Joie Magazine : Issue 2

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issue two, spring 2015


grace kim florals


praying for my husband


day trip to euguene, or

Welcome! Hello dear friends and welcome to Issue 2 of Joie Magazine! We are so happy to be sharing all of this wonderful content with you! As many of you know, the launch of Issue 2 was delayed by two months from the original date we set. During this time we were working out some differentiating ideas about what Joie Mag should be and the direction to take it in. Ultimately, we all agreed that our magazine's main purpose is to encourage you in your walk with Christ and provide tools for creating a marriage that honors the Lord. When you get to the core of it, that's exactly what Joie is. The next steps, though, are not completely laid out for us yet, and so we will be diligently praying for guidance in that area. Issue 2 talks a lot about learning; Rebecca and Nick learned that God is their provider (page 2) and Laken leads us through how to effectively pray for our husbands (page 9). Storie and Jason learned that their marriage is at it's best when God is in the center (page 15) and Erika was quick to learn about her new town when she moved across the country after her wedding day (page 17). We hope that you enjoy (and learn from) the honest words that these ladies put down on paper just for you. This issue is special to me (Stephanie). A lot of my very favorite friends, from all stages of my life, have contributed to it (words, art, and even modeling!) They are the ones who have made it into what you see right now and I'm so grateful for their support and love. Take a little time right now, before you start reading, to call, text or send snail mail to your best friend, just to say hi and that you appreciate them! Lots of love (and a big group hug),

Stephanie, Sarah & Taryn

follow us on insta


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Kate & Devon's Heart for College Missions 2 Becca & Nick's story of God's Provision 3 Everyday: Reading List 4 Grace Kim Floral + Event Design 5 A Date for Every Feeling 7 Lindsay and Tony’s Real Wedding

9 Learning to Pray for my Husband | Laken Nix 11 Johna and Josh’s Real Wedding 13 A Story of Our Own | Via Perkins 15 Storie and Jason's Real Wedding 17 Day Trip to Eugene | Erika Boustead 19 Styled Shoot | A Very Secret Garden


Via Perkins is an artist, writer, and musician from Massachusetts. She graduated magna cum laude from Salem State University in 2013, and currently works at Baldwin Hill Art & Framing. In October of 2014, she became engaged to her boyfriend of two and a half years and they are currently planning their wedding. Read Via's words in "A Story of Our Own" on page 713.

Erika Boustead is a happy newlywed and a recent New York State transplant to Eugene, Oregon. She is passionate about learning how to love God’s people better. She loves being creative, making things prettier, and admits that she likes Netflix more than she likes exercising. Read Erika's words in "Day Trip to Euguene, OR" on page 17.

Laken Nix is a writer who believes in passionate marriages, real wellness, and the art of making a home. She married her husband Tyler in October 2012 on a farm. Two years and two days later, Laken and Tyler welcomed a baby girl, May, into their family. Together they live in the deep south of Tuscaloosa, Alabama in a mid-century house complete with magnolia trees and an ever-expanding vegetable garden. Read Laken's words on page 9.

inspire words by Kate + Devon Bartholonew

Kate + Devon’s Heart for College Missions

Timmy came to know Jesus’ love through the brotherhood shown by his cross-country teammates. Ann explained what Christianity means to her with a friend in her dorm. Erin shared how Jesus called her out of indifference and into a new life of purpose, with the incoming class of 2018. Makayla led a Bible study for the first time. Peter brought together a men’s lifegroup with passion and care. Jacob baptized his girlfriend at the local park. It is ongoing stories like these that God uses to draw Kate and Devon into campus ministry. God desires that all know Him in a life-changing way, and through their own college experiences, God called them to serve with the Baptist Campus Ministry at Syracuse University. Devon and Kate Bartholomew met during their freshman year of college at SUNY-ESF and Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. With degrees in forest health and chemical engineering, Devon and Kate never envisioned a future working in ministry. Their goals were to become researchers, industry workers, and participants in a local community. In hindsight, it appears that God brought them to Syracuse to serve Christ and people. A year after they graduated from college, the couple married, lived and worked in Syracuse. While at work, Devon was preoccupied with how he could help their BCM at Syracuse University. He shared, “All I thought about at work was what I could be doing with BCM on campus. I wanted to quit and start over, maybe start seminary. One day after work, I verbalized my frustration to God. In silence, His response leapt onto my heart! God reminded me that my occupations were for His glory. He then turned to my question about ministry


