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Intentional Growth
The Master Joiners Conference 2022 breakout sessions discussed ideas that incorporated our theme ‘Inspired to lead’ . There was no doubt that many conference attendees went back to share their wisdom - and to lead their team in an everchanging world. With leadership, it follows there will be growth, right?
Our theme for the conference 2023 is ‘inspired to grow’. A scary thought for many, to step out of the box that they are so safely in, but you cannot get to where you want to be by remaining where you are. Being intentional can create strategic growth.
The meaning of growth is to undergo natural development, increasing in size, changing physically or develop gradually. We can only grow when we are open to it. But what does that mean? How do you begin? Is it just you? Is it your business? Or is it your entire team? Conference 2023 plans to dig deep on how we can as an industry look at all dimensions of intentional growth, and how we can do it together as an industry and a profession. May 2023, save the date.
Our member services have grown recently with the addition of the exclusive joinery focussed health and safety resource provided by HASANZ and ACC. This resource can be downloaded from the members resource section of the Master Joiners website and is produced for our members information and guidance on health and safety. It includes a variety of useful tools to support your organisations health and safety systems and process. This is so accessible; it just needs your deployment; the action of bringing resources into effective action.
Growth is as growth does, what are your growth challenges? Do you have a growth strategy in mind? Is it about taking on more staff or upskilling your current staff to progress within your business?
Share your views and growth mindsets - attend conference 2023.