Best Tips For Selling Your Diamond Jewelry ‘Diamonds are forever’ stands true, for every woman holds hers very close to her heart. Though there may be times when somebody might want to sell off their old jewelry to make room for newer and better designs and some new memories and moments, others just keep their diamonds with them forever. It of course, is very appealing to earn money by selling off something as precious as diamonds but you need to be aware of a lot of things before letting anybody put a price tag on your prized possession.
Diamonds may be used along with gold when it comes to crafting beautiful necklaces or earrings but they are very different from gold. They are not quantifiable in terms of melt value and this might end up in a bargain of losses for you. You need to be sure that however less you may sell it off for, you should not be at the losing end. After all, you are giving something that was once very dear to you and probably has a significant moment attached to it. For you to sell your diamonds, keeping all important things in mind is very important. Here are some tips that will definitely help you.
Evaluate Your Jewelry
Before marching off to sell your thirty year old diamond engagement rings in exchange for new sparkling ones, stop to authenticate the piece. It was bought really long ago and now there is a huge possibility, in fact certainty, that the prices, quality and everything else about the ring is different. For this purpose, you will need to contact a qualified appraiser who doesn’t deal in selling or buying diamonds. This will ensure you an unbiased opinion and will make it easier for you to evaluate further negotiations when you finally start selling it. If your jewelry is worth less than say $1500 or so, getting it evaluated at a jewelry store should not be a problem but do make sure you check into two or three shops to understand the average value of the piece.
Real Diamonds For Real Prices You can’t expect billions overnight by just selling off some gold chain necklaces and a few diamond earrings, unless you really have too many of those that actually add up to a billion! You need to be realistic in order to avoid any kind of disappointment. Just having your diamonds appraised is not enough. You need to know the current market status and trends. The appraiser should also be able to tell you what to expect when selling your jewelry. He will be able to give you a rough estimate around which your jewelry can be sold. To do an evaluation yourself or to just take a second opinion, you can always go online and look at some of the diamond jewelry stores that offer similar jewelry like the one you want to sell. You also need to understand that since your jewelry will be second hand, it will obviously not fetch you a price that a first-hand piece does to the jeweler. Keep the deductions in mind.
Whom Are You Selling It To Now comes the part where you decide whether you will be selling it to the public or to a diamond merchant. You should consider selling it to a pawnbroker or a diamond merchant if you are looking for a trustworthy buyer and want to sell it off fast. The shortcoming? You won’t get a price advantage if you deal with somebody from the industry. Another good option is to sell it online. Here you need to be careful and only put it on trustworthy sites like eBay or Craigslist. There are so many ways to sell your diamond jewelry keeping in mind the above mentioned measures.Whatever the reason for selling them, don’t overlook any of the factors mentioned herein lest you suffer disappointment and feel cheated. You should not regret your decision and should feel content about putting your priceless memories in the right hands. Selling is not the only thing you do with diamonds because after you are done selling, you will want to buy new jewelry that comes with the latest trends! All you have to do is, find a trustworthy source that provides you inexpensive products without compromising on quality. You shall then have your diamonds with you forever!
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