John william valencia architecture portfolio

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JohnWilliamValencia viaVigano’8MilanoItalia email: phone: + 393489138210 skype : john.william.valencia



CV p. 2 p. 2 p. 3 p. 3 p. 3

CURRICULUM VITAE Contact details Working experiences Education Skills Personal works



1.1 p. 8 period tutors

Incremental Favela

1.2 p. 24 period tutors 1.3 p.34 period tutors

p. 6

p. 8

Master thesis october 2013 Gianni Scudo, Roberto Spagnolo

Alpeggio di Canzo Academic project july 2012 Gianni Scudo

Bocconi University Academic project july 2011 Pierfranco Galliani 4



2.1 p.42 period firm

Competition _ Executive project December 2009 _ May 2010 Stefano Boeri Architetti

2.2 p.48 period firm

Casa Italo _ NTV

Immobile villa Competition December 2009 _ march 2010 Stefano Boeri Architetti

Vegetal painting

2.3 p. 7 period firm

Competition _ Executive project November 2010 _ December 2010 Archiland



3.1 p.66 period cunstructors Photos 3.2 p. 7 period



Apartment in Milan Executive project _ Construction Management February 2013 _ October 2013 Tomasoni Service Delfino Sisto Legnani

Expo logo contest Competition April 2011 5

curriculum vitae

CV CONTACT DETAILS birth adress nationality phone email skypeID

Geneve (ch) 14/05/1986 Via Vigano’ 8 MIlano Italy Italy + U.S.A + 39 348 91 38210 john.william.valencia

WORK EXPERIENCES Architectural collaboration with Studio Mumbai and PioveneFabi _ Milano period role tasks

april 2014-june 2014 Member of the project team in the competition for the Musee’ du Lemann in Nyon CH Architectual designer.

Architectural collaboration with Architect Giancarlo Rigoli _ Milano period role tasks

january 2014-current Project design for two apartments in milan Italy Architectual designer, and project manager.

Architectural cooperation Beyond, Ayitimoun Yo O.N.G. _ Milano period role tasks november 2013-current Member of the project team for the new Ayitimoun YO orphanage in Haiti Architectual strategies, planning, architectural design, research, fundraising.

Internship at NAPP nucleo de assesoria planejamento e pesquisa _ Rio de Janeiro period role tasks november 2012-february 2013 Designer in the project team for the Morar Carioca competition, Urbanization of 3 informal areas of Rio (winners) Architectual and urban strategies, planning, architectural design, social research.

Internship at Stefano Boeri Architetti _ Milano period role tasks december 2009-may 2010 Designer in the project team for Generali residential building competition (2nd place), Designer for Casa ITALO concept and architectural project Design, graphic design, rendering, modelling, layout and book, research.

Internship at Archiland _ Milano period role tasks september 2009-november 2009 Designer for the project and realization of a privat vertical green installation Design, graphic design, rendering, construction site management, layout for panels and book. 6

EDUCATION Master degree in Architecture date school subject

october 2013 Politecnico di Milano Master degree in urban and architectural design. Grade 106/110

Graduation Project date school subject

october 2012 _ march 2013 Politecnico di Milano _ UFRJ arquitetura Rio de Janeiro thesis "Incremental Favela" Strategies for informal urbanization

Bachelor degree in Architecture date school subject

july 2010 Politecnico di Milano thesis "A new sustainable village for Murrebue" (Mozambique)

Workshops date school date school

september 2011 WSTC workshop terra cruda _ Politecnico di Milano september 2010 MIAW Milano International Architecture Workshop _ Politecnico di Milano

High school diploma date school subject

july 2005 Liceo scientifico F.Severi _ Milano thesis "Orientalismo e occidentalimo"

SKILLS languages

Italian (mother tongue) English (mother tongue) Portuguese (good) Spanish (basic) French (basic)

