3 minute read
The newest normal
Iwonder what the newest normal will look like. It’s mid-February and Auckland has returned to level 3 and the rest of the country to level 2. Deja vu? One very real threat just now is that we may need to postpone our conference again if event sizes are restricted to 100 people. That would be hugely disappointing considering the work that has gone into standing up the Inspired Conference 2.0 and the Excellence Awards. The conference is organised from Master Joiners National Office and thanks must go to Allison and her team for top job they are doing and the perseverance they have for navigating the obstacles around event management in the newest normal. The support for our event from industry is fantastic with some key partnerships formed and all the event space sold out. We are very appreciative of the enthusiasm Industry Suppliers have shown in supporting the conference financially and with alignment of their brands with the programme content.
If my preferred version of the newest normal has come to fruition, then reading this should be a reminder for the slow starters to get a conference registration in so you don’t miss out on attending what I’m sure will be a great event and a rare opportunity to catch up with those you haven’t seen since Invercargill 2019. This will also be our opportunity to celebrate excellence in our trade and at the same time showcase to the wider industry and public the skills our member companies use to create great spaces. A big tick to those who have made the time to prepare entries into the awards, it has required more dedication that in other years given the demands on time and resources. Thank you.
With the newest normal come the challenges around being organised and planning ahead. Supply issues require us to think differently to how we have in other years. We are now back to carrying more stock and needing to order weeks or even months in advance to secure materials. There is cost to all this and we’re not the same “just in time, waste eliminating” efficient industry we were. This is the newest normal. I guess we’re all increasing our mental fitness. We are required to be much more agile that in the past and adapt to situations as they have developed. I hope you’re doing okay and making sure there is time for family, staying healthy, and taking care of yourself. Don’t forget there is a strong Master Joiners community who understand and that can lend a hand if you need –don’t go it alone
I’m very proud of the work the Master Joiners Executive have done over the last few years. There is a solid strategic direction that sits over the top of the challenges of Covid and lockdowns. The plan that is in place sets the course for doing the right things at the right time. Many of the pieces of the puzzle have been completed already, and there are good people leading each of the three themes – Education, Membership, and Advocacy. This might all sound like something that won’t make a difference in your situation, and yes the more notable benefits may be for us as a whole industry – the tribe, but increasingly the tactics will deliver an even better Master Joiners experience for each of the regions – the village and from there into our individual business’s – our family. As with every organisation change is required to reflect the changes in community and the way we go about our lives and conduct business. For those who have been Master Joiner members for many years you’ll recognise that we need to do things differently these days, try new things, and appeal to a different consumer. The challenge is to accept a move away from the way things have always been done. The newest normal
The Master Joiners AGM is scheduled for May and this will bring my tenure as National President to an end. Its gone so fast! I feel very privileged to hold the position and can honestly say its one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. I have a much broader perspective of our industry and what makes it tick. An understanding for members and how diverse our situations all are. I have met some very inspirational people and banked useful experience as challenges have been overcome. I have made time in my week to fulfil the role and no I didn’t think I had any spare time either but like all things we are passionate about, I made some space, I have been more efficient. The return on that time investment has been huge. I have developed skills that my business benefits from, especially around strategic thinking and governance. I have a more sustainable business with an organised and skilled team.
It is the AGM season and the regions will each be looking for someone just like you to put your hand up and do your bit. There is a lot of satisfaction and pride to be taken from voluntarily taking on a role for the good of the game and represent your region, or country – probably much like All Blacks used to feel before the massive salaries and endorsements came along. I’m certain you wouldn’t regret stepping forward to help to progress our strategic direction and foster our networks ensuring that Joinery and our allied trades remain sustainable and rewarding for all involved.
See you in Hamilton, best of luck with the newest normal
Paul Ingram National President Registered Master Joiners
