” Ravitz said. For more information on where to get inperson help enrolling visit or call 1-855909-2428. Last year, enrollment lasted until Dec. 22, but it ends this year on Dec. 15. Officials have yet to make a decision about whether to extend the enrollment deadline. The deadline for the federal exchange is Dec. 15, but seven states that operate their own exchanges like Connecticut have extended the deadline to late December or January.



Chelsea Tipton, NHSO Pops Conductor

HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, Dec 15 | 2:30pm | Hamden Middle School Sunday, Dec 16 | 3:00pm | Shelton High School Connecticut’s Holiday tradition is back… and this year NHSO Pops Conductor Chelsea Tipton is pulling out all the stops in honor of the NHSO’s 125th Anniversary. From Sleigh Ride to a sing-along with Santa and special guest performances by the Elm City Girls’ Choir, the NHSO’s take on classic and new Holiday carols will delight and enchant.

Tickets: $35-49 | Kids Under 18 Free with an Adult Ticket (203)787-4282 |


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Watchdogs To Newhaville: Keep The Byrne by MARKESHIA RICKS New Haven Independent

Newhallville is on the path to safe neighborhood success; it just has to keep doing what it’s doing and hold “partners” accountable. That charge and the challenge came from a watchdog organization tasked with providing the neighborhood technical assistance — and if necessary, some tough love — in the implementation of a federal crime reduction grant. A year after the beginning of implementation of the $1 million federal grant to make Newhallville a safer place, a program manager and advisor from the Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC) paid a visit to New Haven to learn what’s working. On Thursday, the more than two dozen neighborhood activists who have played a role in changing the narrative of Newhallville from “dangerous” to “safe” were able to say a year later things are different. The neighborhood is safer. Matt Perkins, senior project manager for LISC, and program advisor James Stark got a tour of the neighborhood, particularly the known “hot spots” of Read, Starr-Hazel streets and Dixwell Avenue before they sat down to meet with the group on Dixwell Avenue Thursday for about two hours. Stark and Perkins said they could see the change with their own eyes. They were here when Newhallville first received the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation grant (now called the “Innovations in Community Based Crime Reductions” grant) from the U.S. Department of Justice four years ago. (There was a 30-month preparation period prior to the grant’s first year of implementation starting in 2017.) Back then, violent crime was rampant, absentee landlords and slum properties were dragging down neighborhood streets, and community-police relations were in a low place. And community leaders were at war with the Harp administration about how the grant should be spent. (Read here about how that feud flares up from time to time.) From the murals on the Farmington Canal and the tremendous placemaking created by the Learning Corridor to the decrease in gun violence and a new sense of collaboration between the police and the community, things are looking up in Newhallville. And that’s thanks to the grant many said Thursday. Since grant money started flowing in Newhallville crime is down, according to a first-year annual report about the Safe Neighborhood Initiative drafted by researchers from the University of New Haven. From July 2017 to July 2018 violent gun crimes such as robbery with a firearm and assault with a firearm were down more in Newhallville than they were for New Haven as a whole. Those specific crimes were down 54.5 percent and 55.6 percent, respectively, in New Haven, while only down 17.9 percent and 3.1 percent for the city as a whole. Outgoing Byrne grant coordinator Arthur Edwards attributed that to more youth en-


Byrne-backed Canal Trail Women’s Empowerment Mural.

MARKESHIA RICKS PHOTO LISC’s James Stark and Matt Perkins get an update on the Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative Thursday.

Neighborhood Housing Services’ Stephen Cremin-Endes talks about the grant healing relationships. gagement, including a Youth Police Initiative to bridge the gap between the police and young people in the community. There also was a major push with the help of the grant to make sure that kids had access to summer camps and other activities. Other efforts included finding jobs for young people in the community and funding a “Youth Ambassador” program so that young people could get paid for helping to keep the neighborhood safe.

Edwards also attributed the change to partnerships with organizations like Project Longevity and canvassing the neighborhood regularly to share information. And working with neighborhood cops to step up surveillance specifically in the hotspots in the neighborhood. The city’s anti-blight agency, Livable City Initiative also works more closely with the police to stay on top of out-of-town landlords so their properties don’t drag down the neighborhood, or cre-


ate hotbeds of criminal activity. Alder Delphine Clyburn said that R,ead Street is fast becoming one of her favorite streets in the neighborhood. “Read Street now is better,” she said. “You don’t feel danger like we used to. And when I see children riding their little scooters down Read Street I’m grateful for the grant, what it did and what it is doing for the community.” Grant money was used most dramatically to fund a spin-off of the city’s YouthStat program to create YouthStat I and YouthStat II, which focuses specifically on two groups of underserved groups deemed “atrisk” in Newhallville. YouthStat I serves school-age children, while YouthStat II focuses on those 17 to 26 who have had some contact with the criminal justice system. Youth Stat II has 17 participants, and its coordinator Baba Jide Davis said that only two of those young men have reoffended. He also noted that the majority of them had received some sort of job certification through Gateway Community College and the rest were working on a certification or enrolled in a program at ConnCAT. “That’s tremendous work,” Stark said. Edward said one of the things that the neighborhood initiative has been active in doing is intervening when there is some kind of technical violation of a condition of release such as paying restitution. He said not only has he and his staff gone to court on behalf of the young men but created a matching fund program to help them save the money needed to pay. Stark liked the idea and suggested that partners look for a way to sustain it. Of the two young men who returned to incarceration, Edwards said the initiative hasn’t forgotten their families. “We still reach out to the families,” he said. Mending Fences Stephen Cremin-Endes, Neighborhood Housing Services director of community building and organizing, said that a year and a half ago he and Clyburn had a discussion that he said “went sideways.” But during this first year of implementation, they have been able to work more collaboratively. Nonprofit NHS focuses on gut rehabs of blighted property to increase opportunities for homeownership. It also focuses on environmental improvements such as installing rain gardens and murals along the Farmington Canal. Byrne grant money helped pay for the murals. Clyburn said she passionately advocated that money from the Byrne grant be spent by Newhallville and in Newhallville. And she said she’s pleased that for the most part that has happened. Stark said one of the things that LISC does is makes sure that the money is spent exactly in that way and he praised Clyburn for being that voice. “That’s exactly what we want,” he said. Edwards has said getting neighborhood organizations to work more collaboratively and not duplicate services was a key goal of what needed to happen with the grant. Collaboration, he said, is the name of the game.

“We still have our issues,” Edwards said. “We don’t always agree but we can go into a room and come out with a way forward.” Program Advisor Starks said the Newhallville initiatives has all the ingredients for a successful program—great leadership and great partnerships. “Many sites don’t have either one,” he said. “You’re blessed to have both and can expect success if you keep it up. There have been a number of things highlighted that could be a model for our other sites.” Program Manager Perkins challenged the partners to hold each other accountable for the work and keep looking for gaps in services and ways to improve. “The sites that maintain their success are the ones that keep working together after the money is gone,” he said. Con’t from page

Firefighters Prep Kids For Fires

His safety alarm the pass device that would alert brother firefighters to come to his rescue went off. It was a teaching moment. It went off, Guercia explained, because Guarino had been stationary for 30 seconds. Its alarm would alert others to come to his rescue. The device goes off whether a firefighter is down on the ground in serious trouble or simply not moving, as was the case in the rotunda. Pereira seized the teaching moment as well. “When we’re in trouble, firefighters save us. When they’re in trouble, that alarm saves them,” she said. Twenty minutes later, all 55 of the kids had watched the raising and lowering of the aerial ladder and touring Engine 3’s cab. Giada Rodriguez said she loved being in the cab most/ The rule she’s remembering is that if you’re on fire, you must “stop, drop, and roll.” She and the other lids and their teachers thanked the firefighters and returned to their classrooms. The Clinton Avenue School’s projectbased learning is one of the success stories among the Commissioners Network schools, Pereira said. All their units of the Clinton curriculum, such as this one on rules and laws, incorporate reading and writing as required by the statewide Common Standards. Pereira said most likely the kids would each write a few sentences about what they did and saw, and maybe draw a picture. The sumputous treats the kids had made for the firefighters were last seen being taken by Guarino into the cab of Engine 3. No equipment was necessary for that procedure. Oh, and the difference between a law and a rule, for first graders? “A law is mandated by police, and enforced. A rule is like a law, but with an easier consequence,” explained Pereira to this former-first grader.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018


JOE UGLY IN THE MORNING Weekdays 6-9 a.m.

THE TOM FICKLIN SHOW Mondays 10 a.m.



Mondays 11 a.m.

Mondays 1 p.m.



MICHELLE TURNER Tuesdays 9 a.m.


ELVERT EDEN Tuesdays at 2 p.m.



Wednesdays 9 a.m.

Wednesdays 2 p.m.




Thursdays 1 p.m.

Mondays-Fridays 9 a.m.


FRIDAY PUNDITS Fridays 11 a.m.


THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Police Overtime Running 2X Over Budget by THOMAS BREEN

New Haven Independent

In its latest financial report, the city projects that police overtime will top $8 million by the end of the fiscal year — nearly double what the officials had initially budgeted. That overtime update is one of the key takeaways from the city’s latest monthly financial report, published on Wednesday and covering city finances from the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1 through the end of October. The report also includes details on dramatic across-the-board reductions in crime from 2016 to 2018. “The end product that we deliver to you is phenomenal and cannot be questioned,” city Police Chief Anthony Campbell said. The October 2018 financial report projects that the city’s police department will spend $8.4 million on overtime by the time that Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (FY19) ends on June 30, 2019. That’s nearly $4 million above the department’s fiscal year overtime budget of $4.4 million. The report projects that the department as a whole will end the fiscal year with a $1.6 million cumulative deficit, thanks to over $2 million in projected salary savings due to unfilled budgeted positions. “That overtime number that we’re given is a completely unrealistic number,” Campbell said about the original $4.4 million budget. “It’s just not a realistic operating number.” From the very beginning of the fiscal year,

Campbell has expressed public frustration over what he sees as unrealistic budgeting by the mayor and by the Board of Alders around actual overtime needs in a department beset with retirements, resignations, and young officers fleeing to better paying jobs in the suburbs. “Overtime costs at the NHPD are often connected to overall staffing levels,” city spokesperson Laurence Grotheer wrote in an emailed statement. “[T]here are currently one hundred or so police officer vacancies. Shifts are filled at an additional cost to reflect Mayor [Toni] Harp’s commitment to public safety, while dozens of new recruits are about halfway through their training at the police academy. “Acting CAO [chief Administrative Officer Sean] Matteson is working with Aldermanic leadership,” he continued, “to identify and transfer funds from other line items in the police department budget to cover these overtime costs.” Campbell said that the department is working with local tax expert and law professor Ed Zelinsky, a former alder, on an internal audit of the department’s finances and operations. He said that he and his assistant chiefs recently met with the mayor’s office and with Board of Alders President Tyisha WalkerMyers and Majority Leader Richard Furlow about the actual drivers of overtime. “President Walker-Myers and myself have only met once in an official meeting with the Chief regarding OT,” Furlow told the

Independent via text message on Friday. “Chief Campbell gave a report to the Mayor and BOA leadership last month and this month Chief Reyes did the same.” “Many have been astonished that a lot of what drives overtime are requests from the community to do things for the community that require police presence,” Campbell said, such as working at parades, festivals, and other neighborhood events. “Let’s come up with a realistic number” based on the department’s actual staffing levels and overtime needs, Campbell said. He said the department is currently at a moment of staffing “crisis,” poised to lose up to 50 officers to retirement or other jobs between now and the end of the calendar year. On a positive note, he said, the department is set to graduate 28 cadets from its police academy at the end of March. Those newly minted officers should be patrolling city streets come June. He said that the department will seat another class of around 20 cadets at the end of December, and that it should be seating yet another class this spring. The monthly budget report also contains a crime comparison table describing drops in nearly every category of crime between 2016 and 2018, looking at Jan.1 through Oct. 31 for each year. The table shows that murders have dropped from 11 to 9 (18 percent), robberies have dropped from 305 to 237 (29 percent), aggravated assaults dropped


Police Chief Anthony Campbell: OT budget “unrealistic” from start. from 525 to 371 (29 percent), motor vehicle thefts dropped from 610 to 508 (16 percent), vandalism dropped from 2,234 to 1,679 (25 percent), weapons violations dropped from 372 to 258 (30 percent), and firearm discharges dropped from 124 to 84 (32 percent).

“The community is not being traumatized by serious assaults and deaths” in the street, Campbell said, praising his officers propelling the drop in crime despite budget constraints and a union contract that is still in arbitration. “They’re doing incredible work.”

Harp Looks To Woo Retired Suburban Cops by PAUL BASS

New Haven Independent

Hemorrhaging younger cops to the suburbs, New Haven is looking to pluck suburban retirees to help build its force back up. Harp administration officials plan to meet Wednesday to explore the idea, which would involve creating a new category of “certified police officer” to allow for “lateral” hires of experienced officers who don’t need to go through the academy. Mayor Toni Harp said officials have batted the idea around for four years. Now, with a continuing cascade of resignations and retirements, she has directed her human recourses and police departments to focus on getting it done. “I finally decided to put my foot down and said: ‘It’s got to happen,’” Harp said during her most recent appearance on WNHH FM’s “Mayor Monday” program. “How do we police the city when we have so many people leaving? ... If we can get officers who are young and retired and still want to do this work from other towns, that will help.” The directive comes at a time of what many inside the department consider a staffing crisis. The department has 495 positions. Only 403 of those positions are currently filled, according to Chief Anthony

Campbell. And that includes 28 cadets at the training academy, who won’t be ready to patrol streets until the end of June. It also includes people out on administrative leave. Campbell said he expects another 30-50 cops to resign or retire in coming months. (Another 17 officers are currently in training at other academies, and another class will start at New Haven’s academy in March, Campbell said.) Meanwhile, officers have been squeezed on some shifts trying to respond to all the calls. Police overtime is running double budgeted levels. Several factors have led to the force’s diminution, including: • Active recruiting efforts of younger cops by suburban departments, who offer more money and better benefits in lower-crime environments. • An expected further decline in health benefits in the next police contract, which is currently the subject of arbitration. Harp noted that officers can retire as early as 40 or 45 from other departments, and have productive years ahead that could be used in New Haven. “I love the idea,” Campbell said of the idea of creating the new “lateral” police position. He said most departments have


Chief Campbell with recruits at the academy. such positions. He said he envisions having applicants complete a 25-50 question written test, then spend a couple of weeks (rather than the customary three months for rookies) with a field training officers to get up to speed with the city’s streets and radio codes.


“Then you have a fully trained, fully certified police officer who is available to you right away, instead of waiting nine months” including time in the training academy, Campbell said. “If you hired 25 laterals, you could have them on the street within a month.

“They come with something you can’t put a price tag on: Experience.” City human resources chief Steve Librandi said he’s ready to work on the details. “There are obstacles to it. We have some ideas,” he said. “We need to make sure they’re feasible legally and practically.”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Lamont Names First African-American To OPM Secretary, Former Dodd Aide to Chief of Staff by Christine Stuart CT. News Junkie

HARTFORD, CT — Governor-elect Ned Lamont made his first two hires Tuesday announcing that Melissa McCaw of Hartford will be his Office of Policy and Management Secretary and Ryan Drajewicz of Fairfield will serve as his chief of staff. McCaw, 39, will become the first AfricanAmerican to serve as Connecticut’s OPM Secretary, a position also commonly referred to as “budget director.” She’s also only the third woman to hold the position. The second female budget director was Brenda Sisco, who was “acting secretary” toward the end of former Gov. M. Jodi Rell’s term in 2010 and 2011. The first was Sue Shimmleman who served after William Cibes in 1994 and 1995. McCaw started her career as a budget specialist at the Office of Policy and Management for eight years before becoming the budget director at the University of Hartford for seven years. She’s currently working as chief financial officer for the city of Hartford and will leave that post in January. She said she’s happy to have had the “tough” experience of balancing a budget in Hartford, which is currently under partial control of the Municipal Accountability Review Board (MARB). In her new role as OPM Secretary, McCaw will soon serve as

co-chair of the MARB along with incoming State Treasurer Shawn Wooden, who is a former president of the Hartford City Council now working as an attorney in private practice at Day Pitney. The rest of the board’s membership is appointed by the governor (five seats) and the four legislative leaders (four seats). McCaw doesn’t have a long history with Lamont. “Melissa and I are just getting to know each other better,” Lamont said. “But Melissa again brings that mix of public and private that I think is so important.” McCaw said she looks forward to implementing Lamont’s vision and a policy plan that is “balanced and addresses Connecticut’s fiscal crisis.” She said one of the reasons she accepted the challenge was Lamont’s “commitment to changing the economic direction of our state and expanding opportunities for all residents.” Lamont said he just met with his budget team and he plans to have a budget that anticipates not just the good times, but the bad times as well. He said that’s why he doesn’t want to use the Rainy Day Fund to balance the $1.7 billion budget deficit in 2020. Lamont’s choice for chief of staff is Dra-

jewicz, who, at 39, is already heading up Lamont’s transition team on a leave of absence from Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund. At Bridgewater he helped founder Ray Dalio with a 10year transition plan out of his day-to-day management of the company into a role as co-CIO. Before that, Drajewicz worked as deputy chief of staff for former U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd. “He learned the art of politics at the knee of the master, Chris Dodd,” Lamont said referring to Drajewicz. But Lamont said he also likes how Drajewicz keeps an eye on “performance metrics” with an eye toward “reorganizing government.” Drajewicz said “this will be an office of the governor with a new energy, entrepreneurial spirit, and creativity. This is a new chapter for Connecticut and we are going to do things differently.” Lamont said they’ve had hundreds of resumes come in and they are being vetted by his transition team volunteers. He said he is also conducting a nationwide search to find some of the top talent to lead Connecticut’s 57 state agencies. With Drajewicz and McCaw in place, Lamont must now decide to hire a chief legal counsel and head of legislative policy.

Governor-elect Ned Lamont made his first two hires Tuesday announcing that Melissa McCaw of Hartford will be his Office of Policy and Management Secretary

Blumenthal Urges Cancer Study of 5G Technology by Christine Stuart CT. News Junkie

HARTFORD, CT — (Updated) U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said 5G technology offers the tremendous promise of higher speed and reliability, but there are no studies of the “health hazards associated with the radio frequency,” of the new technology. “We need to know whether the radio frequencies can cause cancer,” Blumenthal said. He said there are studies of the 2G and 3G technologies of tumors and cancers in lab rats when they are exposed to the radio frequencies. He said this has nothing to do with the aesthetic effects of additional cell towers or the inconvenience of transmitters in neighborhoods, close to schools and workplaces. He said it simply has not been studied. He said the last study of the 2G and 3G technology, involving rats, was released on Nov. 1 by the National Toxicology Program. That study began in 1999 and found cancerous heart tumors, as well as some evidence of brain and adrenal gland tumors, in male rats exposed to high levels of RF radiation. The $30 million study took more than 10 years to complete and is the most comprehensive assessment, to date, of health effects in animals exposed to RFR with modulations used in 2G and 3G cell phones. 2G and 3G networks were standard when the studies were designed and are still used for phone calls and texting. The study does not apply to 4G and 5G technologies.