program level

Autodesk _ Autocad excellent

program level

Adobe suit (photoshop, illustrator, indesign, premiere, Acrobat x pro) excellent

program level

Microsoft office (word, excel, powerpoint) excellent

program level

Google sketchup pro 8 _ Layout 3 excellent

program level

Rhinoceros good 7

academic works


INCREMENTAL FAVELA Graduation thesis 2013 Tutors : Gianni Scudo, Roberto Spagnolo This project has the intention to define a new design approach for informal urban realities, in this particular case for Chacrina do Mato Alto, a small favela in a north_western area of Rio de Janeiro. The urban planning strategy starts from the need to include this informal area within the "formal" part of the city. The goal is not only to generate urban inter_ action, but also a social and economic relation with the surrounding neigh_ bourhood. New architectures and infra_ structures are therefore thought to tran_ sform this marginalized area into an in_ tegrated part of the city. The idea is to create a linear axis in order to connect Chacrinha’s less densly built parts to the demolished areas. This axis, a red escalator, becomes a generator of new public spaces, new services and new urban realities, giving the favela a new identity. The project consists of a series of public services, all located near to the escala_ tor at different heights: among others, a public market that interacts with the surrounding area through its square used for public activities, and a library that serves the entire area and brings there_ fore new visitors. Besides generatig new public spaces, the escalator becomes a new transportation system that connects the favela to the rest of the city. In order to better respond to the single and collective needs of the inhabitants, the new public services and residential dwellings are only partially construc_ ted: their particular design allows them to grow incrementally with the com_ munity demands. Unlike the standard informal growth of the favelas "incre_ mental favela" is in fact a community_ growing reality that involves both private and public aspects of urban dwelling.




axonometric view










Comandante Luis Souto

Chacra Flora

Chacrinha do Mato Alto

SITE ANALYSIS Urban dwelling area: 10 000 sqm built area: 3900 sqm domiciliar density: 2.89 inhab.

Copan height 140 m surface 10 572 sqm dwellers 5000

Suburban dwelling area: 10 000 sqm built area: 6770 sqm domiciliar density: 2.7 inhab.

Maracana’ Stadium height 32 m surface 77 000 sqm capacity 92 000 p.

Informal dwelling area: 10 000 sqm built area: 7700 sqm domiciliar density: 3.2 inhab.

Chacrinha do Mato Alto height 70 m surface 82 000 sqm population 4287




Step 1

Step 4

Step 7

areas at risk demolitions

extrusion of the grid modular structures

planning of new services partly filled

Step 2

Step 5

Step 8

non built surfaces idividuation

new public spaces green areas

self incrementation of part of public and private services

Step 3

Step 6

Step 9

Regulation of non built areas modular grid overlay

connection of public spaces new centralities

incremental favela






escalator northern section

axonometric views






THE PUBLIC MARKET The public market is located on one of the only free plots of the favela, it’s made of a modular skeleton structure partially infilled with modular units of 4 x 4.5 meters that contain different vending or commercial services. The remaining free spaces are used either for open air activities, or for a future growth of the market, totally self constructable, dew to the fact that it is totally de_ signed with modular and light elements. The incremantal aspect of this market is controlled by the structure it’s self, allowing only a 30% increase of it’s volume. The market is entirelly covered by a 50 X 50 meter white pannelled roof top that filters direct sun light allow� ing outdoor activities also during the hottest hours of the day. The roof top structure also carries the first part of the escalator enabiling a 20m rise connection to the upper public square.


THE LIBRARY The library is composed of a bigger negative volume filled with several different smaller volumes, each one with it’s own different function. All the smaller volumes are composed of different mudular cells used for the whole project, combined toghether for a sufficient amount of space for every activity, whether reading, learning or gathering. Inspired by the sorrounding favela housing dynam_ ics, each volume has a free open space on it’s roof top for free activities, that eventually could become another volume with different functions, simply by cladding the perimeter with policarbonate panels. The whole library is thereby flexible and able to change with the needs of the entire community. The external skin is designed to filter both direct sun light and water but able to allow natural ventilation.



model scale 1:1000


model scale 1:200

model scale 1:200


academic works

1.2 ALPEGGIO DI CANZO Academic project 2012 Tutor : Gianni Scudo The project is located at 1100 m above sea level on the prealps, in Canzo, a small town near lake Como, an area that has always been occupied for rural and agricultural purposes, such as farms and pas_ tures. The project aims to rethink and regenerate the architecture, the landscape and the agricultural production of this area, in a sus_ tainable way and based on a self _ sufficient economy, by creating a structure designed for touristic and agricultural needs. The goal is to create a new type of architecture for a multifunctional agricultural landscape with a new approach to rural economy based on a site specific food production with vegetable gardens and local fruit trees and different kinds of breedings. All the buildings, restaurant, farm, cheese diary, house and mountain dew are designed with the intention to have as less impact as possible on the site, combining local materials, advanced energy tech_ nologies and involving less esca_ vation as possible. The structures are all in pine wood baloon_frame and the cladding is either in wooden panels or in fibercement localy made using vegetal fibers.