and said, ‘Be faithful in the little ministries that I have given you. Study My Word, learn skills from others, pray with thanksgiving, and teach those that I have given to your care.’ And then His peace sustained me.” Two years later, Devon received a phone call from the BCM director of NY. Devon remembers, “He asked me to prayerfully consider whether God was calling me to lead the student programming for BCM at Syracuse University. I could’ve given my answer immediately but in my prayers that summer God assured me that He was calling me to serve through campus ministry.” The lives that are changed by Jesus’ love compel Devon and Kate to motivate others toward love and worship of Christ at Syracuse University.

Becca + Nick’s Story of God's Provision Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness." When I started dating my husband we fell quickly into love. Our first date was straight out of a movie, and by the end of it we both suspected we’d found the one. After we had been dating a while longer, the strain of a long-distance relationship between two damaged and sinful human beings began to show. But we were sure, we were committed, and we walked down that aisle like we were on top of the world. And I walked down that aisle like I had orchestrated the whole thing. I have always been a control freak. My parents could tell you stories of me preparing for Valentine’s Day in November and, generally speaking, I’ve always had my “stuff” together. That didn’t change when I got married. I had the husband, house and job that I wanted and I was happy with the life I had carved out. And then, piece by piece, God took away all my pride and confidence. We lost jobs. We suffered major damage to our home and our cars. (Btw, lesson learned that you don’t have the right-of-way when backing out of a driveway.) We had a dwindling bank account. Needless to say, the life I had so tirelessly worked to build was not going as I planned. The pressure from all these things and more weighed us down and turned us against each other. In the course of what seemed like one piece of bad news after another, I often looked to my husband as my sole source of joy and fulfillment, which is not in what God intended.

encourage words by Becca + Nick Carlson

It became self-serving and manipulative. The control freak in me screamed that nothing my husband did was good enough. I had no joy and fulfillment in the craziness that was our life, and was looking to material possessions and relationships to fill the loneliness and disappointment in my heart. I can’t identify one specific turning point, but I can tell you that the course of our marriage since then has shown me just how faithful God is, and how humbling His lessons can be. Time and again He has blessed us in ways we truly don’t deserve. He provided for us physically and spiritually. Money showed up in our mailbox. Friends called at just the right time. Once the Lord even spoke to me through our son’s bed time story. The story was of Noah and his ark. Noah was in the ark and the rain was pouring out of the sky and he cried “Who will stop the rain?”. For so long in my marriage, the answer to that question was me. I was going to stop the rain. I was going to be the one to paint the rainbow in the sky at the end of the story. I still have a husband, a house, and a job that I love, but I know none of them will ever be perfect or be the sole foundation for my joy and happiness. It’s only in Christ that I can be the best wife and mother, and even that woman may not be the girl I’ve always set out to be. I can’t make the things I value on this earth, or myself, become bigger than God. And I can’t manipulate them into the picture perfect version of the life that I want. I have a marriage and a life that God is breathing into every single day and it is so much sweeter to give up control and allow it to grow in the way he planned.



Reading List

words and photo by Taryn Dunbar

This past fall, my husband and I spent some time reading through a few books while chasing our toddler around and waiting in anticipation for our son to arrive. Here’s a short review and synopsis on our favorites.

Family Driven Faith Voddie Baucham

This book is for those of you starting a family, new to marriage, or even those who are planning to become married. Voddie delves into the fierce realities of the lies we have bought as Christians when it comes to the family in today's society. This book will revolutionize your ideas about raising a family who not only walks with God as children, but continues to cling to His ways throughout their lives.

My Children or the Cross Mirian Dunn

An autobiography of a missionary who was called to work in precommunist China. This book shows how deep of a love, dedication, and obedience we should have to the Gospel as Christians. Her story will make you cry with the desire to become more like Christ.


Not A Fan Kyle Idleman

As Christians we should not be a “fan” of Christ. This may seem like a pretty controversial statement, but this book addresses the fact that Jesus did not want simply fans, he wanted followers that would require much sacrifice. Fans often admire Jesus and are okay when it comes to doing the simple things, but what we really need to do is become followers of Christ.

you can find all these books on or at your local book store.

