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Leitz tooling systems Australian made tools for your success
With nine out of ten CNC machines sold in Australia and New Zealand being nesting machines, one of the most-used cutting tools is the small diameter router cutter.
Manufacturers utilising panel products, solid wood and advanced materials for production of goods where manufactured boards are the main raw material (kitchens, office furniture etc), are always looking to increase production while reducing unit costs. A small diameter cutter is required to reduce the amount of waste in a nested board, but this can reduce production speed. The tool also needs to eliminate any breakout on both surfaces of the material, resulting in the call for a very unique and complex tool.
Enter the compression cutter that has completely revolutionised the small scale, high turnover nested manufacturing cabinet industry in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom – the Carbide Compression Router Cutter. It’s fair to say that the small diameter router bit is one of the hardest working tools used by the industry.
Compression cutters for nesting historically have been imported from the United States, Europe and now SE Asia, but a few years ago, Leitz ANZ considered the possibility of manufacturing them locally. Andrew Bismire, Product Manager of Leitz Australia, states; “We said at the time we’d love to be able to make these cutters ourselves. It’s something we can do that’s purely Australian and would add unique benefits to both Leitz and our local manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand.”
Following the belief that a CNC Machine is only as good as the tools being used, the Compression Router Cutter range developed by Leitz ANZ is produced to exact high precision standards required by their German parent company. With over 145years experience producing cutting tools for the woodworking industry, Leitz is one of the top producers of quality, premium tools in the world. This rich Leitz history has ensured that Leitz ANZ has the technical knowledge and skill to manufacture these highly engineered and complex tools.
There were some compelling economic reasons to manufacture in Australia; largely being the ability to provide speed of supply to the local market.There are significant benefits to local manufacturers. An example of this is the partnership that resulted with ANCA – a market leader in quality CNC grinding machines, and an Australian local success story.
Leitz already had several pieces of high-end grinding equipment for automatic sharpening of cutting tools, but only one machine for producing router bits. To meet the expected product demand, a higher output machine was required, as well as one that could produce at a standard that would satisfy Leitz’ exacting tolerances. Leitz installed one Australian made ANCA FX7 Linear 5-axis tool grinder equipped with a robot inside the cabinet for changing router cutters and grinding wheels. This was soon followed by a second ANCA FX7 machine.
These machines can run unattended, with a capacity of several hundred router bits at a time and are equipped with a refrigerated coolant system to ensure that heat does not affect the fine tolerances the machine works to. The ANCA FX7s are fully programmable– ensuring consistent high-quality standards of every router bit produced.The ANCA machine puts Leitz at the forefront of router manufacturing in the region.
Striving for the utmost quality in everything they do, Leitz only uses the best quality carbide rod for their router bits. Carbide can be made from soft to hard, so the right grade is required to get the most life from the tools, while not being too brittle and breaking under load. Both characteristics are important in a quality tool and the reputation of Leitz and their customer’s production depends on it.

Due to this this local production, these compression bits can be customised to suit individual manufacturer’s needs and a large range of machines. Andrew says “We chase microns to get the desired result for our customers.
Provided the customer has a machine where the collet is in good condition and holds the bit over its entire clamping length, we can achieve up to 40% more tool life from the cutters we make here in Australia.” This has been verified by a manufacturer capable of recording actual lineal metres, in trials conducted in conjunction with Leitz ANZ.
Leitz ANZ’s achievement of producing these tools has increased local production levels and reduced delivery times across the region for customers while maintaining the highest
Australian Made tools for your Success
quality. It also increases local tool production skill, an opportunity for apprenticeship programs and a long-term benefit to the industry. The compression router bits carry the Australian Made logo and have proven to be hugely popular with manufacturers keen on supporting local productions.
Leitz stand by their motto ‘Solutions in New Dimensions’ and they are forging new dimensions with Australian Made tool solutions.
0800 578 665 sales@leitz.co.nz
A CNC Machine is only as good as the tools being used.
At Leitz New Zealand our Compression Router Cutter range is produced in Australia, to exact high precision standards required by our German parent company. Our coated Carbide Compression Router bits provide up to a 40% increase in edge life and are available for all common material sizes.
Productivity & Efficiency
We offer a comprehensive range of carbide compression routers, covering all common material sizes Only the best quality of carbide rod selected, using the correct grade for each tool design to achieve maximum performance.