top view and eastern facade


THE FARM The basic idea for the farm is to gen_ rate a process whithin it, starting from the barn and ending with the cheese diary, passing through the stables at different heights for the various breedings. The formal concept for the farm was to recreate the same profile of the three Corni di Canzo, on the noth face of the project, creating a continous roof that varies inclination in order to resemble the shape of the mountains sorrounding the area. The structural part is made of colďż˝ umns and beams that create a series of wooden portals giving to the inside a sense of continuity, externally the facade cladding is partially made of wood panels the rest is open in order to allow views of the landscape. concept

north_eastern view




nothern elevation

transverse section

longitudinal section


internal views

construction details

exploded view





academic works

1.3 BOCCONI UNIVERSITY Academic project 2011 Tutor : Pierfranco Galliani This project for the expansion of Milano’s university of economics Luigi Bocconi, is located where there used to be an old dismissed milk factory. The plot was completly free and is ment to incude: a dormitory for students and for visiting professors, a student center, a new library, class rooms a restaurant and a sports center. The new campus has to relate both with many nearby important, although se� vere, architectures of the university and with a well established urban context of the southern area of Milan. The plan consolidates the existing pe_ rimeter in some points, turning it into a meaningful constructive backdrop, and opens it up to the city in the areas where paths and streets provide many connections with the existing campus, creating a porous interior of high envi_ ronmental quality. The withdrawn position of the student center with respect to the northern pe_ rimeter of the plot and the deflection of the crowning towards the corner be_ tween it and Via Castelbarco has made it pos_sible to create a public parterre aligned to the pavement of Via Sarfatti, linking Pagano’s historical building to the other buildings of the Bocconi uni_ versity along the street and reinforcing the green corridor which terminates in Ravizza Park.





The paths and streets inside and outside the area connect four principal spaces that are closely in_ terrelated. Each of these spaces represents a different solution to the various conditions of the existing plots in rela� tion to their exposure to the sun, their section and the environmental quality of the streets bordering the area, as well as the nature and the height of the buildings facing it. Together the new spaces form a new urban sequence, which has been reconnected in a natural way to the local neighbourhood that is home to the Bocconi uni� versity, and which combines building structures and green areas in an aggregate that merges harmoni� ously with the surrounding urban tissue. After having designed the masterplan, each member of the group had to design one of the buildings, in my case the student center. exploded masterplan


areal view

ground floor


1.3.2. THE STUDENT CENTER The resulting proposal looked to create a building distinct from conventional universities; more industrial, loft_like in feel, it gives equal importance to col_ lective work areas, individual work sta_ tions, and public spaces. Accordingly the central atrium is configured as a tiered sequence of platforms and terraces, that cover the lower auditorium, visible from the outside corridors. Circulation and communication through the building and between class room floors is pro_ moted by this giant staircase, which not only offers informal meeting areas, but encourages movement between spaces, giving powerful visual representation to the public aspect of the building.

longitudinal section

northern elevetion

floor plans 0, 1, +1


exploded model






AA’ - BB’



professional works

2.1 CASA ITALO - NTV Stefano Boeri archittetti _ dotdotdot Project 2009 _ built 2012 This project consists in the design of the new services center for italy’s new high speed train line, ‘casa .italo’ in the train stations of bologna, flor_ ence, naples, milan garibaldi and rogoredo. A fluid, high_technology and interactive design caters to italo travelers. For efficiency to passengers, the recognizable red exterior surfaces support the purchase of tickets with vending machines as well as a clock and display for train arrival and departure times without entering. The open and permeable entry intro_ duces visitors into an interactive and communicative interior. Inside, additional screens with infor_ mation and ticket purchases lines the perimeter as well as internet capable interfaces. Sensors detect the proximity of peo_ ple to automatically change their function between information panels and ticketing screens. Circular tables with stationary chairs allow uninterrupted circulation and fold down seats built into the walls. Additional spaces are planned for the rome, venice, mestre, turin, salerno and padua stations





2.1.1. CASA ITALO The physical space is actually constituted of the over� all image, the services offered, and the underlying principles. The idea is that all the surfaces visible to travellers in transit are physically transformed into an interactive and communicative interface that defines the interiors within stations. Casa .italo is an open and extremely permeable concept. By means of its interac� tive characteristics, it is a location at which the duration of travellers’ stay there is up to travellers themselves and their individual requirements. There is a direct rela� tionship between duration of use and the personalized spaces and services dedicated to travellers.