Forgotten God Francis Chan

This book explores the Biblical attributes of the Holy Spirit. Not only that but, how the church has neglected to allow this person of the Trinity to operate in the body of Christ, as we see Him do throughout Scripture.

Grace, owner of

Grace Kim Floral + Event Design

vendor spotlight

when did you become interested in doing floral arrangements? Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother who was an avid gardener. Her love of flowers and plants inspired me from an early age, instilling in me a deep appreciation for nature. I decided to pursue a career as a florist after graduating from college where I studied furniture design. While I enjoyed some aspects of designing and building furniture, I wanted to work with a material that lent itself to more direct methods of expression. Given my background in art & design and passion for flowers, floral design was a natural choice.

who is your ideal customer & wedding style? My ideal customer would be someone who trusts me and gives me creative liberty. This freedom allows me to choose and work with the best each season has to offer. I find this organic way of working to yield more beautiful and natural results. In terms of style, I’m drawn to loose and slightly wild compositions where each bloom is both showcased and given room to breathe. That being said, I love getting to know my brides and tailoring the flowers to their unique personality and style. This keeps things interesting for me while ensuring each wedding is distinctive and special.

what is your favorite flower? This is a hard question, because I have so many! This is one of the things I love most about my job, the medium is constantly changing throughout the year. Each season emerges with familiar faces that are welcome and long-awaited. In the Spring, I love Hellebores, Fritilarias and Lilacs, in the Summer there’s Foxgloves, Cosmos and Zinnias! I guess if I had to pick just one, it would have to be Roses. They have such an elegant and timeless quality and their fragrance is so lovely. web: instagram: @gracekimflowers photos courtesy of Grace Kim


keep dating

A Date for Every Feeling

words and art by Stephanie Krist

"Keep dating!" is advice I heard so often during my engagement period: mostly at my bridal showers and in every day conversations with women at church or friends who got married before me. Now that I've been married for a couple years, I totally get it. Dating is, in fact, very important to the quality of your marriage and relationship! It's a way for you and your husband to stay connected, have fun together and fall in love with each other just a little bit more! Don't use 'we have too much going on' as an excuse not to have a date night at least once a month! Check your schedules and pick a time and day. Good, the hard part is done! Now, figure out what you're 'feeling' like! Hungry? Adventurous? Check out our extensive list of dates that cover every possible feeling. Hopefully these ideas will get the gears turning in your head for what fun thing you could do on your next date together! :)

if you're feeling.... active

- Go on a bike ride around town. - Find a new hiking trail or mountain to explore. Bring your camera! - Try rock climbing at a nearby gym. - Go kayaking (if you're near Boston, head to the Charles River!) - Mini golf is a classic! - Leave your GPS at home and go on a joyride with no final destination in mind. Take photos of every place you stop at! - Take a kickboxing (or yoga or swim) class together! - Snowshoe, horseback ride, or just walk!


- Discover new foods at a food festival (Providence, San Francisco, and most big cities have them!) - Stop by your local Farmers Market. - Walk to your favorite ice cream shop. - Stay in and cook a gourmet meal. Make sure you both pitch in! - Go apple (or strawberry or pumpkin) picking. - Take a cooking class together!


- Clean out your closets and drop everything off at the local thrift store. - Print your photos at CVS and laugh at the memories while you put them photo albums. - Window shop in your town. Hold hands the whole time ;) - Head to a nearby park with your favorite books and read/lay in the grass all afternoon! -Check the library's schedule to see if any local artists or musicians are visiting soon.



- Pop some popcorn and watch as many episodes of your favorite show as you can before you fall asleep on the couch. - Be kids again and build a fort in the living room! - Have a Lazy Sunday. PJs and pizza and TV all day! - Board games are always a good idea. - Drive to the best sunset-watching spot in town and chat (or flirt) while the sun goes down. - Build a fire in the fireplace (or bonfire in the backyard) and roast yummy s'mores!

fancy / romantic

- Attend a ballroom dancing class together. - Book a suite at an upscale hotel for the night. - Visit the local theater for a play or some improv. - Dig out your little black dress and go out to the fanciest restaurant you can find. - Or don't go anywhere and just slow dance in the kitchen. :) - Write each other a love letter!