U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Blake Levitt

“I know of no reliable studies — classified or otherwise that have been done about 5G technology,” Blumenthal said. “There may have been studies by the military but so far as I know they failed to meet the specifications that are required in terms of the numbers of animals or other ways of measuring that would be required.” So there’s still a question about whether 5G is safe, Blumenthal said. He said that’s where the Federal Communications Commission needs to step in and

take action on this very new technology. Speaking at a Senate Commerce Committee field hearing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said “Federal law actually says that state and local governments can’t take [radiofrequency] concerns into account given how much work has gone into this issue at the federal level … Both at the FCC and other expert health agencies in Washington, they stay very much up to speed on these issues and have reached the determination that


these are safe.” In a letter to Carr, Blumenthal said then the FCC should provide the information about the 5G safety determination it cited at the hearing. The FCC did not immediately respond to requests for comment. CTIA, the industry group which represents the U.S. wireless communication carriers, said “Following numerous scientific studies conducted over several decades, the FCC, the FDA, the World Health Or-

ganization, the American Cancer Society and numerous other international and U.S. organizations and health experts continue to say that the scientific evidence shows no known health risk to humans due to the RF energy emitted by antennas and cellphones. The evidence includes analysis of official federal brain tumor statistics showing that since the introduction of cellphones in the mid-1980s, the rate of brain tumors in the United States has decreased.” Blumenthal said these radio frequencies that would be part of a 5G network don’t travel very far and they follow the person and the device, unlike 2G and 3G radio frequencies which are spread out. Blake Levitt of the Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council said the “signaling characteristics of 5G are incredibly complex using phased array and beam-forming technology.” She said thin skinned amphibians and insects are at particular risk from this new technology and they won’t be part of any consideration, but are important to the ecosystem and the food chain. “5G is not like anything that we have going now,” Levitt said. “5G actually has the theoretical ability even at very low densities to punch irreparable holes in the food chain.” David Weidlich, president of the Communication Workers of America, said the AT&T workers they represent have RF monitors when they work at the cell towers. However, these microtowers could go on individual telephone poles where “there is no consistent safety mechanism for RF,” he said.

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

OP-ED | George H.W. Bush Was A ‘True Nutmegger,’ And An ‘Underappreciated’ President

by Ned Lamont CT. News Junkie

New York boasts seven Presidents, Ohio five, and Connecticut boasts George Bush: W was born here but George H.W. Bush was raised in Connecticut and he is our native son. He grew up on Grove Lane in Greenwich, where his dad was moderator of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting and was later U.S. senator. His son, 41, met his wife, Barbara, at a dance at The Round Hill Club in Greenwich and their first son, 43, was born in New Haven. 43 once said that no one would ever “out Texas” him; George H.W. Bush was not so shy about his Connecticut roots, and we will miss our native son, who was not only a true nutmegger but an underappreciated President. Historians do not believe that a really good president can be a one-termer. Two-thirds

of presidents do not serve a second term (due to death or defeat), but presidential historians rank only one of the top 10 presidents of all time to be a one-termer, James Polk. Polk may be a stumper in a game of Jeopardy, but he did double the size of the United States in four short years, and only ill-health forced him to step aside after one term. The bottom 10 are almost all onetermers, per a compilation of surveys by presidential historians. Maybe it is time to add another one-termer to the top 10 list, George H.W. Bush. Presidential surveys put George Bush the Elder in the middle of the pack. He should be moving on up. We have had mostly foreign policy rookies in the White House over the last generation and America was well served having a decorated war hero, UN Ambassador, Ambassador to China, CIA Director, and Ronald Reagan’s VP in the White House as the Berlin Wall came crashing down and Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Like Ike before him, President Bush was on firm footing in standing up to the militarists who, during Bush’s term, wanted to expand the scope of Operation Desert


President George H.W. Bush speaks with reporters in the Rose Garden at the White House in 1991.

Storm and take out Saddam Hussein. As he wrote in his memoirs, “Had we gone the invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land.” The collapse of the Soviet Union was the transformative event of the latter 20th century. Engaging Gorbachev and integrating the new Russia into the New World Order was politically controversial or seen as naïve at the time, but Bush had the credibility and the resolve to stand up to the doubters. In today’s topsy turvy world, we should be asking, what would George the Elder do? On the domestic front, Bush sought out a 1990’s version of the grand bargain, a mix of tax increases and spending cuts. On the political front, Bush was vilified: “Read my lips, I lied,” screamed the New York Post. Pat Buchanan roughed him up in the primaries, Ross Perot finished him off in the general, and Bill Clinton was elected president. On Bush’s watch, the top income tax bracket was raised from 28 percent to 31 percent , federal spending started trending down, but the deficit only started down in Bush’s last year in office, eventually morphing into a surplus over the next

eight years. As Bill Clinton once opined, “it’s better to be strong and wrong than weak and right,” and Bush was unfairly challenged for being weak. “No time to go wobbly, George,” the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher allegedly chided him before Desert Storm, Saturday Night Live’s Dana Carvey portrayed the President as hesitantly cautious and prudent, and Newsweek had a Bush cover story headlined, “The Wimp Factor.” What a cheap shot. Twenty-year-old George H. W. Bush was the youngest naval aviator in World War II. Next to Iwo Jima in the Pacific was the tiny island Chichijima, and Bush’s squadron was sent to take out its radio tower. Although his plane was hit and the cockpit filling up with smoke, he hit his target and started flying out to sea. He told his crew to parachute to safety before he himself dove out onto the wing of the plane, pulled the ripcord too early, banging his head, and soon found himself bleeding in a tiny liferaft miles from shore. Armed Japanese vessels were headed his way when young Bush saw a periscope cut through the waCon’t on page 22

More College Students Report Mental Health Conditions By MSR News Online

The number of students coming to college with a mental health condition continues to increase. The 2018 College Student Health Survey of University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC) found a 29 percent increase in mental health conditions among students since 2015, with nearly half of all female students reporting a diagnosis in their lifetime. In addition to the mental health findings, the survey found an increase in students experiencing sexual assault and, for the first time, collected information about sexual harassment. “We have a profound opportunity to positively influence the health of young adults in college,” said Maggie Towle, interim vice provost for student affairs and dean of students. “Graduating from college is a key barometer of future health, including a better job, higher wage, and the resources for good health. The College Student Health Survey helps us bring focus and attention to the most pressing health concerns of our students.” Mental health In 2018, 42.2 percent of students reported a mental health diagnosis in their lifetime, a 29.1 percent increase from 32.7 percent in 2015. The increase was particularly significant for female students, with nearly half (48 percent) reporting a mental health condition in their lifetime compared to 39 percent in 2015. Consistent with past surveys, anxiety (32 percent) and depression (27 percent) are the most frequent conditions stated. “As student mental health needs grow, we have to ask what resources will be needed to keep pace,” said Gary Christenson, MD,

chief medical officer, Boynton Health. “The scale of our campus puts us in a better position to provide students a range of resources. “But all colleges and universities are struggling to keep up,” added Christenson. “Our survey should be a clear sign to policymakers, mental health professionals, and public health experts that we urgently need to identify public health approaches to promote good mental health.” Stress Unmanaged stress can have serious health consequences, including what appears to be an association with higher rates of mental health conditions. Based on the survey results, more than two in five (42 percent) students were unable to manage their stress. Among these students, 14 percent were diagnosed with depression in the last year. Students who reported three or more stressors engage in more risky behavior, including higher tobacco and marijuana use, high-risk drinking, and higher credit card debt compared to students who reported fewer stressors. Stress is also the most likely factor to affect students’ academic performance. “College can be stressful, and students do not necessarily seek help to cope with stress,” said Patricia A. Frazier, Ph.D., associate chair of the Department of Psychology. “To succeed academically, students need a variety of tools to help them learn how to manage stress.” Crisis line contacts The survey also shows that students who used a mental health crisis line reported using it more often. Of the three percent who used a crisis line in 2018, 68 percent con-

tacted the line once, 19 percent two times, and 13 percent made contact three or more times. In 2015, of the two percent who used a crisis line, 89 percent used the line once, eight percent twice, and three percent three or more times.

Sexual assault In addition to the increase in mental health needs, equally serious is the problem of sexual assault. Nearly two in five female students experienced sexual assault within their lifetime — 39 percent in 2018 compared to 32 percent in 2015. Sexual assault experienced by female students in the last 12 months also increased to 11 percent in 2018 from nine percent in 2015. There was a decrease in students reporting their assault, with 54 percent saying they reported the incident in 2018, down from 58 percent in 2015. “The reasons people don’t report are universal and many. These include, for example, shame, minimizing their experience, fear of retraumatization and blame, or previous negative experiences with law enforcement,” said Carolyn Porta, Ph.D., professor, School of Nursing, and sexual assault nurse examiner. “There are also institutional barriers to reporting,” added Porta, “like requiring a victim to report to officers in the county where the offense occurred even though that might be far from where the victim lives, or not having confidential options for those who do not speak English.” Sexual assault significantly impacts students’ education, with nearly half (48 percent) of students reporting an incident impacting their academic performance. Sexual harassment The 2018 survey added questions about experience with sexual harassment to bet-


ter understand the scope of the problem. Seventy-four percent of students said they experienced some type of sexual harassment, with the most common incident reported being told a sexual joke or story. More female students reported harassment than male students (82 percent to 60 percent, respectively). Perpetrators were most often a peer at the university (56 percent), followed by someone not at the university (32 percent) and a faculty or staff member at the university (13 percent). In 2017, President Eric Kaler launched the President’s Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct (PIPSM), which is taking a public health approach to the issue. John R. Finnegan, Ph.D., dean of the School of Public Health, co-chairs the initiative. “The University is committed to long-

term, sustained action to create a culture in which everyone on campus is responsible for preventing sexual assault,” Finnegan said. “We are working hard to provide the tools and resources academic leaders need to address these issues locally, putting words into action and changing the culture one department at a time.” Prevention actions taken include a campus-wide public education campaign launched this fall; mandatory training for all employees, with over 99 percent completing it by June 30, 2018; professional development for academic leaders; and the hiring of a health promotion specialist at Boynton Health to develop student engagement opportunities. — Information provided by the University of Minnesota. View the full survey at

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Connection between Familial Love and Romantic Choices

Interview With Dr. Jamal Bryant By Rev. Dorothy S. Boulware AFRO Managing Editor

Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant Episcopal Supervisor the Rev. Cecelia Williams Bryant, became members of Empowerment Temple upon their retirement from assigned pastoral duty. “It was reassuring to hear my Dad say, at our family Thanksgiving celebration, ‘You might be moving to Georgia, but we’re

staying at the Empowerment Temple,’” Dr. Bryant said; a sentiment he believes is echoing among the more than 10,000 current members of his church. “It would be an affront to God, as well as the community and the next pastor, if people just left because I’m leaving,” he said while explaining the next pastor will be appointed by the presiding AME bishop, but will have a hearty staff of trained ministers with which to work. “Empowerment Temple needs to maintain its prominence in the city and the community and continue its witness to the grace of God.” The same ministry skills that nurtured and propelled the Empowerment Temple will be used to enhance the ongoing ministry of New Birth. “Jesus did 92 percent of his ministry outside the temple and we’ve always done the same through extensive community outreach,” Dr. Bryant said. His hope is to do the same with New Birth. This article originally appeared in The Afro.

