3 minute read
Back Together Again: A Tribute to Bishop and Episcopal Supervisor Fred and Sylvia Talbot
Rev. Dr. Keith Lawrence, 6th Episcopal District
God’s view of marriage is best described in Genesis 2:24, which says, “The two shall become one flesh.” When God said, “And the two shall become one,” his sacred plan was for man and woman to be joined in an inseparable and exclusive union. Love and life brought Frederick and Sylvia together. Frederick’s death provided a temporary separation. Sylvia’s most recent death nullified their separation, allowing love and eternal life to bring them back together.
Over sixty years ago, God issued a decree that Frederick and Sylvia would meet as they studied to show themselves approved while attending Yale University. Frederick sought a Master of Divinity, and Sylvia, a Master of Science in Public Health. As God would have it, in 1958, Frederick and Sylvia were married, and the journey of two becoming one commenced.
After accepting his call to ministry in 1951, Frederick was ordained an itinerate deacon, and in 1952, he was ordained an itinerate elder. Shortly after his elder ordination, Reverend Frederick Talbot was appointed to the Little Mountain Circuit in South Carolina. It is often said, “Your first church is practice, and your next church is progress.” For Reverend Talbot, this statement was absolutely true. In 1961, Reverend Talbot returned home to his roots and was appointed to serve the St. Peters AME Church in Georgetown, Guyana. From the sacred desk of St. Peters, God shaped and crafted a holistic ministry that would expand over 40 years, touching countless numbers of people. Luke 16:10a says, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” Talbot entered St. Peters with 38 members, and a decade later, over 350 people came to faith in Jesus Christ under his leadership. Additionally, Talbot was appointed Permanent Representative to the United Nations from Guyana in 1971.
Talbot was the 90 th elected and consecrated bishop of the AME Church in 1972 after faithfully serving St. Peters for over ten years.
During his tenure at St. Peters, God began a good work in Reverend Talbot, allowing him to excel and exceed expectations. Talbot’s love of people and his desire to hold people in their highest possibility allowed him to sacrifice his salary from the church to provide educational opportunities for many students. Talbot educated, encouraged, and empowered people throughout the AME Connection and around the world. Bishop Talbot was a builder, composer, educator, and diplomat with the able-assistance of his wife Sylvia Talbot, who, too, was gifted by God to serve God’s people.
Supervisor Sylvia Talbot’s career in public health was nothing short of magnificent. God leveraged her education, gifts, and relentless pursuit of providing adequate health care for others and placed her at the top of her field in public health worldwide. Supervisor Talbot was appointed minister of health in Guyana, heading a government department responsible for the country’s hospitals, pharmacies, and public health services. Supervisor Talbot became the chief spokesperson and advocate for public health in Parliament and was later appointed delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from Guyana.
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THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER: The Christian Recorder (ISSN 1050-6039, USPS 16880) is the official organ of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a member of the Associated Church Press and the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Founded in 1852, it is printed monthly by the AMEC Sunday School Union, 900 13th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37212. Periodicals Postage Paid at Nashville, TN.
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Bishop David R. Daniels, Jr., Chair of the General Board Commission on Publications
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