- Host a paint night with your friends! - Wander and ponder at the closest art museum. - Stop by the hardware store to get supplies for a DIY. I know you have one in mind! - Repaint a room in your house. - Or finally hang up some art on those walls! Take turns deciding where things should go. - Go antiquing (New Englanders, try the Brimfield Fair!)


real wedding

lindsay + tony


from the bride: Tony and I met at Syracuse University freshman year through Campus Crusade for Christ. We did not begin dating until senior year, after which I moved to Miami and he headed to Boston. We went through distance for about two years before I moved to Boston. Tony proposed surrounded by countless candles overlooking Singing Beach in Manchester-by-the-sea at sunset on June 21, 2013. We decided to get married by my family in Upstate New York. We love the Finger Lakes, and we fell in love with the old-school Victorian feel that included both outside and inside options at Esperanza Mansion. Though we initially wanted an outdoor ceremony, we soon discovered the cathedral ceilings and Italian chandeliers in Norton Chapel, and we were hooked. We were married on a cool spring day: May 17, 2014. Our theme was “vintage mint and gold”. We accented the day with handmade signs, a dresser candy bar, 7 cupcake flavors, and an outdoor cocktail hour under a white tent accented with chandeliers, all overlooking Keuka Lake. Our first look was unique in that we did NOT see each other for it. Tony didn’t want to see me before the doors opened at the ceremony. Instead, we wrote each other notes to read as we were on the opposite sides of a tree. The photographers were extremely careful to place us where we could not see each other. Our chapel greeters were our three dogs, and we danced the night away! It ended in a sparkler send off before we headed off to St. Croix!

Venue Ceremony Norton Chapel, Keuka College Reception Esperanza Mansion, Keuka Park, NY

Photography Mary Dougherty Photography

Flowers Wegmans Canandaigua, NY

Wedding Gown Allure Dress found at Swoon Bridal, Peabody, MA

Bridesmaids Dresses Donna Morgan 8

Learning to pray=I words by Laken Nix | art by Amy Guerrette

I wed my husband, Tyler, just over two years ago. Every day I’m still learning what it means to be a good wife, and I’m sure this is a lesson I’ll continue to learn for many years to come. When I was first married, I wanted to pray for my husband as we embarked on this new and wonderful journey together, but I wasn’t really sure where to start. I recognized that becoming someone’s wife gave me responsibilities I had never had before, especially spiritual ones. But I found that I was praying for him in the way that a little kid prays -- rambling off a list, afraid to forget anything for the fear that exactly what I didn’t pray against would happen. So I made sure to always cover the basics: his health, his happiness, his safety. Then I started to realize that things I was praying for were more for my own benefit rather than for his. I was praying for his health and his safety out of my own selfishness, because I didn’t want to ever be without him. I was praying for his happiness and contentment, because I wanted us to have a happy life together. Everything that I prayed about for my husband was, at its core, actually about me. And while there is nothing fundamentally wrong with these prayers -- I still want him to be safe and healthy and happy -- I decided I needed to be more selfless with my prayers. I wanted to start praying for his true needs, as they may or may not relate to me. It’s true that most everything I pray for my husband will in some way affect me. We are now one, after all. But I want to change the heart behind my prayers, so that the positive effects on me and my life that may result from answered prayers for my husband are only secondary. I want his well-being - mental, physical, emotional, and


spiritual - to be my true desire. I think a lot of times we use prayer because we want things to be different. But I don’t want my prayers for my husband to be used as a tool for me to try and change him. Praying for him isn’t a way to get him to go through life in a way that is more aligned with how I want him to live. Rather I want to fully support him in the ways that he wants and needs to be supported right now. I want to be at his right-hand, faithfully loving him, rather than listing out any of his qualities I wish were different. I want to be detailed in my prayers and I want the desire behind my prayers to be just as strong for my husband as they are for myself. Dear Lord, Give me a selfless heart. Teach me to pray for my husband in a way that truly blesses him in the ways he needs most, not the ways I need. Allow me to see and understand that my husband’s needs are different than mine. Open my eyes to see the ways in which I can bless him each and every day. I recognize that my husband is his own person. If he desires to change, I pray that you give him the strength and motivation to do so; however, allow me, Lord, to give him the acceptance he desires for the person that he is in this moment. I pray that my husband will continue to grow into his role as the spiritual leader of our family and that you will continually give him the wisdom necessary to lead us through life.