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Casey Curry es, and events hosted by women’s groups such as The Links, Inc. and her sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. She has also shared the stage with Walter Mosely and Pamela Samuels Young. “The experience has been phenomenal and life-changing but not nearly as phenomenal and life-changing as finishing something I began as a passion.” A Pillar of Fire can be purchased at Amazon(dot)com or via Casey’s website at CaseyCurry(dot)org, where you can also learn more about the author and her work. About Casey Curry Casey Curry is an award-winning author and the director of creative writing at a fine arts magnet school in Tampa, Florida. Since her debut as a novelist, Casey has showcased her work and expertise alongside historians, scholars, and writers such as Walter Mosley. As a sought-after writing coach, she assists emerging writers in their efforts to tell their stories. Mom to four daughters, Casey spends her spare time entertaining with her husband and enjoying their empty nest.

While the Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant is going to be the new pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia, Baltimore will always be home. “This is where I was reared. This is where I got my start and have grown up in ministry,” Dr. Bryant said. “So no matter that my job is somewhere else, my heart will always be in Baltimore.” The start of his new job is fast approaching as he assumes the pastorate of New Birth, Dec. 9 – a move that is as much a surprise to him, as to anyone else who knows him. “I actually thought I’d retire from Empowerment Temple,” the church Dr. Bryant started in 2000 with a mere 43 followers. He not only thought he’d always live in Baltimore and pastor the Empowerment Temple, but, “I thought I’d always be an AME African Methodist Episcopal,” the denomination of three generations of Bryants, two of whom have gone on to become bishops. One of them is his father, the Right Rev. John R. Bryant, who along with his wife,


TAMPA, Fla. – Author and educator Casey Curry understands the pressure of teaching creative writing while forging a career as a creative. Four years ago, Curry wrote and published a debut novel, Promises, which was so highly-received and acclaimed requests for a sequel were immediate. This month she released A Pillar of Fire, her second novel, and the answer to questions posed in Promises. “Life can challenge a writer’s time, and I am no exception,” says Curry. Time proved to be an ally for the author who would decide not only how to tell the story but which character would narrate it. Unlike the first novel, which was narrated by the heroine, Pamela, A Pillar of Fire is narrated by Pamela’s deceased father, Jonas. “The story is still Pam’s but it is an important part of her backstory, which only Jonas can tell.” Casey Curry’s debut novel challenged representations of the black military family and especially the wives of officers. The sequel is a continuation of Curry’s advocacy for dimensional and diverse imagery of African Americans. She says, “I wanted to shatter a few stereotypes about aging and our elders as well as the complicated ways we love as a people.” Readers are treated to rare depictions of romantic love between black senior citizens and baby boomers that deal with the sometimes questionable choices we make in relationships tied to family and upbringing. Curry chose Jonas, the patriarch, to narrate as a form of explanation. She says, “Pam Sloane and her sister Ella Jean processed the love Jonas had for their mother in two entirely different ways. One sister fares better in love than the other. We see it in black families all of the time, but why?” The author believes readers will gain valuable insights through the characters and storylines. Since Promises’ debut, the retired military spouse and mother has enjoyed reception as an author across the nation as a speaker, and signing books for book clubs. She has been the invited guest at history conferenc-


Author Returns with Novel Detailing the Complicated

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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

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It’s Official! Michelle Obama Book Bestselling Hardcover of The Year! by Derrick Lane,

Just two weeks after its release, Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming is the bestselling book of the year. After just being released on November 13, the former first lady’s memoir has sold more than 2 million copies in all formats in North America in its first 15 days, according to a statement released Friday by Penguin Random House. Now in its sixth printing, the book has 3.4 million copies in print in the United States and Canada. In the U.S. and Canada, Becoming is already in its sixth printing, with 3.4 million copies in print. But the book’s success is not limited to the United States. Becoming is also the No. 1 seller in the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Greece and is being published in 31 languages. t’s definitely a testament to the popularity and interest in one of the most intriguing and graceful first ladies of our time. The book has become a mainstay on a number of lists, remaining at No. 1 on two New York Times bestseller lists, as well as topping bestseller lists from USA Today and Publishers Weekly. It’s also on’s list of #1 Most Read books. Former first lady Hillary Clinton’s memoir Living History took one month to sell 1 million copies. And even the books of former presidents have not performed as well as Becoming. Former President George W. Bush’s Decision Points took several weeks to sell 2 mil-

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lion, while former President Bill Clinton’s My Life hit the 1 million mark quickly, but then took much longer to sell 2 million copies. According to one Seattle Times writer, Becoming best highlights are when Mrs. Obama writes openly, “talking of her struggles with infertility, her initial reluctance to support her husband’s run for the presidency (she finally agreed, ‘because I loved him and had faith in what he could do,’ but secretly felt certain that, as a black man, he couldn’t be elected), and of the weight of… … tragedy during her days as first lady. Af-

COMMENTARY: By Bill Fletcher, Jr., NNPA Newswire Contributor The hysterics in connection with the Central American refugees seeking asylum in the USA would, under other circumstances, be comical. A few thousand people seeking to enter a country of 350 million people and Trump tell us to panic and prepare for armed action. International human rights law provides for the right of refugees to apply for asylum in other countries. There is no caveat that such refugees need to be from Europe or that they cannot apply to the USA. Thousands of Central American refugees have been displaced by war, terror,


ter the Newtown shooting of 20 first-graders, Obama wrote that she couldn’t bring herself to travel there with her husband, but instead stayed home and clung to her children. ‘I was so shaken by it that I had no strength available to lend.’” “But she’s most compelling in the book’s first third, ‘Becoming Me,’ an affectionate portrait of a no-nonsense upbringing in which money was tight and love was abundant. Her touching descriptions of her late, hardworking father Fraser Robinson — young Michelle loved to ride in his beloved Buick Electra 225, leaning on the headrest so her face could be next to his.”


economic deprivation and environmental catastrophe. The United States has been directly complicit in at least war, terror and economic deprivation through its indirect control over the economies and politics of much of the Western Hemisphere. This has been through extreme forms, such as direct military interventions, e.g., Dominican Republic in 1965, or through active support for brutal regimes, including military coups, e.g., Chile in 1973; El Salvador in the 1980s; Honduras in 2009. In a nutshell, the USA has helped to wreck most of the political systems and economies south of the Rio Grande River since it commenced a blockade of Haiti in 1803 (following the Haitian Revolution against France). The rubble left in the wake of these disasters has been a spawning ground for multiple criminal gangs, cartels, etc., and a situation of desperation. When mass movements have emerged in these countries to challenge this wreckage they are regularly repressed and/or have their dem-

ocratically elected governments ousted by the forces of evil. Much as in the aftermath of World War II, entire populations have shifted and mobilized in order to seek safer conditions. In most cases the refugees hope to eventually return to their homes, but they find their present circumstances toxic. Governments around the world are supposed to consider such circumstances when refugees appeal for asylum. Trump, however, wishes to scare white people (his main audience) through leading them to believe that barbarians from the global South will soon overwhelm them. This proved to be a useful political strategy in both the 2016 and 2018 elections. As the American Dream evaporates in the face of changing economy that rewards the rich and infamous, the life of the everyday person becomes more and more challenging. Thus, Trump provides a ready scapegoat that emerges, as if by magic, out of Con’t on page 22

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Is Exercise The Prescription For Diabetes? HealthDay News

Yes, exercising can improve anyone’s health, but it’s especially valuable for people with diabetes. Exercise can be crucial for people with diabetes if they are also overweight, especially those with type 2 diabetes, whose weight is a likely contributor to their disease. Delaine Wright, a certified diabetes educator, an exercise physiologist, and a selfproclaimed “exercise nut” who happens to have type 1 diabetes, urges all her clients with diabetes to get regular exercise. It can be a tough sell, but she believes in her product. After all, regular exercise greatly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, by far the leading killer of people with diabetes. Exercising also helps to keep the body limber and ward off depression. For many patients with type 2 diabetes, physical exertion can often rein in high blood sugar as effectively as a medication. Not only does exercise burn extra sugar in the blood, it also helps make the body more sensitive to insulin. While patients who have diabetes will still require medication, some people with type 2 diabetes who embrace exercise and a healthy diet may be able to reduce their medications (under the supervision of their physician). In fact, the current guidelines from the

American Diabetes Association stress that exercise can help patients control their blood sugar. In one study involving nearly 20,000 pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes, researchers concluded that regular physical activity was “a major factor” influencing the children’s ability to control their blood sugar. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, your doctor has probably already told you to exercise more. If not, it’s time to have a talk with your doctor about the safest and most effective way to incorporate regular exercise into your plans to stay healthy. The American Diabetes Association recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, that’s just a little more than 20 minutes a day, and two sessions of resistance exercise a week unless your doctor recommends against it. There’s no single plan that works for everyone. In general, the best exercises are the ones that you’ll actually do and enjoy. If you’re otherwise in good health, there’s no limit to the kinds of workout you can try. People with diabetes are out there playing football, climbing rock faces, and running marathons. They’re also walking around the block and taking water aerobics classes and playing catch with their children. And they’re all doing something good for their bodies.

