Worry about JN0-633 Exam? Security, Professional (JNCIP-SEC)
Security, Professional (JNCIP-SEC) Application-Aware Security Services Virtualization Advanced NAT Advanced IPsec VPNs Instruction Prevention Transparent Mode Troubleshooting Juniper JN0-633 Exam Objectives
Sample Questions Question No 1 You are asked to troubleshoot ongoing problems with IPsec tunnels and security policy processing. Your network consists of SRX240s and SRX5600s. Regarding this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.) Options A. You must enable data plane logging on the SRX240 devices to generate security policy logs. B. You must enable data plane logging on the SRX5600 devices to generate security policy logs. C. IKE logs are written to the kmd log file by default. D. IPsec logs are written to the kmd log file by default. Answer: B,D
Question No 2 A local user complains that they cannot connect to an FTP server on the DMZ network. You investigate and confirm that the security policy allows FTP traffic from the trust zone to the DMZ zone. What are two reasons for this problem? (Choose two.) Options A. The FTP server has no route back to the local network. B. No route is configured to the DMZ network. C. No security policy exists for traffic from the DMZ zone to the trust zone. D. The FTP ALG is disabled. Answer: A,D
Question No 3 Which three match condition objects are required when creating IPS rules? (Choose three.) Options A. attack objects B. address objects C. terminal objects D. IP action objects E. zone objects Answer: A,B,E
Question No 4 You want to query User Group membership directly using the integrated user firewall services from an Active Directory controller to an SRX Series device. Which two actions are required? (Choose two.) OPtions A. Configure the LDAP base distinguished name. B. Connect the SRX Series device and the MAG Series device in an enforcer configuration. C. Configure a domain name, the username and password of the domain, and the name and IP address of the domain controller in the domain. D. Configure the Access Control Service on the MAG Series device for local user authentication and verify that authentication information is transferred between the devices. Answer: A,C
Question No 5 You want to verify that all application traffic traversing your SRX device uses standard ports. For example, you need to verify that only DNS traffic runs through port 53, and no other protocols. How would you accomplish this goal? Options A. Use an IDP policy to identify the application regardless of the port used. B. Use a custom ALG to detect the application regardless of the port used.C. Use AppTrack to detect the application regardless of the port used. D. Use AppID to detect the application regardless of the port used. Answer: A
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