=I for my husband Teach me, Lord, to have true compassion for the struggles my husband experiences. Let me not downplay how he is affected throughout his day. Make clear to me my husband’s needs and show me how I can best serve him.

Lord, teach me to show my husband true and tangible love. Reveal to me the ways that he can best receive my affection. Let me create a home in which he feels relaxed, safe, and like the truest version of himself.

I pray that my husband feels fulfilled by his work and secure in his finances. Allow him to do work that gives him satisfaction and pride. Help him to remain humble and to give generously.

I believe that it falls within my responsibility as a wife to pray for my husband, but I confess that at times my prayers have been selfish. Lord, I invite you into my marriage and allow your will to be done, rather than mine.

May he always know you and turn to you in times of need. I pray that my husband finds peace from worry and anxiety and that he continually delivers his fears to you.


johna + josh’s vows I, (name), take you, (name), to be my (husband/wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. Ever honoring God’s guidance by His spirit through the Word, And so throughout life, no matter what may lie ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful (husband/wife).


real wedding

johna + josh


words by Via Perkins | art by Stephanie Krist

Seeing the movie Belle (1) in a Boston movie theatre this year felt almost like looking in a mirror for the first time. As a mixed-race woman like myself, Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s tawny features were so similar to my own, and so larger-than-life in front of me, that all I could feel was childlike amazement. I sensed a place filling up inside of me – a place I did not even know was empty before. My fiancé Ryan stared up at the same screen as his own, paler features were cast back to him in the form of Sam Reid, Gugu’s on-screen romantic interest. We watched this curious version of ourselves on the screen: a love story between black and white, opposites somehow mixing to make a beautiful consonance. A visual acknowledgment of our union, and unions between others like us.


If Belle had come out two years prior, I would have barely noticed it. I was raised thoroughly steeped in suburban Christian culture, which was wonderful for my development in many ways. As a voracious reader, “Ten ways to honor your parents” and “Bible verses on God’s will for your life,” were all-too familiar chapter and article titles. However, there were no mentions of “Making friends at youth group as a biracial teen,” and certainly not “Tips for Christian interracial dating.” This makes sense, as American churches are still quite racially segregated. (2) Interracial relationships and multiraciality are niche topics – not common enough to be addressed regularly by Christian culture. I became deceptively

comfortable living in a white religious world, in a space where race wasn’t relevant to my daily life. Throughout all this, the empty place inside me still remained, hidden and silent. Meanwhile, Ryan was growing up in a culturally diverse city, becoming familiar with slurs and jibes towards Caucasian people like him from nonwhite friends. Growing up as a minority at school allowed him to learn the cultures of other races, providing him with diverse perspectives that many white Americans don’t have. However, harsh words ran deep, causing him to question his ethnic identity and the system of racial hierarchy. In this way, we are an anomaly. Growing up, race was invisible to me, whereas for Ryan, it was unavoidable. Instead of allowing these differences – our races, our backgrounds, our baggage – to divide us, we choose to let them strengthen us. We choose to fight for our relationship, against the many racial roadblocks both in the secular and Christian worlds, and against the polarizing landscape between black and white people in America. Obsessing over racially charged media on the news, radio, and in print can damage us. We question our identities, our standings in the world, and how people react to us. Hearing so many different perspectives, some of which seek to tear us apart, is exhausting. We can’t figure it out on our own. We give up trying to understand it all, and that is where can finally rest: in the humbling reminder that we see through a glass darkly.3 No person in the world has a monopoly on the truth (thankfully!), no matter how much research they conduct or how confident they appear. Instead, we each learn bit by bit every day, sometimes taking one step forwards and two steps back. This is okay. We can take heart, because God has This is what overcoming looks like: Ryan and I, fitting our puzzle-piece bits of knowledge, experience, and wisdom together to create a more complete and beautiful picture of the world that we