With our local manufacture we can produce special sizes upon request
Leitz offers a uniform sharpening service with quality to our worldwide standards
Made locally in Australia, available ex stock in Auckland
Longer tool lifetime
“That’s how I’d sell it to potential Cabinetry.Online customers,” says Kevin Jacobs, owner of Tassie Cabinets. “I’d say it’s just like hiring another person, but you’re not paying their wages. I reckon it’s an excellent system.”
In 2014, Kevin took the big step and moved from being a sole proprietor making kitchen cabinets (then KevJake Cabinets) to establishing Tassie Cabinets, which is now the leading cut-tosize manufacturer in Tasmania. Kevin’s success with Tassie Cabinets is not only a financial one, but has also overflowed into his community by way of employment opportunities and his support of up and coming sportsmen and local projects.

Accelerating growth
Prior to Tassie Cabinets, whilst installing cabinets, Kevin realised there was potential to do more. “I just wanted to cut for other people,” explained Kevin, “I thought there was a market.” So he moved from the shed at home into a factory. He took the leap and invested in a CNC machine and came on board with Cabinetry. Online. “I wanted to cut for other people and Cabinetry.Online gave me that opportunity. It is an easy ordering system and works like a treat.”
“It’s been an awesome experience. Awesome opportunity,” says Kevin on using Cabinetry.Online.
“I walked into my shed 10 years ago by myself. Now I’ve got 16 people on my books.” A milestone for Tassie Cabinets was opening a display shop in central Launceston.
Not only has Tassie Cabinets’ premises and staff count grown, but their turnover has also experienced impressive growth. “It’s grown substantially, Cabinetry.Online has really helped with that.” When asked to give an indication on their increase in turnover, Kevin chuckles, “I don’t know if there is an accounting term for s*** loads. Since I’ve started, it’s been exponential growth. Year on year.”
Streamlining processes
“Cabinetry.Online really helped with the online ordering. It made quoting and the whole process a lot quicker,” explains Kevin.
“It’s fantastic. You can put fields where you want anything, like the drawers, whatever size you want, whatever hardware you want to use, it’s all there. It’s like hiring another person without hiring them.”
When chatting about his customers’ experience with Cabinetry.Online, Kevin says, “It’s a no brainer. They can draw something up, put it through my Cabinetry.Online portal. Made to measure. The data they input is what they get. It’s a great process.”
Tassie Cabinets use a number of the cabinetry software solutions from Cabinets By Computer. They use Cabinetry.Online for their online quoting and ordering, KD Max for designing and 3D renders, and WoodCAM as their CAM software. “It’s not just Cabinetry. Online, KD Max and WoodCAM are fantastic. The speed that I can draw up a project and quote is really good,“ remarks Kevin. “So that’s what has really helped me in my growth. I’ve often drawn up and quoted a house-lot of cabinetry in four hours. Previously it would have taken me a couple of days!”
Support and after-sales service
“Another reason why Cabinetry. Online is so good for us is because it’s local,” explains Kevin on dealing with Cabinetry.Online. “You can call someone any time of the day and the help and assistance is there when you need it, it’s fantastic.
It’s been exceptional. The help and support we get from the team is great. The staff are welltrained and knowledgeable. If they can’t sort it out or answer the question, they’ll get whoever can onto it and learn something from it themselves,” says Kevin on the support he gets from the Cabinetry.Online support team.
“They’ve got a good team and they all try to help you out as much as they can.”
Supporting Local “Tasmanians love to support local,” states Kevin. “It’s very community-based and a lot of community spirit. But if they can shop local and keep their jobs here, they will.” Kevin attributes his success partly to the strong community spirit of the Tasmanian people. At the same time, Kevin returns this support. One of his current beneficiaries is an up and coming local boxer who has just turned professional. “He only had his first fight a couple of months ago. He used to work for me as a delivery driver. He’s going to be great, watch him!”
Advice to those considering their next big step
“It’s an easy process. It’s a great process. More people should be on board,” says Kevin on onboarding with Cabinetry.Online. “I’d say go for it, it will certainly help increase your production and increase your sales. If you’ve got the right marketing, you’ll get the right customers and then you’ll go really well.”
Are you ready to take the next step with your cut-to-size business? Contact us on hello@ cabinetryonline.co or phone +61 1300 783 997 to chat to a Cabinetry. Online representative.