2 minute read
Steering a course
Ian Featherstone
Ian Featherstone is a business advisor and leadership coach, and the owner of Glass Half Full. He specialises in the construction industry, particularly the joinery & cabinetry sector.

For more information or to find out how you can move your team forward,please visit www.glasshalffull.co.nz
In today’s world, it’s easy to become task driven and go from one thing to another and lose sight of what is going on around us. When we feel like this and have so much to do, some of us will become even more focused and be even less aware of what others are doing or what they need from us.
In the last 2 decades, we have become surrounded by more communication devices, channels, systems, and apps, both socially and for business. These all provide an endless stream of information and alerts and disturbances that make it harder and harder for our human mind, which has hardly changed for hundreds, if not thousands of years, to focus, and be happy.
It’s easy to forget that humans are social animals and the best way we send and receive information is face to face, accompanied by gestures and other body language to acknowledge and verify that the message has been understood and received. We are not robots.
Many of us focus on systems, software, machines, processes, KPIs etc to find improvement. The effectiveness of these are multiplied hundreds of times, if good interpersonal communication and leadership is applied as part of the process.
Great leadership questions to ask ourselves are “what is the quality of our communication?” Right now? Today? This week? In our business? People like to know where they stand, to get feedback, to be informed, to have clear expectations and to simply have the information they need to do their job.
If we work to improve our communication to others, learn to observe ourselves and how others receive, then we have a wonderful opportunity to communicate better, to become a great coach and an effective leader plus be a better person for ourselves, our family and the community.
Key areas to work on at work are, job and team briefings, tool box meetings, company updates and how you might handle issues or crises that arise. Delivering feedback in a constructive way that helps people learn, grow, and be challenged in a positive way.
I would argue that 90% of your customers place more value on the way they are treated, kept informed and handled by your team, than on the products you make.
In the right environment, with the right inputs and energy we can grow ourselves and those around us in a sustainable, agreeable way.
Any good communication requires some planning, shooting from the hip, is sometimes required, however, most of the time, a few moments to think before we speak is much more effective.
Remember, unlike our systems, devices and apps, every person is different and has been programmed differently throughout their life, so understanding them and considering how they might receive, decode and respond to your message, and also how you interpret their response in return completes the cycle and understanding.
For those of use that like diagrams or models, see the one above from Daniela Ilieva-Koleva and Rosaliya Kasamska.