couldn’t achieve on our own. Ryan and I, walking side-by-side as equals, knowing our connection is deeper than any differences we have. Ryan and I, knowing that God delights to use us – two ordinary, broken people of different races – to bring out the best in each other in ways only he can ordain. This is how Belle began filling up that empty place inside of me. After living two decades and seeing hundreds of movies, I watched a film with a half-black, half-white woman like me in the lead role for the first time. I never knew I would experience so much joy in seeing it, but the truth is that it felt like breathing fresh air after being underwater for so long, without even realizing I was drowning. For the first time, someone out there saw a story like mine as relevant for the first time. I enjoyed all the movies I had seen in the past, which mostly featured white lead characters, and same-race relationships. But when I saw Belle, I felt like somebody finally noticed me, and that there is a story out there for people like me – not only for mixed-race people, but for the 15% of the American population who are in interracial It is a story of overcoming. It is a narrative of the ways we as a human race can rise up to the stereotypes, judgments, ills, and borders of the world, and know that there is something better, and that there is good in the world to latch on to and fight for. I am blessed to humbly represent even a glimmer of the reconciliation and love – even across the worlds of black and white – which God longs to pour out on the world. 1 Belle. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Web. January 4, 2015. <> 2 Smietana, Bob. Research: Racial Diversity at Church More Dream Than Reality. Lifeway Research, January 17, 2014. Web. January 4, 2015. 3 King James Version Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:12. 4 King James Version Bible. John 16:33. 5 Murphy, Michael; West, Alison. We Are the 15 Percent. Tumblr, June 5, 2013. Web. January 4, 2015.


storie + jason


from the bride:

real wedding

We enjoyed the challenge that Cory, Jason's uncle and the pastor of the church we married in, gave to our guests during our wedding ceremony. Cory challenged our guests to always remember why they were invited and reminded them that they had an obligation to be there for Jason and I during both the good and the bad times. He reminded them that on our wedding day, they witnessed Jason and I becoming one, and that if in the future we were to ask them for help, that they should give us the most honest advice and steer us in the right direction. Jason and I were very selective about who was there to celebrate our special day, and we both agree that these reminders played a big reason as to why. Our friends and family that were there that day love and support us and we feel so blessed to know that we can rely on them to abide by that challenge in the future when inevitable hard times come our way. When our pastor asked about starting the ceremony off with Ecclesiastes 4:12, we thought it was a great idea. Jason and I grew up in two different Christian churches, so when it came to wedding planning and discussions about family planning our beliefs at time contradicted each other. But the biggest priority that always brought us back together was our belief in God. We quickly learned that as long as we always kept God's place in our relationship that He would lead us to make the right decisions for our family. Even though it's so easy to get swept up in the craziness of your wedding day, it's important to stop and realize who created the relationship, and who will always be there to support our relationship and help it flourish.

Photography Stephanie Rita Photography Natick, MA

Venue The Marriot Hotel Keene, NH

Hair + Make-up Salon Exodus Keene, NH

Wedding Gown David's Bridal 16

day trip words and photos by Erika Boustead

Eugene, OR

If you ever find yourself on the west coast of America, or if you happen to live here (#westcoastbestcoast), you should definitely make your way up north sometime to visit Eugene, Oregon. You’ve probably never heard of it… I hadn’t either until I met my husband, and now I live here! It’s pretty much the perfect mix of quirky college hipster, and hippie homegrown urban. It seems like everything here is organic and local, and it feels like there’s a cute little coffee shop around every corner, especially in the downtown area closer to the University of Oregon campus. Should there happen to be a craving for caffeine while you’re in the area, Vero Espresso is the perfect place to stop in for a hot 16 oz. latte to stay, and a blueberry muffin… or you can get whatever you want of course. This corner house-converted coffee shop has the cutest living room interior, with lots of seating out on the front porch, but if that’s all full of college students studying, there is also a back porch with vintage couches and a cute neighborhood view. If you want a little more privacy and space, there’s a room upstairs to rent for any kind of event that you want to hold, and it too, is cozy and adorable. But that’s just in the morning. Where should you go in the afternoon when you start to get hungry?