Why do I need to see my doctor before I start exercising?

Your doctor can help you choose the exercises that best fit your abilities and needs. Depending on your condition, certain activities may be discouraged. In some cases, physicians will recommend testing the health of a patient’s heart before allowing him or her to participate in a strenuous exercise program. If you have numbness in your feet, for example, jogging could cause sores or even fractures; your physician may recommend that you switch to swimming or cycling. If you have unusual symptoms when you exercise, such as severe shortness of breath or chest pain, further testing might be needed to make sure it’s safe to work out. Your doctor may recommend swimming, bike riding, or short walks instead. Remember: Exercise is powerful therapy, so powerful that you shouldn’t try it without a little professional guidance. (After all, you’d never start taking extra-strong diabetes pills without your doctor’s okay.) Your doctor can help you fit exercise into your overall health plan. You may need to adjust your medications, carry snacks or drinks, or tweak your diet to help prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This can happen to people with type 2 diabetes, but it’s much more common for

people with type 1. If you have this type of diabetes, you’ll have to work especially closely with your doctor to find the right balance of exercise, diet, and medications. No matter how careful they are, people with type 1 diabetes should expect a few setbacks. Their sugar levels might crash unexpectedly, briefly putting them back on the sidelines. “With all of my book smarts and experience, sometimes things don’t work out as they should,” Wright says.


“But tomorrow is a clean slate.” Any diabetic who exercises should carry glucose tablets or some equivalent, such as Lifesavers, in case sugar level drops unexpectedly. If you’re having trouble controlling your blood sugar during exercise, your doctor may refer you to an exercise physiologist who is specially trained to treat diabetics. Con’t on page 22



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THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Sen. Kamala Harris Expected to Announce 2020 Intentions By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Correspondent

California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris has never been known to pull-punches. Harris is viewed by those who know her as someone who’s “as tough as they come.” And, she knows that any bid for president in 2020 against the bombastic Donald Trump will take a bit of rhinoceros skin to deal with. “It’s a very serious decision,” Harris told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski during an onstage conversation at the Know Your Value conference in San Francisco. “Over the holiday, I will make that decision with my family.” As she told NNPA Newswire in September during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference, she’s keenly aware of the challenges a barrier-breaking campaign will entail. “Let’s be honest. It’s going to be ugly,” Harris said. “When you break things, it is painful. And you get cut. And you bleed.” Harris and her colleague from New Jersey, Sen. Cory Booker have long been seen as a possible Democratic ticket in 2020, though no one has speculated which might run as president. “This is a critical time,” Booker told NNPA Newswire in September at the conference. “The CBC is the conscience of Congress and we have not yet achieved the American Dream which is increasingly out of reach for many. The Dream is still deferred,” he said. Harris, who, like Booker, has gone from rising star to serious presidential contender, said there is plenty of work ahead. “It’s about where we came from and where we’ve got to go,” she told NNPA News-


Supreme Court Hears

Important Civil Forfeiture Case By Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Correspondent

The Supreme Court this week is considering limiting the practice of civil forfeiture, which law enforcement has used since the War on Drugs mostly against AfricanAmericans, Hispanics and those in poor communities. At the heart of arguments in the nation’s highest court are two questionable forfeitures. The first occurred in October of 2016.

Sen. Kamala Harris wire. “This is a pivotal moment. I think we all know when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about the Dream, it wasn’t about being asleep,” Harris said. “It was about being awake.” In her interview with MSNBC, Harris expressed frustration over the slow progress of the Secure Elections Act, which she introduced in March, along with co-sponsor Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma. The bipartisan legislation would give the Department of Homeland Security responsibility for ensuring secure elections and shoring up election infrastructure against cyber-attacks and would establish an independent advisory panel of experts to develop guidelines on election cyber security. Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, who currently serves as the leader of the Senate, has not yet brought the legislation to the floor for a vote.

Harris said she has been told that is at the White House’s request. “First of all, let’s be clear about the fact Russia did interfere in the [2016] election of the president of the United States,” Harris told Brzezinski. “Flawed though it may be, we designed a beautiful system of democracy, and one symbol of that is that we have free and open elections. “When a foreign government chooses to manipulate our democracy knowing that would compromise our strength and our perception of our strength, you would think leaders would say ‘No, we are going to do everything we can to strengthen and to give ourselves the immunity we need to be free from that kind of manipulation.’ Yet, it’s not happening.”

Alexander Temple, a Maine resident, was pulled over on Interstate 95 in New Hampshire for a routine traffic stop. Police in that state seized $46,000 from Temple, claiming they felt it would be used for illegal activity. Even Though Temple was released without ever facing a single criminal charge, the police kept the cash. The second is Tyson Timbs, a recovering opioid addict from Indiana who pled guilty to dealing drugs in 2013. After he was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay a fine, the state seized his $42,000 Land Rover in an act of civil forfeiture. That despite the fact that Timbs proved that the funds he used to purchase the SUV were not from drug sales, but from a life insurance policy he received from his father. “I’m feeling very good,” Timbs told ABC News as he entered the High Court this week. “This has been a very difference experience for me with so much attention.”

Election 2018 and A Free Press

By Ed Gray, North Dallas Gazette Senior Columnist

The midterm election results have been processed, and now I have had some time to evaluate the results. One take away from these elections was that President Donald Trump’s attack on the American free press, must end. The Trump Era remains, and uncivility is the norm. This Trump Era led by ruffians, or more precisely Trumpian is only here for a season. It is up to the press to report the truth and stand up to those who distort it. The Biblical scriptures say, “and this too shall pass,” all across the south from Florida where Andrew Gillum is contesting the governor’s race, Stacey Abrams in Georgia is contesting the governor’s race, and in Mississippi where Mike Espy is in the Mississippi senatorial runoff. AfricanAmerican Democrats are doing what black folks have done from centuries. Resist Oppression. This no doubt made President Trump angry. The thought of black candidates beating Trumpian acolytes of his political idiocracy must have unnerved President Trump. In his post-election remarks, he seemed to

African American female journalists Abby Phillip of CNN, Yamiche Alcindor Cline of PBS and April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks and CNN have been directly attacked by President Trump unfurl frustration on minority reporters. it look good as if it was not only women, he The mere sight of minority reporters, spe- also attacked Jim Acosta. cifically black women, put Trump in anger The routine shaming, degrading, humilimode. In rapid succession, he directed his ating and demonizing the free press comes ire over black voters on black female re- with consequences. These consequences porters, Yamiche Alcindor from PBS; April are as sharp as the pen. To negatively report Ryan from American Urban Radio; and news regarding President Trump is leaving Abby Phillip from CNN. I suppose to make yourself open to being verbally attacked by


him or even possibly be attacked by the President’s supporters. Even writing opinion piece columns can result in harm coming to the author. The recently attempted threats directed toward our free press by Trump supporters are emblematic and symptomatic of the violent broadsides coming out of the White House. The era of anarchy that has descended upon America is a result of the facts being treated as if they are no longer relevant in our political discourse. In early November, the people spoke and did what President Trump asked him to do. He was on the ballot, and he lost. It is now up to us, the People to support a free press. The press has a legitimate Constitutional reason to report and question President Trump. After all, this isn’t Trump Tower. I am Ed Gray, and this is Straight Talk.

Ed Gray, the host of The Commish Radio Show airing Saturdays 3-5 p.m. on FBRN. net, can be reached at NDG was awarded NNPA’s 2018 Robert S. Abbott Best Editorial for Gray’s “Confederate Statues: The White Man’s Burden” column.

Timbs attorney Wesley Hottot argued the seizure of the Land Rover violated the 8th Amendment’s protection against excessive fines, a Constitutional guarantee that should be upheld in all states. A majority of the justices reportedly seemed receptive to the idea. And, if they at least limit the practice of civil forfeiture, many a minority could regain previously lost property. Civil asset forfeiture is the ability of authorities to seize private property used in a crime. However, most legal experts agree that the practice has enriched states and law enforcement and usually the forfeitures occur without a court hearing. In the 26 states and District of Columbia that report forfeiture activity, law enforcement agencies collected more than $254 million in funds and property in 2012 alone, according to an analysis by the Institute for Justice, a non-profit libertarian public interest law firm. “This is an incredibly important case,” said Christopher Riano, lecturer in constitutional law and government at Columbia University, told ABC News. “Historically, whenever the court takes these types of cases, the court does usually move to incorporate the federal guarantees against the states.” The Southern Poverty Law Center reported that, since the advent of the War on Drugs, law enforcement agencies have used civil asset forfeiture laws to strip Americans of billions of dollars in cash, cars, real estate, and other assets. Under these state and federal laws, officers are legally empowered to seize property they believe is connected to criminal activity – even if the owner is never charged with a crime. In most states, the agencies are entitled to keep the property or, more typically, the proceeds from its sale. An analysis by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that while federal forfeitures totaled $93.7 million in 1986, this revenue grew by more than 4,600 percent – to $4.5 billion a year – by 2014. Forfeitures handled by states have also poured millions, perhaps billions, of dollars into law enforcement agencies. As a result, there has been a massive transfer of wealth and assets from American citizens – and especially the most economically vulnerable – to police, who can largely use the funds however they see fit, the SPLC reported. Many states do not even require local agencies to track or report seized property. In civil forfeiture cases, as many as 80 percent of people who have their assets seized are never charged with a crime. In most state and federal courts, the government is only required to show there is a preponderance of evidence – more likely than not – that the property abetted a criminal act. Homes have been seized from owners whose children or grandchildren were acCon’t on page 22

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Dear Black People: Adoption is a Great Option By Nsenga K. Burton, Ph.D., NNPA Newswire Entertainment and Culture Editor