professional works

2.2 RESIDENZE GENERALI Stefano Boeri archittetti Competition Project 2009 The request is to enhance the property rethinking and rationalizing the internal distribution in relation to the new des_ tination for residential use. It also calls to redefine the external image with the design of a new facade and the even_ tual top unit of a building on an existing floor plan terrace where, at present, the plants are located. It is also required to increase the area of ​​expanding the un_ derground parking to provide at least one parking space for each new apart� ment and a cellar of relevance. The ground floors remain as commercial functions in addition to the entrance halls to the homes. Our proposal came from a careful study of the type of housing and the overall quality of the space of the block in re_ lation to the needs for energy conser_ vation and environmental sustainabil_ ity. We then worked on the mass of the building, offering a partial emptying of this to the south side in order to al_ low a better sunshine of the courtyard, which is currently very constrained in its proportions, and multiply the fine views towards the city center and the new district Citylife (ex fair). The volume emptied on the south cor_ ner is repositioned on the north, raising the building by two stories. The building then becomes a volume sloping down towards the south, with the different coverage plans that host penthouses with panoramic views in different direc tions.





2.2.1. IMMOBILE VILLA The main operation regards the residential type proposal, obtained by a subsantial mass reduction of the building involving the creation of balconies terraces, in some cases even of double height. For each apartment there is at least one of these gen_ erous private outdoor spaces that can be used as roof gardens or as private loggias, being mostly in continuity with the interior living spaces. As for the ground and first floor of the building, the proposal was to concentrate the commer_ cial spaces on the highly trafficated streets, and along the side streets we proposed a hybrid type that provides a work space on the ground floor connected to the living space on the first floor. The building’s facade is completely rethought proposing a new skin with excellent thermical and acoustic performances, that relates in the fa_ cade composition with the glazed bae of the first two levels, and with the negativity of the loggias. The coating was proposed in panels of wooden slats natural mineralized and articulates with the shutters of the same material to shield the glass.




floor plans +1, +2



floor plans +3, +4


energetic schemes

floor plans +5, +6


construction details

floor plans +7, +8








professional works


VEGETAL PAINTING Project 2010 _ built 2010 A small terrace in an unconven_ tional Milan building, sorrounded on three sides by the apartment itself, and the client’s demand to transform this little space in to a pleasant part of the house with an elevated green presence, these were the main themes on wich this little project was based on. The proposal was to build two big vertical vegetal panels, that would somehow resemble two paintings hung inside a living room apart_ ment. The PVC panels, three meters by two, have a twenty centimeters steel frame that carries a woolen fiber that contains the different kind of plants choosen according to their different characteristics, and adaptability to climatic situa_ tions. The plants were also choos_ en on the basis of their colours and leaf dimensions.






2.3.1. VEGETAL PAINTING To cover the new installation some curtains were placed right above the two "vegetal paintings" in order to protect the plants from the direct sunlight that would compro� mise their growth. The frames were furnished with an irriga� tion system, to solve the problem of water� ing plants positioned at such an high level. The installation overall took approximately two working days.



personal works

3.1 APARTMENT IN MILAN Project 2013_built 2014 Renovation of a small apartment from the thirties in the neighbourhood of Porta Nuova, right behind the piazza Gae Aulenti and its Unicredit skyskraper. The aim was to use all the 60 sqm of the apartement in order to obtain as much space as possible and to sepa_ rate the living area from the bedroom. The strategy of the intervention was based on the idea to use the available space not only horizon� tally, but also in a vertical sense. The bedroom and the bathroom were brought to an higher level than the rest of the rooms (kitchen and livingroom). This operation gave the opportunity to obtain 10 extra smq under the bathroom and the bedroom, where to place addi_ tional serving spaces such as wardrobe, laundry and storage closet. The raising of the bedroom gave the chance to use the space above the entrance as storage and "technical" space in which the air conditioning system has been conceiled. Also the kithchen takes advantage from the newly obtained spaces, as the fridge , dishwasher and a cup� board are placed in three recess� es positioned under the bathroom. With this intervention it was pos� sible to gain more usable surface and on the other hand to limit the necessity of additional furniture. For the redecoration of the renovated apartment the choice was to use the same material (wood) all over the apartment floors, while the stairs and the covering doors of fridge, dish� washer and cuoboard are made of steel.









personal works


LOGO EXPO 2015 Competition 2011 The proposed logo wants, in a very simple and direct way, to underline the main theme of the 2015 Milan EXPO, " Feed_ ing the Planet, Energy for Life". The logo represents an im_ maginary and schematic landďż˝ scape characterized by a responasable and sustainable way of living our planet and us_ing our energy resourses. Food and energy are connect_ ed in a fun way, exchanging wind poles with spoons, knives and forks, creating a logo that wants to give a strong impact and that at the same time puts a smile on the viewers face.



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