Good question. Just a couple short one-way blocks and stop signs later, you could (and should) be dining at Cornucopia restaurant on W 17th Ave for lunch. They serve the best fries that I’ve had in a long time, especially alongside of their Big Baby Bleu burger, with avocado and bleu cheese. Which reminds me… invite me if you go? Just kidding, kinda. Anyway! They have a great outdoor seating area in the front on the sidewalk. But you can also sit on the back patio, where it’s a little quieter, and you can just kick back, relax around the fire, and enjoy some great company. Oregon is specially known for its awesome outdoor activity opportunities, so when you’re here, you should also visit Hendricks Park, a little closer to campus. Follow the signs to the entrance of the park, and then enjoy a beautiful walk around the typical Oregon forest, smelling the pine needles and the fresh crisp air. I happened to visit on the finest fall morning, with the air just cool enough to sting your nose if you breathed in too quickly, but warm enough to still allow for cute light layers and a chunky scarf. Taking a walk around that park, specifically the Rhododendron garden, or even opting for a more adventurous run through the trails, will probably begin your small love affair with Oregon.

"...kick back, relax around the fire, and enjoy 17

Another place that will only perpetuate that love affair is a little ice-cream shop downtown called Red Wagon Creamery. Besides serving eccentric, yet always delicious, handcrafted ice cream flavors like cantaloupe and cayenne sorbet and pumpkin pecan cheesecake, they also pride themselves in always sourcing all natural, local, organic, fair trade ingredients for their recipes. I chose their not-soplain-Jane vanilla, and of course their pumpkin pecan cheesecake, because who could pass that up. If I were on a lifelong journey to find the creamiest, most delicious vanilla ice cream that was ever created, it would stop right now, because I found it. Their ice cream is so good that different restaurants, stores, and bakeries around Eugene stock it for their customers as well. One of those bakeries is Sweet-Life Bakery, a dessert and espresso shop a short drive away, where you can satisfy all your sweets and coffee cravings, if they haven’t already been satisfied by coffee, ice cream, or coffee ice cream earlier that day. The entire place is decorated like an old fashioned bakery with loose tea, multiple flavors of meringues decorating the counter in pretty glass jars, and all the pastries of course, because they’re pretty good-looking too. I haven’t tried every single one of their desserts (new


lifelong journey?) but I’m absolutely positive that they’ll be scrumptious. When my husband and I visited, he got a double espresso and strawberry cheesecake, and I got a vanilla steamer with a little bowl of crème brulee. We sat around in the comfortably noisy sitting area with the other families, couples, and students for a nice little while, playing Yahtzee and enjoying our treats. I never realized it was such a hub of late night activity! There are so many things to love about Eugene, and these 5 places only begin to scratch the surface of all the different places that are worthwhile to see. If you’re planning on making a trip near here, you should totally check out, these places! If you do, make sure you bring your phone/camera to catch some of these Instagram-worthy sights and help preserve your memories of Eugene.

great company." 18

Secret Garden a very

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson-Burnett has been my favorite book since before I can remember. I love the storyline and sweet characters. The writing, as good writing should, allows me to conjure up gorgeous imagery in my head. So for our spring styled shoot, we (with the help of many amazing New England vendors) decided to create our very own secret garden! We picked deep purple, teal and gold jewel tones to give the table a luxurious look. We then accented the already-outdoorsy space with even more hints of wildlife that may be seen in a garden, like birds and dragonflies. The candles added a touch of romance, and of course we included a copy of the book that inspired it all! We hope this mini styled shoot sparks ideas for future celebrations of your own!


Photography: Stephanie Rita Photography | Natick, MA Styling: TarynAlyse Weddings+Events | Keene, NH Hair+Makeup: CEL Hair | Boston, MA Florals: Bella’s Garden | Winchendon, MA Cake: Chickadee Hill Cakes | Sanborton, NH Dress: Country Bridals | Jaffery, NH


Ceramic Birds: Hobby Lobby Teal Chargers: Michael’s Craft Stores Stationery: Letters from Rita | Natick, MA Candle Holders: Buffalo Exchange | Allston, MA Models: Ashleigh and Ian Dundas Location: Private Residence

Special thanks to our

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Christine Herbst


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23.01.2015 22:39:40

incredible friends and supporters! insta / twitter: @joie_mag

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