November was National Adoption Awareness Month, which came about as an effort to encourage families to consider adopting children in the foster care system. First introduced in 1976 by then Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis as National Adoption Week, who wanted to help find forever homes for the massive number of children in foster care. Former President Gerald Ford made the initiative a proclamation due to the large number of states participating in the week. Thus, the month of November which is usually associated with Thanksgiving – a time for families to come together over food, fellowship and football — was proclaimed as National Adoption Month in 1990 by then President George H.W. Bush. Adoption is a great option for all families, especially African-American families who typically “take in” children as a regular practice. The informal practice of “adopting” children began in the United States when black families were often destroyed by the system and practice of slavery. Slaves were sold and traded, so families were broken up, leaving children behind in need of care. Following slavery, Jim Crow and other national segregation policies discriminated against blacks, denying them adoption services afforded whites by adoption agencies and institutions, resulting in many black children in need of guardianship. According to The Adoption History Project at the University of Oregon, “In some states with large AfricanAmerican populations, such as Florida and Louisiana, not a single AfricanAmerican child was placed for adoption by an agency for many years running as recently as the 1940s.” The practice of caring for children that may not have been biologically related, was prevalent and continues today. Nearly 23% of African-American children are being raised by a grandparent due to a number of socio-political and -economic issues (mass incarceration, health issues, divorce, unemployment). Black folks step up when our children need us and many children we may not know need us now. There are 428,000 children in foster care in the United States and more than half of them are children of color. Half of the children are African-American, most of them are boys and a quarter of the children are over age six. These are the children who are in foster care longterm. In 2015, 670,000 children spent time in foster care and that number is grow-

Nsenga and Kai Burton (Photo: Nsenga Burton)

ing. If we consider the number of black children available for adoption through private agencies, then It is clear that the agencies are teeming with black children that need good homes. Black and brown children are the least likely to be adopted and disproportionately age out of the foster care system. Thus, it is im-

perative that black people, who have a history of informal adoption practices, consider adopting children as an option. As an adoptive parent from a family with a history of adoption on both sides, I often say if you have a lot of love, are financially and emotionally stable and have good sense, then adoption is for


RDS GRANT AWA 00 $2,500-$5,0

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you. When I was in the process of adopting, I heard terrible things from so-called friends, “You don’t know what you’re getting,” and “Adopted kids are messed up,” or “Adopted kids have a hard time bonding with their families.” My response was always, “The prisons are full of people who know their parents,” and “As an educator, many are messed up and it isn’t because they’re adopted,” or “Adopted children aren’t the only children who have a hard time bonding with their parents.” This false idea that if you have biological children, then you won’t have any problems is not only ridiculous but disingenuous. Adopted children are children in need of unconditional love, guidance, commitment and stability and if you have it to give, then why not? I can honestly say adopting my daughter was the best decision I have ever made. I consider it a privilege to be her mother and she has added so much val-

ue to my life, that I cannot imagine my life without her in it. I look forward to helping to guide her, encouraging her to follow her dreams and helping her reach her goals while becoming a thoughtful, decent and productive human being. Who better than black folk with our history of informal adoption practices and remarkable resiliency in the face of continuous adversity, to give a black child a greater chance at a decent life? Which leads me back to my original point. Adoption is a great option for black folk. It can be difficult and is unnecessarily complicated, but it is absolutely worth it. Nsenga K. Burton, Ph.D. is the entertainment and culture editor for the National Newspaper Publishers Association. She is founder & editor-in-chief of the award-winning news blog The Burton Wire which covers news of the African Diaspora. Follow her on Twitter @Ntellectual or @TheBurtonWire.

INNER-CITY July05, 27,2018 2016 - August 02, 11, 2016 THE INNER-CITY NEWS - NEWS December December 2018



Competitive examinations will be held for the position of Police Officer in the Madison, North Branford, Orange, Seymour, and West Galasso Materials is seeking a motivated, organized, detail-oriented candidate to join its truck dispatch office. Responsibilities include order entry Haven Police Departments.


and truck ticketing in a fast paced materials manufacturing and contracting company. You will have daily interaction with employees and customers Candidates may register for the testing process at www.policeapp. as numerous truckloads of material cross our scales daily. We are willing com/southcentral. to train the right individual that has a great attitude. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Authority, Reply to Hiring Manager, PO Box 1776, East Granby, CT 06026. HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus House and the New Haven Housing Theisphysical performance, written, oraland board exams will be ad- EOE/M/F/D/V. accepting pre-applications forand studio one-bedroom apartments at this devel-


ministered the South Central Justice Administration. opment by located at 108 FrankCriminal Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations ap-


ply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y

THE DEPARTMENTS PARTICIPATING IN THIS RECRUITMENT 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have DRIVE ARE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERS.

been received at the offices of HOME INC. Applications will be mailied upon rePart quest by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed pre-Time Delivery Needed applications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third One/Two Day a Week, Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.

Must Have your Own Vehicle


Scale House Operator, Data Entry, Print, Copy & Scan Documents. If Working knowledge of Haz. Waste Regs., & Manifests. DOT & OSHA cerVALENTINA MACRI VIVIENDAS DE ALQUILER PRE-SOLICITUDES DISPONIBLES tification a +. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC Fax 860-218-

Interested call

(203) 435-1387

2433; or Email to RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

HOME INC, en nombre de la Columbus House y de la New Haven Housing Authority, está aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo Glendower Group, Inc Se aplican limitaciones Thede Community ubicado enThe la calle 109 Frank Street, New Haven. ingresos Foundation for Greater New Haven máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 is seeking to fill the position of Director of Gift Planning. Request forrecibido Proposals julio, 2016 hasta cuando se han suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) Please refer to our website for details: Market andLas Brand Positioning en las oficinas Research de HOME INC. pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición About/ContactUs/EmploymentOpportunities.aspx. EOE. llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Electronic submissions only. No phone calls The Glendower Group, Inc an affiliate of Housing Authority City of a las oficinas de HOME INC en 171 Orange Street, tercer piso, New Haven , CT 06510 . New Haven d/b/a Elm city Communities is currently seeking proposals for Market Research and Brand Positioning. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from Elm City’s Vendor Collaboration Portal beginning on Monday, October 15, 2018 at 3:00PM

Listing: Retail Assistant

Common Ground High School

is looking for a full time Support Educator. For job details and how to apply, please visit /2018/11/cg-seeks-a-support-educator/

Project Manager

Environmental Remediation Division 3-5 years exp. and Bachelor’s Degree, 40-Hr. Hazwoper Training Req. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CT 06002; Fax 860.218.2433; or Email to RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE. CDL Driver with 3 years min. exp. HAZMAT Endorsed. (Tractor/Triaxle/Roll-off) FAX resumes to RED Technologies, at 860.342-1042; Email: Mail or in person: 173 Pickering Street, Portland, CT 06480. RED Technologies, LLC is EOE/AA.

The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk, CT

is seeking BIDS FOR (1) F250 pickup truck or equivalent, (1) Transit Cargo Van or equivalent and (2) Transit Connect Vans or Equivalent. Bidding documents can be viewed and printed at under the Business section, RFP/RFQ. Norwalk Housing Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director

Common Ground is looking for an Assistant Manager of Facilities and

Petroleum Company has an immediate full time opening. Previous Grounds to assist the Site Manager with the care, upkeep and maintenance of experience helpful in answering multiple telephone lines and in Common Ground’s site and facilities in order to ensure they effectively meet dealing with customers. Personable customer service skills a must. Public Notice of Common Ground’s programmatic needs. Click here for a full job deInvitationall to Bid: The Manchester Housing Authority will open the waiting list for Previous petroleum experience a plus. Applicant to also perform scrtipion and how to apply: tasks such as typing proposals, scheduling appointnd the Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Ave Program. 2 Notice 242-258 Fairmont ground-is-seeking-an-assistant-manager-of-facilities-and-grounds/ Applications will be available at 8:00 AM Monday November 5th, ments and ordering parts and materials. Please send resume to: Manager, Confidential, P O Box 388, Guilford CT 06437. Townhouse, 1.5 BA, 3BR, 1 level , 1BA 2018- Friday2BR November 5th, 2018 at 4:00PM in person and on the H.R.



********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer********** Property Management Company is seeking a Resident Services CoorMHA website and may be carpet, returnedclose to to I-91 All newatapartments, new appliances, new & I-95 Old Saybrook, CT dinator in New Haven, CT. Part time- 16 hrs/wk. Must have experience 24 Bluefield Drive Manchester, CT 06040 in person or by mail highways, near bus stop & shopping center (4 Buildings, 17 Units) 8:00AM Monday November 26th, 2018 - 4:00PM Friday Novemworking w/ senior and disabled community. Social Services background Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258 Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project ber 30th, 2018. Important Information: This is not first come first preferred. Please call (860) 951-9411 x238 for inquiries. Insulation company offering good pay and benefits. serve, The MHA will place all applications into a lottery process thatCT.and select 400 applications to be placed on the waiting list. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s Construction, WoodONLY Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition, Site-work, Castmail resume New to above address.. MAIL Once the lottery isThis performed theprogram 400 chosen will re- formationPlease Certificate Program. is a 10 month designedapplicants to assist in the intellectual of Candidates This company is an Affi rmative Action/ in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:30ceive a letter informing them that they have been placed on the 3:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. Equal Opportunity Flooring,Employer. Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, HCV waiting list. Due to the anticipated volume of applications,

Mechanical Insulator position

The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk, CT

(203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster

theSt.MHA will not contact applicants who are not chosen. New Haven, CT .

