1 minute read
for a perfect finish start with GoldenEdge HMR0
GoldenEdge HMR0 is the proven MDF that provides a perfect paint finish. It’s that simple.
Eco friendly GoldenEdge HMR0 (high moisture resistance zero emissions) is rated E0 and comes in 9mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18mm and 25mm thicknesses.
It’s recommended for kitchen units, cabinets, bathroom vanities - everywhere a perfect paint finish is required.
GoldenEdge HMR0 is just one of the many MDF products provided by Nelson Pine Industries using the advanced technology of the Küsters continuous press and offering an unsurpassed range of board densities and thicknesses.
Eco Friendly helpingtheenvironment
Master Joiners 4
Andrew Reilly emphasises the need to be intentional in our plans for growth which includes providing good pathways for staff development.
Laminex Update 14
Mike Arthur outlines recent product launches, suggests a close look at online trading and wishes all the best for Christmas and the holidays.
NKBA news 74
The NKBA talk to two experienced cabinetmakers currently studying for the NZ Diploma in Kitchen Design about the importance of taking time out to upskill and train.
Steering a Course 76
Ian Featherstone reflects on his column content over the last two and a half years and provides the opportunity to revisit some of the ideas presented there.
Conference Renewed 16
After a two year hiatus the Master Joiners held a very successful conference in Blenheim in early September. Bob Nordgren delivers a wrap on the weekend and found it to be social, educational and convivial.

Smart Factories 20

From moving panel to cutting components to labelling parts for assembly, automation and robotics are increasingly evident in our production processes. A look at innovations and developments in manufacturing systems.
Smart Living 38

From access and entry to lighting and heating, remote control and powered enhancement of household functions is an option in both residential and commercial fit-outs. Innovations and apps that make our day to day activities more convenient.
Smart Nish 54
Handles can be hard to choose not least because there is so much variety. We showcase example from several suppliers to assist with that difficult question of “what handles do you want with that”.

News & Info 4 - 18
State of the Industry 80
NZJMF membership 82
Classifieds 88
Advertiser index 88
Winning Stairs 60
This years Supreme award winner from the Master Joiners Excellence Awards is a truly outstanding staircase from Auckland firm Cutting Innovations. Bob Nordgren caught up with Managing Director Alec Stringer to talk about the build.