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Three LIGNA events on digital platform in September
Witha triad of Expo, Conference and Networking, the LIGNA. Innovation Network (LIGNA.IN) will offer an alternative digital platform from September 27 to 29, 2021 to the international woodworking and wood processing industry. Preparations for the new digital event are in full swing. Exhibitors can now register for the LIGNA.Innovation Network and book their digital participation packages in the LIGNA Shop. The new online event is being organized by Deutsche Messe, Hannover together with the VDMA Woodworking Machinery along the focus topics of LIGNA.
The LIGNA.Innovation Network is getting positive feedback from the industry. Many companies welcome the new platform, which, despite contact restrictions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, gives them the opportunity to stay in touch with the market, present products and innovations, and get access to new contacts on the customer and partner side.
“For HOMAG, LIGNA is the leading trade show in our industry and we see the digital event as an important element for staying in touch with customers and bridging the gap until LIGNA.23. The insights gained from this event are also an important basis for the design of LIGNA.23,” comments Dr. Markus Vöge, Executive Vice President Global Sales & Service, HOMAG GmbH .
For Oliver Kunzweiler, Director Central Marketing, Michael Weinig AG, LIGNA.Innovation Network offers a substitute for cancelled trade shows:
“WEINIG has been a committed LIGNA exhibitor for decades. This year, we are continuing this partnership and are supporting the LIGNA.Innovation Network. Even though there is no alternative for the personal contact at a trade show for us, this new, digital platform is a good way for staying in touch with customers and partners worldwide and an important format for getting access to new contacts.” www.ligna.de
The digital participation packages offer exhibitors high international reach, new opportunities for interaction with digital participants and new formats for lead generation. Exhibitors can choose the package in the formats S, M, L and XL with different services. Depending on the scope of the package booked, these include exhibitor streaming, videos in the product media library, participation in business dating, company and product presentations with various dialog functions, as well as the generation of new business contacts, based on interaction of digital trade show visitors with digital exhibitor offerings.