The Manchester Housing Authority does not discriminate based upon race, color, disability, familial status, sex or national origin


Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. Bidding documents can be viewed and printed at www. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Town of Bloomfield under the Business section, RFP/RFQ. Norwalk is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Adam Bid Extended, Due Date: August 5,Housing 2016 $38.03 hourly Bovilsky, Executive Director. For details and how to apply, go to www.bloomfi Start: August 15, 2016 Anticipated


FT Assistant Building Official

Sealed bids are invited by the Housing Authority of the Town of SeymourPre-employment drug testing. Public Notice Project documents available via ftp link below: AA/EOE The Manchester Authority will open the waiting list for at 28 Smith Street, until 3:00 pmHousing on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office theSeymour, Federal Low Housing (LIPH) program (Elderly/ CTIncome 06483Public for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Disabled) 2 BR units at 8:00 AM November 1, 2018. Applications Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour.The Town of East Fax Laborer: Haven is currently accepting applications for are available in person and on the MHA website at http://manchesor Email Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 the position of Laborer in its Public Works Department. Qualified candidates must Fixed Route Driver and ADA Driver – and may be returned to 24 Bluefield Drive Manchester, possess a High School Diploma or GED,HCC encourages of labor all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section P/T 3 Certified Businesses some experiencethe in participation heavy manual CTA06040 in person or by mail. Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 MUST HAVE CDL A/B & P and endorsement S, V, A or and CDL. Current base pay for this position is $40.782/year. The application is pre-bid conference will be held at the Housing Authority Office 28 Smith available at . AA/EEO EMPLOYER Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.


The Manchester Housing Authority does not discriminate based

upon race, color, disability, familial status, sex or national origin

job-notices-and-tests or The Office of the Mayor, 250 Main Street, East Haven CT. The Town of East Haven is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, Females, Veterans and Handicapped are encouraged to apply.

Bidding documents are available from the Seymour Housing Authority Ofof Bloomfi fice, 28 Smith Town Street, Seymour, CT eld 06483 (203) 888-4579. Full Time Assistant Assessor $39.96 hourly Class A driver F/T Experienced

The Authority reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids, to ForHousing details and how to apply go to the www.bloomfi reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any 20 informalities in the bidding, if such actions are in the best interest of the Housing Authority. Pre-employment drug testing. AA/EOE


Operate vehicles in the Transit District’s Fixed Route OR ADA /Shuttle department, providing Commuter Shuttle service between the rail stations and places of employment and Door-To-Door services. To apply visit

INNER-CITY July 2016 -- August THE INNER-CITY NEWS - NEWS December 0527, , 2018 December 2018 02, 11, 2016


NOTICE Request for Proposals

Youth Development Program Services- Eastview and Fairhaven


Housing Authority City of New Haven d/b/a Elm city Communities is HOME INC, on behalf of Columbus the New Haven Housing Services Authority, currently seeking Proposals for House Youthand Development Program is accepting pre-applications for studio and one-bedroom apartments at this at Eastview and Fairhaven. A complete copy of the requirementdevelmay located at 108 Frank Street, New Haven. Maximum income limitations apbeopment obtained from Elm City’s Vendor Collaboration Portal https://neply. Pre-applications will be available from 9AM TO 5PM beginning Monday Ju;y 25, 2016 and ending when sufficient pre-applications (approximately 100) have beginning on Monday, November 2018 at 3:00 will PMbe mailied upon rebeen received at the offices of HOME26, INC. Applications quest by calling HOME INC at 203-562-4663 during those hours. Completed preapplications must be returned to HOME INC’s offices at 171 Orange Street, Third ELM CITY COMMUNITIES Floor, New Haven, CT 06510.

Request for Proposals


The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven d/b/a Elm City Communities is en currently Proposals Master Lease Authority, Agreement HOME INC, nombre deseeking la Columbus House y de for la New Haven Housing está Services. A complete copy of the requirement may be obtained from aceptando pre-solicitudes para estudios y apartamentos de un dormitorio en este desarrollo Elm City’s Portal ubicado en laVendor calle 109Collaboration Frank Street, New Haven.https://newhavenhousing.cobSe aplican limitaciones de ingresos máximos. Las pre-solicitudes estarán disponibles 09 a.m.-5 p.m. comenzando Martes 25 julio, 2016 on hastaMonday, cuando se han recibido suficientes pre-solicitudes (aproximadamente 100) beginning November 26, 2018 at 3:00PM. en las oficinas de HOME INC. Las pre-solicitudes serán enviadas por correo a petición llamando a HOME INC al 203-562-4663 durante esas horas.Pre-solicitudes deberán remitirse Luxurious in aStreet, Primetercer Location - Augustine Street a las oficinasResidential de HOME INCComplex en 171 Orange piso, New Haven , CT 06510 .

Property Management Office is 122 Wilmot Road. We are located on the Hamden town line – Twin Brook Properties. This spectacular apartment complex is located on the foothills of West Rock – just minutes from Yale, Quinnipiac University, Southern CT State University, highways, shopping and all that Downtown New Haven has to offer. These spacious, bright one bedroom 242-258 Fairmont Ave apartments start at $1,300 plus utilities and include large tiled bath2BR Townhouse, BA,& 3BR, 1 level , 1BA central rooms, fabulous new kitchens,1.5 range full size refrigerators, All new apartments, appliances, newclosets, carpet, close to I-91 & I-95 air conditioning, garbagenew disposal, walk-in dishwashers, washer/ highways, near bus stop & shopping center dryer hook ups and off street parking.


Pet under 40lb allowed. Interested parties contact Maria @ 860-985-8258

To find out more information, please call at 203-389-2100 or 203-920-4819 CT. Unified Deacon’s Association is pleased to offer a Deacon’s

Certificate Program. This is a 10 month program designed to assist in the intellectual formation of Candidates in response to the Church’s Ministry needs. The cost is $125. Classes start Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:303:30 Contact: Chairman, Deacon Joe J. Davis, M.S., B.S. (203) 996-4517 Host, General Bishop Elijah Davis, D.D. Pastor of Pitts Chapel U.F.W.B. Church 64 Brewster

Accounting Department has an immediate opening for a full time Accounts Receivable Assistant for a fast-paced ofSt. New Haven, CT fice environment. Must be experienced, highly organized, possess good computer skills and be detail oriented. Able to manage multiple projects. Send resume to: Human Resource Dept.byPthe O Housing Box 388, Guilford 06437. Sealed bids are invited Authority of theCT Town of Seymour


until 3:00 pm on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at its office at 28 Smith Street, ********An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer********** Seymour, CT 06483 for Concrete Sidewalk Repairs and Replacement at the Smithfield Gardens Assisted Living Facility, 26 Smith Street Seymour.

Full-Time Gate Operator Technician Wanted:

Must have mechanical ability, power tools along with electrical A pre-bid conference willknowledge be held atofthe Housing Authority Office knowledge. 28 Smith Welding a Plus. Will train the right person. Must be able to lift 100 lbs. and work in some Street Seymour, CT at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, July 20, 2016. adverse weather conditions when needed. Must have a valid Connecticut driver’s license and be able to obtain a medical card. Must pass a physical exam and drug test. Compensation starts atdocuments $16.00 per hour benefitsfrom with the room for advancement. Bidding are plus available Seymour Housing Authority Of-

fice, 28 Smith Street, Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-4579. Please send resume to AA/EOE/MF The Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to reduce the scope of the project to reflect available funding, and to waive any

Field Engineer

State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management The State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management is recruiting for an Information Technology Analyst 1 position, a Municipal Assessment Professional position and a Research Analyst position.

BA/BS in Civil Engineering or Construction Management. 2-5 yrs. experience. OSHA Certified. Proficient in reading contract plans and specifications. Resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CT 06002; Fax 860.218.2433; Email resumes to RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

Project Manager Environmental Remediation Division

For information regarding the duties, eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit and click on:

3-5 years exp. and Bachelor’s Degree, 40-Hr. Hazwoper Training Req. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC,

Information Technology Analyst 1 (40 Hour) Recruitment #180815-7603FD-001

RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.

Municipal Assessment Professional Recruitment #180817-5864AR-001 Research Analyst Recruitment #180822-6855AR-001 The State of Connecticut is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.

Administrative Assistant

10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CT 06002;

Fax 860.218.2433; or Email to

Must have DOT Construction Exp. Involves traveling to Job Site for record keeping. Reliable transportation a must. NO PHONE CALLS EMAIL RESUME TO EOE/AA Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply

Project Manager

InvitationDivision to Bid: Environmental Remediation nd 2 Notice

3-5 years exp. and Bachelor’s Degree, 40-Hr. Hazwoper Training Req. Forward resumes to RED Technologies, LLC, 10 Northwood Dr., Bloomfield, CTOld 06002; Fax 860.218.2433; or Saybrook, CT Email to RED(4Technologies, LLC is an EOE. Buildings, 17 Units)


Tax Exempt & Not Prevailing Wage Rate Project

Common Ground High School

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc

seeks: Construction Equipment Mechanic preferably experienced in Reclaiming and Road Milling Equipment. We offer factory training on equipment we operate. Location: Bloomfield CT We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits Contact: Dan Peterson Phone: 860- 243-2300 email: Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming, Inc

seeks: Reclaimer Operators and Milling Operators with current licensing and clean driving record, be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits Contact: Rick Tousignant Phone: 860- 243-2300 Email: Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer

Union Company seeks:

is looking for a Part Time After-School Recreations Programmer. New Construction, Wood Framed, Housing, Selective Demolition,Tractor Site-work,Trailer Cast- Driver for Heavy & Highway ConFor job details and how to apply, please visit http://commonstruction Equipment. Must have a CDL License, in-place Concrete, Asphalt Shingles, Vinyl Siding, driving record, capable of operating heavy Flooring, Painting, Division 10 Specialties, Appliances, Residential Casework, school-recreations-programmer/

Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection. equipment; be willing to travel throughout the Northeast & NY. Listing: Transportation - Immediate Openingcompliance requirements. This contract is subject toAssistant state set-aside and contract

We offer excellent hourly rate & excellent benefits

High Volume petroleum oil company is seeking a full time TransContact Dana at 860-243-2300. Bidtime Extended, Due6:00AM. Date: August 5, 2016 portation Assistant. Work begins at Previous peEmail: troleum oil, retail or commercial dispatching experience a plus. Anticipated Start: August 15, 2016 Women & Minority Applicants are encouraged to apply MUST possess excellent attention to detail,available ability tovia manage Project documents ftp linkmulbelow: Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer tiple projects, excel proficiency and good computer skills required. Send resume to: Human Resource Dept., PO Box 388, Guilford, CT 06437. ********An rmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer********** Fax or EmailAffi Questions & Bids to: Dawn Lang @ 203-881-8372 HCC encourages the participation of all Veteran, S/W/MBE & Section 3 Certified Businesses Haynes Construction Company, 32 Progress Ave, Seymour, CT 06483 Large CT Fence & Guardrail Contractor is looking Scale House Operator, Data Entry, Print,EMPLOYER Copy & Scan DocuAA/EEO for experienced, responsible commercial and resiments. Working knowledge of Haz. Waste Regs., & Manifests. dential fence erectors and installers on a subcontracDOT & OSHA certification a +. Forward resumes to RED Techtor basis. Earn from $750 to $2,000 per day. Email nologies, LLC Fax 860-218-2433; or Email to resume to AA/EOE RED Technologies, LLC is an EOE.



THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

Rev. Barbara Skinner and Intergenerational Leadership

By Julianne Malveaux, NNPA Newswire Contributor Barbara Williams Skinner, at 75, looks at least two decades younger than her birth certificate suggests. Much of her youthful energy is due to her discipline, which includes a mindful prayer practice, a vegetarian diet, and a focused mind. But as much of her youthfulness, I think, can be attributed to her engagement with emerging leaders, the younger people who are poised to lead and learn. On November 29, she celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Skinner Leadership Institute (, the organization she founded to offer leadership lessons to both emerging and established leaders. While well known in Washington political circles, as the founder (with her now-deceased husband Tom Skinner) of the Prayer Breakfast at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, Skinner is not the household word that she should be. She has been a spiritual advisor to many members of Congress and to President Barack Obama, and she has done the “bridge building” work of bringing together African American leaders who have sometimes had contentious relationships. For more than a decade, she pulled corporate, political, and community people together for a retreat that involved both learning time and bonding time. Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Dr. Betty Shabazz, Dr. Maya Angelou, and Dick Gregory were among those who attended the retreat. Barbara Skinner was the first Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus. Although she was raised by a hard-working, God-fearing mother, Skinner spent much of her young adult life mad at God. She writes movingly of her journey in her new book, I Prayed, Now What: My Journey from No Faith to Deep Faith (Fortune Publishing Group: 2018). Barbara writes about her struggle to embrace God, her relationship and marriage to Tom Skinner, who had been a spiritual advisor to, among others, the Washington Redskins, and about ways to pray for political enemies. She spoke of these things, and many more, at the celebration of the Skinner Leadership Institute, an event that not only celebrated Skinner and her leadership, but also lifted up some of the women around her.

The intergenerational group she lifted up included Melanie Campbell, of the National Coalition for Black Civic Participation and Chanelle Hardy, who holds a leadership role at Google and is an alumna of the Skinner Leadership Master Series for Distinguished Leaders. Elders like Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole (former president of both Bennett and Spellman Colleges), the Honorable Constance Berry Newman (perhaps the only Black woman to have served under 7 Presidents, with 5 Senate confirmations), the Honorable Alexis Herman, 23rd Secretary of Labor, and former Essence Editor in Chief and founder of National Cares Mentoring Inc., Susan Taylor. Former DC First Lady Cora Masters Barry was among the other elders lifted up. It was characteristic of Barbara to share her celebration with women who have made a difference in her life and in the lives of others.

Barbara Skinner has always embraced emerging leadership and provided a bridge for younger leaders to connect with seasoned ones. I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring young women through her Master Series for Distinguished Leadership for more than a decade and have enjoyed the energy and ideas that these young sisters have brought into my life. But with Congresswoman Barbara Lee “in the house” after her stinging defeat to be Democratic Caucus Chair, there were angry whispers among some of us gathered about the meaning of intergenerational leadership. Was New York Congressman Hakeem Jefferies disrespectful and opportunistic (yes) in going after a position that Lee had been campaigning for more than eight months (full disclosure – I helped)? What does it mean that there is no Black woman in the formal leadership of the House of Representatives, even though Black women are the backbone of the Democratic Party? Does intergenerational leadership mean that seasoned leaders have to step aside, or does it suggest that emerging leaders need to pull a chair (not a treacherous knife) up to the table? Even as we enjoyed a loving tribute to someone who has been a bridge (a word used frequently, and a word that Skinner’s pastor, Dr. David Anderson, used to describe her), there was appreciation of Congresswoman Barbara Lee and anger about Hakeem Jeffries. African American millennials may be justifiably impatient when Baby Boomers and those even older dominate African American leadership. With the top

three Congressional Democrats, Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and James Clyburn, and also Barbara Lee all over 70, there is a compelling case to be made for the younger Jefferies, under 50, to be included in Congressional leadership. At the same time, there is something to be said for seasoned leadership, and for the inclusion of the exceptional and courageous African American Barbara Lee, in leadership. There were undoubtedly other issues, including those geographic and philosophical (Jeffries is more moderate than Lee, and Lee’s chairmanship would have put two Californians in the top four leaders), but true intergenerational cooperation would require something more than the gangsta move Jefferies pulled to eke out his win (by 10 votes).

After the midterm elections, the Congressional Black Caucus has emerged as a powerful bloc among Democrats, with a massive 53 members, nearly a quarter of the 235 Democrats who will be seated in Congress in January. The group’s power is weakened, however, when there are intergenerational conflicts and fissures among the membership. The Jeffries victory over Barbara Lee represents such a fissure. It will take the faith, fortitude and focus of prayer warrior Rev. Barbara Williams Skinner to help the Caucus embrace its highest and best purpose. If you don’t know Dr. Skinner, Google her! Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off? Race, Obama and Public Policy” is available via com for booking, wholesale inquiries or for more info visit Con’t from page 16


the fears and nightmares of much of white America. Despite the fact that Central American refugees are not the people laying off workers at General Motors, nor are they the people trying to cut Medicaid and Medicare, it seems easier for too many whites to believe that their real enemies cannot possibly be people that look like them, but, instead, must be the OTHER, that is those arising from the heart of darkness. This is the central political challenge in the USA over the coming years. Bill Fletcher, Jr. is the former president of TransAfrica Forum. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Read his new novel, The Man Who Fell


Con’t from page 17

Is Exercise The Prescription

What other precautions should I take?

Your doctor or exercise physiologist can give you safety tips for your particular workouts. Here are a few general guidelines: Warm up with five to 10 minutes of gentle stretching and five to 10 minutes of light aerobic activity (such as walking or jogging in place). Proper footwear is essential, especially if you have poor circulation or numbness in your feet. A gel insert and polyester or poly-blend socks will help keep your feet comfortable, dry, and blister-free. Check your feet carefully for blisters and other sores before and after exercise. Dehydration can affect your sugar levels, so be sure to get plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise. Water is often an excellent choice. Your doctor may suggest taking along some fruit juice or sugary sports drink if you’re at risk for low blood sugar. Wear a diabetes identification bracelet or tag. This precaution is especially important if there’s a chance you could lose consciousness from hypoglycemia. Getting started People with diabetes are just like everyone else, if they’re not used to breaking a sweat, it can be very hard to get started. Wright motivates her clients by having them check their blood sugar before and after a walk. “When they see the numbers drop, it really clicks,” she says. If they’re still having trouble taking that first step, she encourages them to find a friend or family member who’ll walk or jog or ride bikes with them. It’s much easier to stick to an exercise routine if you don’t have to do it alone. Con’t from page 14


George H.W. Bush

ter, and he was rescued by the SS Finback just in time to avoid capture and torture on Chichijima. “I hope my own children never have to fight a war, friends disappearing, lives being extinguished. It’s just not right,” he told journalist Paula Zahn, much later. “The glory of being a fighter pilot has certainly worn off.” His speechwriters could never get President Bush to talk much about the war; his enemies caricatured him as weak, but he was more often right on the big issues — and history will show that he was a really good one-term president who has never stopping serving his country. As American politics takes a particularly rough turn, we will all miss and should always remember George H.W. Bush, Connecticut’s native Son, a kinder and gentler time, marked by courage and wisdom and service.

It’s important to remember that exercise isn’t a miracle cure, but it’s still one of the best things you can do for your body. Make sure to talk to your doctor, get moving, and have a little fun while you’re at it! For more information on diabetes, visit our Health Conditions tab on Con’t from page 18


Court Hears

cused of committing drug crimes, even though the owners themselves were never implicated. In one money-laundering case in Florida, SPLC officials noted that law enforcement seized approximately $49 million but did not bring a single indictment. The drug war has unduly harmed racial minorities, and its civil forfeiture provisions are no different, according to the SPCL. Because of racial profiling, Black and Hispanic motorists are disproportionately searched and put at risk of having their cash assets seized, even though Black and white drivers are equally likely to be found with narcotics. A 1993 investigation by The Orlando Sentinel revealed that nine of every 10 motorists who were stopped and stripped of their cash by police in Volusia County, Florida, were either Black or Hispanic, and three out of four were never charged with a crime. In Philadelphia, where nearly 300 houses are seized annually, African Americans make up 44 percent of the population but 63 percent of house seizures and 71 percent of cash forfeitures unaccompanied by a conviction, according to the SPLC. Forfeiture is also most likely to affect economically disadvantaged communities: One study found that areas with high income inequality were targeted for civil forfeiture operations, likely because these police departments have limited funding and are inclined to use forfeiture to secure needed revenue. The profile of suspects who have their assets seized, a researcher observed, “differ greatly from those of the drug lords, for whom asset forfeiture strategies were designed.” Now, as the Supreme Court considers the law, many like Temple and Timbs wait with great anticipation. “For ordinary citizens, the real-world consequences can be devastating,” Timbs’ attorney argued in a brief to the Supreme Court. “The Excessive Fines Clause secures a single, unitary right: freedom from excessive economic sanctions that are at least partly punitive. “To be sure, that right can be violated in countless ways, using countless tools; in this regard, governments are endlessly innovative, ‘with more and more civil laws bearing more and more extravagant punishments.’”

THE INNER-CITY NEWS - December 05, 2018 - December 11, 2018

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